
Is Brother Murong here?

A knock on the door made Murong Fu wake up from his meditation.

He slowly opened his eyes and frowned.

Listening to the voice, he already recognized who the other party was, and said angrily: What's the matter?

Hey, good thing, good thing, open the door quickly, I have something good for you. The voice of the drinking boy sounded outside.

Murong Fu walked down from the bed helplessly and opened the door.

Duanjiu boy and two sisters, Xue Ji and Piaoxu, suddenly appeared in front of them.

It's you! Liu Shengpiaoxu recognized Murong Fu at a glance and pointed at him in surprise and annoyance.

Who are you? Murong Fu didn't know what Tunjiu boy meant, so he asked, Brother Tunjiu, what's the matter with you?

Haha, good thing, good thing. The drinking boy passed Murong Fu and walked directly into the house.

Liu Shengxueji and Liu Sheng Piaoxu bowed to Murong Fu at the same time, and followed the drinking boy into the room.

Murong Fu was patient and wanted to watch the drinking boy sit on the chair minding his own business.

After waiting for a few breaths, the other party started chatting and said:

Brother Murong, to be honest, I have a favor and I want to ask you to help me.

Murong Fu said calmly: The three great ghost kings need my help. Wouldn't it be a joke to spread the word?

No, no, no. The drinking boy waved his hands repeatedly: This is not a joke.

I'm really busy. Apart from you, I can't think of anyone else right now.

Oh? Murong Fu asked curiously, What does Brother Tunjiu want from me?

The drinking boy pointed at Xue Ji and Piaoxu and said:

I have two new concubines, and I would like to ask Brother Murong to help me take care of them for a few days.

Murong Fu asked in confusion: Why do you let me take care of your concubine?

The drinking boy smiled hehe and said what he had just thought of:

To be honest, I had some issues with Slippery Ghost. I was indirectly responsible for the death of his wife back then.

He once said that once he knows that I have a lover, he will definitely take revenge.

Murong Fu sneered, glanced at the two sisters Liu Sheng Xueji and Liu Sheng Piaoxu, and said disdainfully:

Although these two little girls are good-looking, they won't make you fall in love with them, right?

The drinking boy smiled slightly and gave Murong Fu a look that every man could understand:

Haha, no matter whether I love them or not, I can't let the naughty guy succeed.

Otherwise, wouldn't my name as Ghost King be ridiculed by others?

Murong Fu looked at the lies that the drunken boy was full of mistakes and omissions, and smiled calmly.

Although I don’t know what the other party is up to, at this juncture.

Not bothering to plot with him anymore, he changed the subject and said:

Tomorrow is what you call the Nine Stars.

Are you really sure you can defeat Tamamo Mae?

Tanshu Doji said confidently: Even if Tamamo-mae can fuse with the physical body, it will take a long time to adapt.

When the time comes, it will be me and you, plus Slippery and his men.

It's more than enough to kill that naughty fox.

Yagyu Yukihime and Yagyu Piaoxu heard their conversation and felt that their brains were not enough.

What is all this and what?

Why did Murong Fu and the drinking boy deal with Tamamo Mae together?

Aren’t we all ghosts and gods enshrined in Japan?

Isn’t it good to live in peace?

The two women looked at each other but stopped talking.

It was the drinking boy who spoke first:

You two are here to take good care of my brother. Don't neglect me.

If you let me know that my brother is unhappy, don't blame me for eating you alive.

The two sisters Yagyu Yukihime pretended to be scared, covering their chests with their jade fingers, and nodded:

Don't worry, Sir. Xue Ji and my sister will serve Sir Murong well.

Hey, I'll excuse you, Brother Murong. I'll take my leave first. Dunjiu Boy saluted Murong Fu and turned to leave.

Murong Fu didn't react at all.

People who have a good relationship with each other in Japan will share their wives.

Or, in order to repay others, they will give their wives to them for a night or two.

However, this was the first time Murong Fu knew that someone would give virgins to others.

Moreover, this person is also a drunken boy who is famous all over the world for his preference for virgins.

There was no ghost among them, even if he beat Murong Fu to death, he wouldn't believe it.

Sir, it's getting late, why not let Yukihime and my sister wait for you to rest. Yukihime Yagyu said shyly.

Murong Fu glanced at her, then at Liu Shengpiaoxu, and said:

Haha, you two are beautiful and fragrant, and your skin is like gelatin.

I guess you come from a wealthy family, why did you come out to follow the drinking boy?

Yukihime Yagyu sighed and said: To be honest, my little sister and I are from the same family, and we are used as sacrifices to Lord Tunshu.

Murong Fu nodded and said with admiration: Oh, you are not afraid of ghosts.

Yukihime Yagyu smiled and explained:

We have accepted the ideas of ghosts and gods since we were young.

Although I am afraid, I am not that afraid.

Murong Fu nodded and asked:

I wonder what your names are?

Yagyu Yukihime and Yagyu Piaoxu kept a secret here and did not give their real names:

You can call me Xue Ji, sir. This is my biological sister called Piaoxu.

Murong Fu looked at it and joked:

Your sister has a bad temper. You need to change it in the future.

Liu Shengpiaoxu rolled her eyes at Murong Fu and said angrily, Huh, I want you to take care of it!

Liu Sheng and Piaoxu were worried that Murong Fu would be angry, so he quickly reprimanded: Piaoxu, you can't be rude to Master Murong.

I didn't. Liu Shengpiaoxu said unconvinced.

Yagyu Shengxueji criticized Yagyu Shengpiaoxu a few more words, turned to Murong Fu and apologized:

I'm sorry, Master Murong. My little sister has always been willful, so please don't blame her.

Murong Fu shook his head and said with a smile:

I just think she's having fun, and I don't mean to blame her.

Seeing this, Yukihime Yagyu seemed to be relieved, smiled sweetly, and said:

It's time, don't be too early. Why don't you let Xue Ji and sister take care of you to rest.

Murong Fu raised his brows and considered whether to obey these two women.

Before she could refuse, Yagyu Yukihime took out a jar of old wine:

This is something to entertain you, Lord Tunshu.

He said this wine will make you drunk as soon as you drink it. You will like it if you keep it.

Murong Fu was not interested in this, so he picked up a glass and took a sniff.

His eyes couldn't help but reveal a glimmer of light.

There is a power in this drink that makes people's blood boil.

It was obviously brewed using high-grade old medicine and precious blood essence of ferocious beasts.

Good wine, good wine, this wine is a great tonic.

Yukihime Yagyu said happily: Master Tunshu told us sisters that we can only have one drink.

Murong Fu smiled and said, How many drinks can I have?

Liu Shengpiaoxu said angrily: You can have as many drinks as you like, we didn't stop you.

Sister, don't be so unreasonable.

Yangyu Xueji shyly explained to Murong Fu: Master Tunjiu said that it depends on your taste, one drink at a time is the best.

Murong Fu laughed haha and said:

I'm afraid I'm going to drink up all this jar.

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