Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 479 Murong swallows wine

Tochigi Prefecture.

Yagyu Yukihime and Yagyu Piaoxu came in disguise.

By coincidence, he and Murong Fu stayed in the same inn.

Sister, there are so many people coming and going here every day, and we don't even know which one is Murong Fu.

Liu Shengpiaoxu asked.

Yukihime Yagyu thought for a while and replied:

I heard that Murong Fu, King of Yan, was handsome and handsome, with extraordinary aura.

With the dragon energy in him, he is no longer a mortal at first glance.

It must be easy to spot him.

Liu Shengpiaoxu looked around at the guests.

But there was no one similar to what my sister said. She shook her head and said:

Why don't we go ask the waiter.

Yagyu Yuki nodded: Remember, don't ask too directly.

Otherwise, if the other party finds out, it will be almost impossible for the two of us to kill him head-on.

Liu Shengpiaoxu pouted and said, Then why don't you let Brother Tianya come and kill him with us?

Yagyu Yukiji shook her head and said seriously: Brother Tianya still has his things to do.

Avenging my father is a matter between you and me.

It's better not to involve him.

Yagyu Piaoxu saw that Yagyu Yukiji seemed to have something on her mind, so she said obediently:

I know, sister, don't worry, I will inquire carefully.

I will never let others hear my purpose.

Yagyu Yukiji touched her sister's head and said, Piaoxu is the best.

After Liu Shengpiaoxu received the affirmation, she was as happy as a child, with bright eyes.

Get up and ask for information.

When the second son saw a beautiful woman asking about her, he naturally told her everything he knew.

I know the person the lady is talking about. He usually has a wine gourd hanging around his waist.

Handsome in appearance, unrestrained and unrestrained, he often goes out with women to play.

Liu Shengpiaoxu was overjoyed and said secretly:

It is said that Murong Fu was lustful and lustful, and now it seems that is indeed the case.

Hmph, this person still doesn't know my identity and my sister's identity.

It's easy to get close.

After thanking Xiao Er'er, she walked out anxiously.

Unexpectedly, because he moved too fast, his footing became unstable and he fell out.

Fortunately, at this time, a heavy hand was holding her chest.

Otherwise, your pretty little face will definitely be ruined.

The only thing that was embarrassing was that that strong hand fell on her delicate front.

She blushed with embarrassment.

Little girl, are you okay? Murong Fu felt a softness and helped the little girl in front of him up.

Although Liu Shengpiaoxu is a warrior, she is still a little girl.

This is the first time in my life that I have been touched by someone.

Although it was unintentional, he was still very... angry and said:

Humph, you don't have to worry about anything.

It's really annoying!

He yelled a few words in shame and anger, then turned around and ran away.

Murong Fu was not given a chance to quibble at all.

The little girl is still shy. It's not the king who wants to touch her. It's obviously you who took the initiative to send it to her.

Murong Fu joked and walked towards his room.

As soon as he entered the house, a pungent smell of alcohol entered his nose, and he said angrily:

Tunjiu, your wine smells so bad, can't you drink something else?

Jie Jie, I am an old virgin wine that can increase ghost energy.

If you take a taste, I guarantee you will never forget it.

Murong Fu rolled his eyes at the drinking boy and said:

If you don't want to drink, what are you doing here?

I'm here to show you the slick guy in Kyoto and his Nura group.

Murong Fu refused and said, Why am I, a living person, involved in your ghost affairs?

The drinking boy laughed and said, You are now very powerful. Who are you, a ghost? They are all the same?

Strong ghosts can be human beings, but weak people are not as good as ghosts.

Murong Fu's eyes lit up when he heard the novel words of the drunken boy:

I didn't expect you to have such a high level of awareness.

Then I should go there.

Okay, I'll let you know when he comes.

Now, I want to go out and see if there are any beautiful women who can make me happy.

Murong Fu said politely and let him leave.

He calmed down and studied new techniques.

the other side.

Yagyu Piaoxu told Yagyu Yukihime what she had learned.

The two sisters studied and decided to try tonight to see if they could use a honey trap to poison their enemy Murong Fu.

Unexpectedly, they just walked out of the door.

Liu Shengpiaoxu pointed at the drinking boy who came out of Murong Fu's room and said happily:

Sister, look, it's that person. He has a wine gourd on his waist. He looks handsome and is free and unrestrained.

Yagyu Yukihime showed a disappointed expression:

Is he Murong Fu? He doesn't seem to be as good as the rumors say.

Instead, he's more like a playboy.

Liu Shengpiaoxu said: Sister, no matter what he does, let's kill him anyway and avenge daddy!

Yes. Yagyu Yukiji nodded and agreed with Yagyu Piaoxu's words.

The beautiful eyes turned, and the plan came to mind.

He whispered a few words in Liu Shengpiaoxu's ear.

The latter gave a thumbs up:

Sister, what a good plan, Piaoxu is really convinced.

Yagyu Yuki said calmly: To deal with men, there are only a few tricks you can use.

There are so many beauties around Murong Fu. If I send her to you directly, I don't think he will be happy.

Hmm...sister, just wait for me, I'll go now. Liu Shengpiaoxu nodded repeatedly.

The two sisters' plan was rather simple.

First, he pretended to be running away from a marriage and deliberately had a conflict with the drinking boy to attract his attention.

Then, he started crying slowly, making the other person's heart break.

The young boy who swallowed wine never expected that one day, he, the mighty ghost king, would be deceived by two little girls.

You two sisters, don't be afraid. If there are pursuers coming soon, just leave it to my brother.

Liu Shengpiaoxu lowered his forehead and held his sleeves while crying:

Brother, I misunderstood you.

My family is too powerful. I'm afraid you...

The drinking boy was stunned for a moment, realizing that the other party obviously looked down on him, and he patted his chest and said:

I'm a drinking boy, I wish I didn't bully others.

Who dares to bully me?

Yukihime Yagyu asked curiously: Brother, is your name Tunshu Doji?

Ahem, to be honest, this is my stage name. What is my real name?

The drinking boy hesitated for a long time, without remembering the real name of this body, and said nonsense:

Actually, my name is Murong...Tunjiu!

When Yagyu Yukihime and Yagyu Piaoxu heard this name, their beautiful eyes flashed unconsciously, and they secretly said:

It's indeed you!

Murong Fu, even if you know how to lie again, you will never be able to deceive us sisters.

The drunk boy didn't know he had been misunderstood by the two girls, but he was still talking about his deeds.

Before I knew it, it was already dark.

He couldn't control his lustful thoughts, so he reminded:

Two good sisters, I see the pursuers won't be able to come tonight.

How about we order some drinks and have a good drink?

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