Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 458 Murder and Sacrifice Flag

Bao BuTong smiled proudly and said, This ship has a great beginning. My lord, do you like it?

When Murong Fu looked at the seven-foot-tall ship in the distance, he suddenly woke up and said excitedly:

Could it be a big ship from the Ming Dynasty?...

Bao BuTong showed a hint of admiration and said, Your Majesty is indeed well-informed.

This ship is exactly the treasure ship that Zheng He used to sail to the Western Ocean during the reign of Emperor Hongwu of the Ming Dynasty.

However, it was abandoned by the Ming Dynasty due to disrepair.

Later, my subordinates bought it back and put a lot of effort into renovating it.

It's just for your use now.

Murong Fu patted Bao Dong's shoulders and said happily:

Brother Bao San really has extraordinary vision. I like this treasure ship very much.

Bao BuTong saluted and said, If the young master likes it, we are happy.

Murong Fu said carelessly: When Japan is captured, I will also give Third Brother a great gift.

Haha, it's easy to say, but Master, you haven't given our army a name yet.

Murong Fu thought for a while and said, Let's call it [Orca Army]!

Bao BuTong touched his head.

[Orca Army]?

Excuse me for being stupid, but what is a killer whale?

Murong Fu was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered the ancient people.

He probably didn’t know about killer whales yet, so he explained:

This thing is the overlord in the deep sea. Even a real dragon will be wary of it if it sees it.

Bao BuTong showed a true look:

Old Bao knows it. If the young master remembers his name, he is knowledgeable.

Now, go tell those boys and make them happy.

Murong Fu laughed haha and said:

Let's go, together!

[Orca Army] The second day of establishment.

Fifteen miles away from the east gate of Huating, point the general to step forward.

A group of soldiers escorted a group of slaves and slowly appeared in front of Murong Fu and others.

Bao BuTong stood on the stage, turned around and looked at Murong Fu, who was wearing armor, and gave him a look of invitation.

Murong Fu nodded and walked to the stage.

Looking down at the Japanese slaves being held like dogs by his own soldiers, I felt a sense of disgust in my heart. He said loudly:

In order to keep it secret, there must be many brothers who don't know where we are going next.

Where to fight!

What are you trying to fight!


Most of the [Orca Army] were upright men on the beach. When they heard Murong Fu asked, they immediately replied:

Your Majesty is right!

We really don't know where we're going.

Murong Fu smiled, what he feared the most in this kind of situation was the silence.

To tell you the truth, I want to take you to fight against Japan!

Go now, go right away!

When they heard that Japan was being attacked, the soldiers suddenly started muttering.

Where is Japan!

How do you fight?

Even the four famous arresters and the brothers from [Six Gates] who joined later were stunned and expressed doubts.

Some people even thought Murong Fu was crazy.

From ancient times to the present.

Only the Japanese come to harass China. I have never heard of any dynasty attacking Japan.

It’s not that I don’t dare.

It’s not like he doesn’t have that strength.

The most important thing is that the terrain in the sea is complicated.

It’s thankless to go back and forth.

The reward is far greater than the effort.

However, our Lord Yan, we will not care what others think.

He hated Japanese people, it was a hatred engraved in his bones.

In this life, he would rather not establish a dynasty than destroy Japan.

Immediately, he pointed at the 10,000 Japanese slaves below with a big hand and said:

They are like a bunch of pests, robbing our money and our women.

What's even more disgusting is that they treat our compatriots like pigs and dogs, humiliating and killing them wantonly.

Which of your relatives has not been killed by Japanese people?

Who's relatives have not been insulted by Japanese people?

As soon as this statement came out,

One by one, the soldiers of the [Orca Army] shouted:

My father was killed by Japan!

They don't treat us as human beings at all!

At this time, a veteran took off his hat and burst into tears, saying:

I also saw them pushing a pregnant woman into the fire to roast her.

Halfway through the roasting, I pulled the woman out and cut open her belly.

Throw the baby alive inside to death!

The others were stunned, and the noisy scene suddenly became quiet.

Even Murong Fu was stunned?

Bao BuTong asked with some embarrassment: Brother, how did you know about this?

The veteran roared: Because that woman and child are my wife and son!

Those bastard Japanese tied me to a stake and watched helplessly as my wife and children were killed by them.

I swear, whenever I have a chance in this life, I will seek revenge on these sons of bitches!

The scene fell into silence again.

After a while, Murong Fu pointed at the Japanese slave and said:

There are ten thousand Japanese slaves here, which the king uses to sacrifice the flag!

Today, I want you to collect some interest first!

Kill as many as you can!

The veteran was startled and froze at the scene, muttering: Really?

Bao BuTong said loudly: The prince asked you to kill him, why don't you kill him quickly?

Everyone must remember that Japanese people are not worthy of being human beings, they are just a bunch of living beasts!

Your Majesty has an order. Anyone who kills hundreds of people will be promoted to a higher rank!

After hearing this, the [Orca Army] could no longer control the anger in their hearts, and rushed towards the group of Japanese slaves who were firmly tied up with their swords raised.

Seeing this scene, the Japanese slaves were as frightened as dead dogs.

They all knelt on the ground and kowtowed, and begged for mercy in their mouths.

Unfortunately, their lives are destined not to survive tomorrow.

The [Orca Army]'s hatred for them was like a volcano that had been suppressed for a long time, completely erupting at this moment.

Pfft~ Pfft~

The sound of knives chopping meat spread throughout the venue.

The blood soon gathered into a river and flowed into the ditch that had been dug.

Slowly entering the sea and dyeing it red.

Broken bones, rotten flesh, and the smell of blood flew and filled the air.

In the field, there were some people who had rarely seen killings before.

For example, Song Tianer, Li Hongxiu, and Su Rongrong.

They all couldn't help it, turned around and found a deserted place to vomit.

Even the well-informed four famous arresters and the agents of [Six Doors] were shocked by such a brutal scene.

Mainly not as miserable as the three girls, but they all turned pale.

Tie Shou tried to stop him several times, but Wu Qing shook his head to stop him, signaling him to be silent.

Murong Fu noticed everyone's performance.

Looking at the anger and hatred in the soldiers' eyes, he was extremely satisfied and said three times:

Okay, okay, okay, you should be so bold and ruthless when dealing with Japanese people!

Everyone stop and get on the boat as planned!

Follow me and destroy this bastard nation together!

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