Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 451 Zhou Zhiruo’s Three Days

Murong Fu turned his head when he heard this and looked at Zhou Zhiruo on the side.

His eyes were very intrusive, looking at the spring light on her chest, and said:

Haha, I am not in the mood to interfere with his faction's internal affairs.

As long as this Leader Zhang doesn't mess with me anymore.

Master Zhou, have you thought about it, do you want to accompany me for three days?

Zhou Zhiruo's face froze and she said in a deep voice: What do you think of me as the leader?

Murong Fu smiled: Haha, actually, if Master Zhou doesn't accompany me, I will return the [Yitian Sword] to you.

Really? Zhou Zhiruo looked at Murong Fu doubtfully and thought to herself, is this guy just teasing her?

Of course it is true, but I have a small request. Murong Fu said with a smile.

That's all I am. You are not so easy to talk to. If you have any requests, just ask them directly. Zhou Zhiruo showed a hint of contempt.

Murong Fu glanced at Zhou Zhiruo and Jingxuan for a few times and said:

I want the [Wuji Elixir] from the Emei Sect.

Huh? Zhou Zhiruo said in surprise: How do you know that our Emei Sect has the [Wuji Immortal Pill]?

After saying that, he realized: Song Qingshu told you.

Murong Fu said calmly: It doesn't matter who told me this.

If you give me the [Wuji Immortal Pill], I will return the [Eternal Sword] to you.

Fair deal.

Zhou Zhiruo looked ugly, but had no other choice.

Murong Fu's strength is obvious to all. With her ability, trying to steal it head-on is simply a fantasy.

However, [Wuji Elixir] is also a treasure of the Emei Sect.

She didn't want to give up either of them, so she said angrily: What if I don't choose both?

Murong Fu said with a haha smile:

Then I, the King, will say goodbye.

As for my king rescuing you, don't take it to heart. I won't talk nonsense.

You... Zhou Zhiruo was so angry that she felt that Murong Fu was her nemesis.

It makes her feel weak every time.

Master, why don't you just stay with the leader for three days? Jingxuan said calmly.

You... Zhou Zhiruo glared at Jingxuan, this senior sister really didn't take her as the leader seriously.

Master, at this point, you don't want to ask Chief Murong for an explanation.

Seeing that Zhou Zhiruo was silent, Jingxuan reminded him in a low voice.

Want an explanation?

Yes, that’s right!

Although it was Song Qingshu who administered the medicine, it was Murong Fu who benefited.

You can't just give your innocent body away just because you say it?

Zhou Zhiruo suddenly realized, her beautiful eyes fixed on Murong Fu:

Okay, I'll stay with you for three days, and you'll give me back the Heavenly Sword.

Looking at Zhou Zhiruo who felt slightly guilty, Murong Fu just smiled calmly:

Okay, then you can follow me back to the palace.

Go back home? Murong's old house? Zhou Zhiruo said in surprise.

Yeah. Murong Fu nodded.

No! Zhou Zhiruo and Jingxuan objected in unison.

It's not like the two of them don't have a house to live in the city.

Song Qingshu was then taken away by Yu Lianzhou.

If they went to live in Murong's old house, wouldn't it be true?

Murong Fu said proudly, Why don't I follow you back to your place of residence?

This... Jingxuan and Zhou Zhiruo still shook their heads.

Murong Fu smiled: This won't work, that won't work either. What do you want me to do?

Jingxuan explained: The affairs between Alliance Leader Murong and the leader must not be known to outsiders.

Otherwise, the head of my family may not be able to live in this world.

Murong Fu nodded, Song Qingshu wanted to take revenge on Zhang Wuji.

Give Zhou Zhiruo to herself.

Now that his great revenge has been avenged, he is naturally very happy.

Don't go around talking nonsense.

As for Zhang Wuji, he seems to have no intention of giving up on Zhou Zhiruo.

I probably won't tell anyone.

As for me, I got the most benefits from half-promotion, so naturally I would not tell it.

Come to think of it, Zhou Zhiruo had to hide it if he wanted to.

That's good. The palace that Lai Buyi built for me has just been built.

Aside from some books borrowed from the palace, there are only some servants inside.

You come with me and stay for a few days.

Zhou Zhiruo gritted her teeth and agreed: Okay!

At this time, there was a rush of footsteps coming from under the tower.

Murong Fu looked down and saw the city guards of Gusu City.

He knew the leading young man, his name was Ji Hongyu.

Prince? Ji Hongyu received a report that the Huqiu Tower was blown to pieces.

Immediately brought the soldiers to check.

I thought I had found a suspect.

Unexpectedly, the first person I saw was my own prince.

Haha, Ji Hongyu! Murong Fu asked with a smile.

When Ji Hongyu heard this, Murong Fu clearly called out his name.

Immediately, he was flattered and knelt down on the ground with excitement:

My lord, you know the young one.

Murong Fu stretched out his hand to help him up:

Didn't I teach you the rules? There is no need to be polite when wearing armor.

Ji Hongyu touched his head, stood up and said:

It was a small one. I forgot about it when I got excited.

Murong Fu knew that Ji Hongyu was young and simple-minded, so he said:

Are you here to find out the cause of the Tiger Hill Tower explosion?

Ji Hongyu nodded and said: Your Majesty is wise, and there were reports from the common people last night.

It is said that there are immortals singing and dancing on the top of the tower.

Originally, the prefect, I didn't pay much attention to it.

But I didn't expect that just now, it suddenly exploded.

The debris fell to the ground, smashing many houses.

Murong Fu asked anxiously: Are there any civilian casualties?

Ji Hongyu thought for a while and said: So far, only a few people have been slightly injured, but no one has died.

Murong Fu breathed a sigh of relief and explained:

I have competed with others here before.

I didn't want to lose control of my strength and smash two floors.

It almost caused serious trouble.

Ji Hongyu was stunned and looked up at the empty top of the tower.

Shocked and speechless.

Just how strong is your prince?

The top of the tower was blown to pieces!

Back...back to the prince, they are all fine.

Murong Fu nodded and said domineeringly:

Pass this king's order to have all the destroyed houses and the top of the Tiger Hill Pagoda repaired as soon as possible.

All expenses will be borne by the king.

“Remember to put the people first and never leave them homeless.”

Ji Hongyu said loudly: Your Majesty is wise, kind and loving to the people.

Murong Fu smiled faintly and then immediately became serious:

Don't say any more flattery. I'll leave this matter to you.

Don't let me, the king, hear about anyone taking bribes or corrupting the people.

The expression on Ji Hongyu's face became very exciting.

He is just a small city guard.

Logically speaking, he was not even qualified to see Murong Fu.

Now that he was entrusted with a task, he couldn't be happier.

He quickly patted his chest and promised:

Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will definitely complete the task seriously.

Haha, okay, I am optimistic about you. Murong Fu patted Ji Hongyu's shoulder again.

Immediately, he turned his head to look at Zhou Zhiruo and Jingxuan, made a gesture of invitation, and said:

You two, let's go.

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