Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 475 Stone Carvings in the Temple

The young man's face froze, and his eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a murderous intent.

But there are no unnecessary actions.

He just smiled Jiejie at Murong Fu a few times.

Immediately, the figure turned into a mist and left.

Murong Fu took it indifferently and allowed the other party to leave.

He has already seen that the other person does not seem to be a normal person.

Amitabha, donor, you should not provoke him. The monk in white said.

Murong Fu glanced at the white-robed monk and said with a smile: Master, that person just now seems to be very afraid of you.

Haha. The monk in white shook his head and said, He is not afraid of me, but he is afraid of this temple.

Murong Fu showed a hint of surprise and looked inside the temple through the door.

Seeing that the buildings inside were no different, he asked:

Master, can I go in and have a look?

The monk in white clothes clasped his hands and said, Amitabha, meeting is fate. Donor, please come in.

Murong Fu smiled and walked into it. The whole temple was not big.

There are some stone pillars placed in the courtyard, and some local Japanese monsters are carved on the pillars.

Murong Fu took a cursory glance and walked into the hall.

In the middle of the hall, there is a statue of Tathagata.

There are several stone pictures inlaid on the surrounding walls.

The first painting depicts a fox with nine tails, taking off its animal body and transforming into a woman.

The second painting shows a man riding a strong horse appearing in front of the woman.

The third painting depicts a man and a woman falling in love.

The remaining paintings all depict the process of two people falling in love.

Until the beginning of the seventh painting, a vicious woman appeared and assassinated the Nine-Tailed woman.

Sowing discord created a gap between the man and the Kyuubi woman.

Murong Fu carefully read the eighteen stone carvings.

Understand, this is the story of Tamamo Mae and Emperor Toba that is circulated outside.

Amitabha, Tamamozamae finally turned into a killing stone and was suppressed in this temple. The monk in white said with a smile.

Murong Fu shook his head and sighed:

Judging from the stone carvings, Tamamo no Mae sacrificed a lot for Emperor Toba.

It's somewhat unworthy.

The monk in white said: Desire is poisonous, she should focus on cultivation.

I can't say, there is still one day to leave.

Leave? Where to go? Murong Fu was slightly stunned and asked.

Haha, there may be another world above the void. The monk in white said with a smile.

After hearing this, Murong Fu looked at the monk in white seriously.

The other party actually knew about Shattered Void.

This really surprised him and said with a smile:

I didn't expect that the master knows a lot.

The monk in white said: Amitabha, even a poor monk would not imagine it at will.

I don't know, donor, why are you coming to the temple so late?

Murong Fu said calmly, I'm here to see Yuzao Mae.

Well, what are you doing with her? the monk in white asked curiously.

I heard that she found a mine of [Jade of the Gods].

I need a lot of [God's Jade]. Murong Fu said.

[Jade of the Gods]? The monk in white asked in surprise: You want to become a god?


Murong Fu was a little confused by what the white-robed monk said.

“Can gods still be sealed?”

The white-clothed monk smiled and said: Some of the ghosts and gods today are sealed by people.

However, it seems that it requires a very strong obsession.

Murong Fu didn't care about this kind of thing.

I just wanted to find Tamamo Mae quickly and get the spirit stone at the place where I was, so I asked:

Master, do you know how to find Tamamo Mae?

The white-clothed monk shook his head and said: The poor monk only knows that Tamamo-mae was suppressed by this mountain.

As for how to find her.

Maybe the killing stone in the backyard is a clue?

Murong Fu's eyes lit up and he asked the monk in white if he could have a look.

Unexpectedly, the other party was very generous and allowed Murong Fu to go over and check without any obstruction.

Say it according to the other person's words.

Many people go up the mountain just to see the killing stone.

Murong Fu walked to the backyard and saw at a glance the red boulder tied up with countless red ropes.

He moved forward and touched it with his hands, but there was no reaction.

There is no difference at all from ordinary stones.

It seems that the resentment on this killing stone has long been erased by time and is of no use.

But, how to find Tamamo-mae?

Murong Fu muttered a few words, but there was nothing he could do.

Ghost stories are rare in the Central Plains.

He has never experienced it.

Just when he was not sure what to do, Xiao Yin quickly climbed out on his arm.

He quickly circled around the boulder, and after a few circles, he spit out his core to Murong Fu.

Is it possible that this stone

Murong Fu felt a little strange and tried to push the boulder hard.

Never thought of it.

The killing stone seemed to be embedded in the ground. No matter how hard he tried, he could not push it.

Amitabha, donor, there is no need to try again.

Since the killing stone fell here, countless strong men have pushed it.

But it didn't move at all. It was as if it had grown on this mountain.

Murong Fu frowned, thought for a moment, and took a step back.

Look at the monk in white quietly.

He always felt that this monk was unusual.

Master, you seem to know something, but you are not willing to tell me.

Haha, monks don't lie. The poor monk is worried that he will say the wrong thing and mislead the donor. The monk in white said calmly.

Murong Fu didn't say anything. He felt more and more that something was wrong with the monk in front of him, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

He couldn't tell.

At least you can be sure that the other party is not hostile to you.

Since I can't find Tamamo Mae's location, I'll leave now.

The monk in white clothes saluted with both hands and said: Haha, donor, please go slowly.

After Murong Fu left the temple, he returned to the inn along the same route.

When he reached the halfway point of the mountain, a cold wind suddenly came from behind him. He let out a hum before turning around and punched him.

There was a loud sound of touch! .

A handsome figure was beaten and flew backwards.

After Murong Fu saw who was coming, he said calmly: As expected, you haven't left yet.

The handsome young man smiled and said, Jiejie, it's really interesting.

I didn't expect you to be so capable and be able to defeat me with one punch.

Murong Fu said calmly: I'm very curious, where do you get your confidence?

As if you can definitely defeat me.

The handsome young man said with a proud look on his face: Jie Jie, this is very simple. How can man defeat God?

Murong Fu looked at the young man in front of him, and instantly thought of the fallen King Kong who was killed by him.

The tone of their speech is very similar?

Suddenly I realized that the other party was probably a ghost.

It turns out you are not a human being, but a ghost.

The young man smiled and said: Jiejie, you are so smart, no wonder you have such strength.

Murong Fu was very curious:

You and I have no grievances, so why do you want to trouble me?

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