Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 472 Tokugawa Ieyasu’s reaction

Huh? Tokugawa Ieyasu asked, Where did her soldiers and horses come from?

Duan Tianya said in a deep voice: If there is nothing wrong, her troops are the same troops that King Murong Fu of Yan disappeared.

Oh? Yes. Tokugawa Ieyasu nodded: You mentioned it before.

Then what should we do? Sakakihara Yasumasa worried: Murong Fu's people are not easy to deal with.

Should we send someone to talk to him?

Tokugawa Ieyasu said in a deep voice: Don't worry, he doesn't have many people.

Before negotiating, we must first figure out what their purpose is!

Honda Tadakatsu reminded: General, they killed our shogunate general.

We should send someone to investigate.

Tokugawa Ieyasu thought for a moment and said:

You are right, if my general is killed, nothing will happen.

Then King Yan still thinks that Tokugawa Ieyasu is easy to bully?

Sakakihara Yasumasa was a rough man. He scratched his head and asked:

General, we don't seem to have anyone here suitable to negotiate.

Honda Tadakatsu smiled and said: Negotiations are small, and exploring their details is our real purpose.

Ah, who is suitable for that faction? Sakakihara Yasumasa asked.

Tokugawa Ieyasu thought again and again, and finally looked at Duan Tianya.

Jun Tianya, we are not familiar with King Yan's army. Can I ask you a favor?

Duan Tianya's expression remained unchanged. He was on a mission to Japan and had no intention of interfering in the other party's political affairs.

Just when he was about to refuse, Yagyu Yuki's clear and sweet voice sounded in his ears.

General, Xue Ji is willing to go to Ryukyu to find out information.

Everyone looked at Yagyu Yukihime kneeling by the door, nodded and said:

Xue Ji is good. She is now a jounin and should train more.

Those Central Plains people will definitely say something when they see our Xue Ji's beauty.

Haha, yes, yes, Xue Ji is the most suitable.

Tokugawa Ieyasu glanced at Yagyu Yukihime but did not answer her words.

Instead, he looked at Duan Tianya calmly and said with a smile: Mr. Tianya, what do you think?.

Duan Tianya said in a deep voice: Since the general has spoken, Tianya must go all out.

Haha, thank you! Tokugawa Ieyasu said, Then let Yukihime and the Iga group come with you.

As ordered. Duan Tianya replied slightly reluctantly.

He actually didn't want to take Yagyu Yuki out with him because he was worried that she would learn about Murong Fu.

It's easy to do irrational things.

After Tokugawa Ieyasu and other generals left, Yukihime Yagyu came to Duan Tianya and asked:

Brother Duan, don't you believe me?

Duan Tianya replied without concealing:

Xue Ji, I'm worried that in order to take revenge, you have lost the calmness that a ninja should have.

Yukihime Yagyu promised:

Don't worry, I won't do it. I can't be absolutely sure anymore.

I won't take action.

Duan Tianya looked at Yagyu Xueji affectionately and said, Okay, Xueji, I believe in you.

Yagyu Yukiji felt warm in her heart and threw herself into Duan Tianya's arms.

After the two hugged each other for a while, they separated.

The [Iga Group] was summoned to go to Ryukyu.

【Naha Castle】In the city.

Murong Fu was thinking about what to do next.

As the saying goes.

It is easy to conquer the world, but difficult to defend it.

Although he quickly occupied the entire Liuli Island.

However, it will take some time to digest.

Your Majesty, although our [Orca Army]'s losses this time are not big, we still need to rest for a while. Bao BuTong reported the battle damage to Murong Fu.

Murong Fu replied: There is no need to worry now, we can recruit troops on the spot.

Bao BuTong hesitated and said: Your Majesty, the people of [Ryukyu Kingdom] are weak in character, I am afraid...

Murong Fu smiled and said: Old people have indeed lost their ability to forge.

You can start with young people.

In a short period of time, we are all going to develop here.

I want to plant enough food in Ryukyu and Japan.

Bao BuTong patted his chest and promised:

Your Majesty, don't worry.

We have passed on the things you told us.

That's good. Murong Fu added, I recently decided to go to Japan in person.

What! Bao Bubu and others were shocked: Is this too dangerous?

Murong Fu smiled and said: Don't worry, with my strength, no one in Japan can stop me.

Prince, what are you going to Japan for? Feng BoE asked curiously.

I have recently realized that I need to borrow some spiritual stones. Murong Fu said.

After he obtained [Martial Ancestor's Experience] and the memory of Heavenly Demon.

It was never fully understood.

The reason is that he lacks a large amount of spiritual stones for his own use.

Now that he knows [Nasuno], it is very likely that he has what he needs.

Of course you can’t miss it.

Bao BuTong asked: Your Majesty, how long will it take you to go?

Murong Fu pondered: The shortest time is one month, the long time is three months.

During this period, Min'er will stay and handle the government affairs here.

Just cooperate with her.

Zhao Min was slightly startled and said, My lord, are you afraid of this?

Murong Fu patted Zhao Min on the shoulder and said:

There's nothing wrong with that. Your resourcefulness is unparalleled.

In terms of handling some things, he is even better than me.

It's just right for you to stay and govern Ryukyu Island.

Bao BuTong and Feng BoE nodded together and said:

Yes, Mrs. Min, we are very clear about your methods.

The prince is not here, so you are the most suitable person.

Zhao Min smiled elegantly and was no longer polite:

Well, since the prince is not at home, let this county...Mrs. take charge of this place.

Murong Fu smiled and explained a few more words.

Then he was ready to set off to sea to Japan Island alone.

Princess...this is not fair! Zhao Zhan said in a deep voice.

There is nothing unfair about this. Prince Yan and I have not yet pierced the last layer of window paper.

When I have his child, everything in the Ryukyu Kingdom will still be ours. Wang Mi took a longer view than Zhao Zhan.

It's just that she doesn't seem to understand people's hearts very well.

It's more like, I have never seen the heat in Zhao Zhan's eyes.

Princess, if it were Tokugawa Ieyasu and I... Zhao Zhan wanted to say, Murong Fu's army was always too small.

The king of this continent is, after all, the Japanese Tokugawa Ieyasu.

No! Wang Mi rejected Zhao Zhan's idea without thinking: Tokugawa Ieyasu is too ambitious, and he is not of the same race as us.

The Ryukyu Island that we still need to control will not treat our people well.

It is essentially different from Murong Fu.

Zhao Zhan said unwillingly: But, I am not willing to let you make such a big sacrifice.

When Wang Mi heard this, he did show a hint of yearning:

His Royal Highness King Yan is a dragon among men.

Being able to be his woman is the greatest blessing in my life, Wang Mi.

If he refuses to have me today, I will go to sea with him.

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