Wang Mi was so shocked that she was so frightened that she took a few steps back subconsciously.

The guard on the side saw this and quickly stood in front of her.

They all put their hands on the weapons at their waists and said:

How dare you be so rude to the princess!

Bao BuTong's face turned cold and he was about to step forward to deal with them.

Don't...don't do it!

Wang Mi seemed to realize the seriousness of the problem and quickly pleaded:

I'm sorry, Prince Murong, I was worried that you and Tokugawa Ieyasu were in the same group, so...

Murong Fu shook his head, this woman is really stupid.

If he was with Tokugawa Ieyasu, how could he not recognize the other party's flag?

What's the use of lying if it's not Tokugawa Ieyasu's group? It just adds to the conflict, he said with a smile:

Princess Wang Mi, don't be nervous.

My relationship with Tokugawa Ieyasu is not good. This old boy always brings people to harass my fief.

I came here this time to teach him a lesson so that he won't bite people like a mad dog in his next life.

When Wang Mi heard this, he knew that Murong Fu had a grudge against Tokugawa Ieyasu, and he immediately showed a hint of joy and said:

That's great. It turns out you are from the Central Plains.

I know that there is a saying among you in the Central Plains that the enemy of your enemy is your friend.

I wonder if we could be friends?

Murong Fu smiled and said, Of course, for a woman as beautiful as you.

It's an honor to be your friend! M..

Wang Mi looked shy, lowered his head and said:

Your Majesty, you have given me too much praise.

Murong Fu smiled, but didn't wait to speak.

There was a sound of fighting in my ears.

It turned out that it was Watanabe Gouqiu who caught up with Wang Mi's fleet.

Throwing iron ropes and jumping ships to attack, Murong Fu's fleet was not taken into consideration at all.

Your Majesty, please send someone to save my subordinates. Wang Mi begged.

Murong Fu gave Bao Tong a look, and the latter cupped his hands and said:

Your Majesty, leave it to your subordinates.

Murong Fu smiled: I'll help you, third brother!

Bao BuTong bowed his hands and saluted, waved a few flags, and led the [Orca Army] towards Watanabe Gouqiu's ship.

The soldiers of the [Orca Army] showed excited expressions.

With a roar like a rainbow, Murong Fu started his first battle for hegemony in Japan.

The battle was not as fierce as expected.

The team led by Watanabe Gouqiu is just a bunch of chickens and dogs.

In about half an hour, they were almost wiped out by the [Orca Army].

However, Japanese people do have one characteristic.

As long as you subdue him, he will beg for mercy from you like a dog.

Kneel down and see our king! Bao BuTong begged Watanabe, who was captured, and slapped him hard.

Instead of being angry, the latter was very respectful:


Murong Fu said calmly: You Japanese people, don't stay in Japan properly.

Isn't it too much to come here to capture Ryukyu's princess?

Watanabe Gouqiu glanced down at Wang Mi and said:

The villain came out under the order of General Tokugawa to capture the princess and bring her back to marry her.

Murong Fu was greatly surprised and mocked:

According to the knowledge of this article, Tokugawa Ieyasu is already an old man of half a century.

He wants to marry this princess? Isn't it a little too shameless?

Wang Mi’s guard cursed: “Tokugawa Ieyasu, that old dog.”

I want to completely control Ryukyu through marriage.

So that he can fulfill his ambition to unify the surrounding islands.

Murong Fu was slightly startled, laughing to himself that he underestimated these Japanese dwarfs.

Haha, this old boy understands the way of Zongheng.

It's a pity that his fate was not good and he met this king.

If you want to unify the surrounding islands, I'm afraid it won't be possible in this lifetime.

Watanabe Gouqiu asked in confusion: My lord, what do you mean?

You don't need to ask what it means, but remember to choose a good place in your next life.

After Murong Fu finished speaking, he waved his hand gently, and the soldier raised his knife and chopped off Watanabe Gouqiu's head.

Gulu Gulu's head was not willing to accept death and rolled to Wang Mi's feet.

He stared at the other person with wide eyes.


Wang Mi was frightened, turned around and threw herself into Murong Fu's arms.

Murong Fu felt a faint feminine fragrance coming into his nose and said with a smile:

Don't be afraid princess, it's just a dead man.

I'm sorry, I lost my temper. Wang Mi lowered his head shyly.

Murong Fu touched Wang Mi's forehead and said:

It doesn't matter, it's not your fault.

The only thing to blame is him. He is so ugly that he scared our beautiful princess.

As soon as Wang Mi heard the compliment, his shy face became even more rosy, he took a step back and whispered:

It's not as good as you say.

Murong Fu, as the old King of the Sea, naturally knew that he should be relaxed and moderate.

Don’t just praise the other person:

Haha, princess, if you don't mind, just rest on my king's treasure ship.

Wang Mi was stunned and asked, Is this convenient?

What's the inconvenience? If the princess comes, it will definitely make the king's treasure ship even more beautiful. Murong Fu smiled and gave Bao BuTong a wink.

The other party immediately understood and made a gesture of invitation.

Perhaps it was because of Bao BuTong's previous rude temper that scared Wang Mi and his men.

They didn't say anything more and left directly with Bao BuTong.

Lai Wenjun, who was always by Murong Fu's side, pouted and said:

This little girl is young and has a wild mind.

Murong Fu looked at Lai Wenjun in surprise and said:

Lao Lai, I never thought that your mind would move very quickly when you don't drink.

Lai Wenjun said with an embarrassed look on his face: What's the point? Lao Lai, I am also an adult who can recite the I Ching and the South China Sutra by heart.

Haha, you are so smart. Murong Fu praised Lai Wenjun.

Then he looked at the newly captured dozens of small ships and said:

This first battle was really boring.

Lai Wenjun took out the wine gourd from his waist, counted again and again with his fingers, and said:

My lord, don't worry, you will be able to fight when you come out this time.

Although the Japanese island is not big, it has a large population.

If we want to completely defeat them, we need 60,000 troops.

I'm afraid it will be difficult to achieve within three to five to seven years.

Murong Fu stretched out three fingers and laughed: Haha, I still have an army of 300,000 troops, which will arrive soon.

Which Japanese island country will take three to five to seven years? Isn't this a missed opportunity for me to conquer the world?

Lai Wenjun was stunned and said curiously:

King Yan, where did you get the 300,000 troops? Why have I never heard of it?

Murong Fu said: The mountain people have their own clever plans, and I have my own destiny. The 300,000 troops are borrowed from me by God.

Lai Wenjun shook his head, took a few gulps of old wine, and said in a confused voice:

Infinite Heavenly Lord, we in King Yan are trying to trick me again.

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