Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 485 Monk’s Formation

General! Xue Li, Shou Wu, Jiu and other generals of the Hundred Demons saw their leader performing meritorious service.

Ecstatic and very excited.

Murong Fu's eyes were directed at Slippery Ghost's knife.

He can cut through the blue dragon with one sword, even though he is just an impostor.

But I have to say, it’s very powerful.

His sword is called [Yami Kirimaru] and it is very powerful. It is not inferior to my red sword.

It can be considered a famous sword. The drinking boy explained.

Murong Fu said hmm and took a step back.

Although he was robbed by a slippery ghost, he was not unhappy.

Although Qinglong dies, he will be reborn within this formation.

Haha, you guys are really powerful. You defeated a shikigami so quickly.


The monk in white smiled and waved his sleeves.

Another green dragon roared out.

What's going on? Another blue dragon!

Xue Li and Shou Wu were extremely surprised.

The slippery ghost and the drinking boy also frowned.

Even if you beat him to death, how can you still beat him?

what happened?

Yeah, why does he have so many shikigami?

Huh, what are you afraid of? The general is here and we will win!

It has to be said that the monsters of the [Nuliang Group] trust the Slippery Ghost to the point of life and death.

I believe that with him here, there is nothing that cannot be solved.

However, today, they met the monk in white.

A master from another world.

Using a method that they have never seen before, dimensionality reduction attack.

Suzaku sprays red flames wildly!

The ghosts have no ability to resist at all, even Xueli, who is a snow girl.

In this kind of unlimited red flame, it is also stretched.

So strong! Xue Li painfully supported the opponent's attack.

The boy who swallowed the wine no longer held back his hand, shouted loudly, and a scarlet will-o'-the-wisp suddenly appeared on the red knife.

The sword's glow turned blazing and reached the size of three feet.

He slashed hard at Suzaku.

Suzaku screamed and gradually turned into a ball of fire before disappearing.

Haha, my ability to swallow wine is well-known all over the world, and I can't deny it. The boy who swallowed wine laughed proudly.

Who knows the next moment.

Suzaku, like the green dragon, came back to life again.


The drunken boy was left speechless for a long time before he said angrily:

Damn, this thing can't kill?

Seeing that his men suffered heavy casualties, Slippery Ghost became even more ruthless.

However, both of them are highly intelligent people.

It suddenly dawned on me.

The person who caused the ghost was the monk in white who was watching the fun.

Die to me, stinky monk! The boy who swallowed wine had a hot temper.

He opened his bloody mouth and sprayed out a burst of red flames at the white-clothed monk, intending to burn him alive.

Haha, you are too grumpy, let me cool you down. The monk in white didn't panic at all when he saw the ghost fire coming.

He took out a white talisman in his hand and threw it into the void.

The white talisman spontaneously ignited in the wind and turned into an ice mirror.

Instantly absorbed the will-o'-the-wisps spit out by the drinking boy.

Immediately, it turned into countless ice arrows and shot out quickly.

What the hell is this? The drinking boy reacted quickly and cut with his sword.

Amitabha, I hope my ice arrows can help you dissipate your anger. The monk in white clasped his hands together and said.

But at this moment, a cold light came from top to bottom and struck him with a knife.

In an instant, his body was cut into two pieces.

The ghosts were overjoyed.

The sharp blade that killed the white-robed monk was the Slippery Ghost's [Yami-Kirimaru].

Something's wrong! The cunning ghost's expression changed. He had killed countless people.

Natural and clear, the feel of a knife cutting flesh.

But when he killed the monk in white, he clearly felt that there was no difference between killing the monk in the air, and said in surprise:

Fake! It's fake!

Amitabha, the donor is too murderous. It would be better to practice Buddhism here.

The monk in white clothes walked out from not far away, intact.

No! The slippery ghost turned around and ran away regardless.

Then he saw a circular barrier rising around him, trapping him tightly within it, unable to move.

Damn it! Let us go, general. Xue Li and Shou Wu shouted violently, and they all wanted to rush towards the monk in white.

But he was clinging to the Twelve Shiki Gods.

Even if they try their best to kill a few.

The other party will also come back to life quickly and still maintain the perfect combination of the twelve shikigami.

On the contrary, the number of Hyakki continues to decrease.

Damn it, I hurt so many people before I even saw Tamamo Mae.

Just in case, Tamamo Mae will be integrated with the main body in a while.

Doesn't it mean that we are all going to die here?

The monk in white said: When will the injustice be repaid?

You poor monks can guarantee that Jing Yuqian will never cause any trouble for you.

How about you all go down the mountain.

The drinking boy heard this and cursed:

Fuck you, little monk, even though your spells are weird.

But don't think of me as a fool. You probably don't have much life left....

How can we guarantee that Tamamo-mae won't cause trouble for us after your death?

The monk in white was stunned and sighed heavily:

In this case, the poor monk won't say anything more.

All evil, all sins shall be borne by me.

After speaking, he muttered strange scriptures.

It was as if he was transcending with a hundred ghosts.

No, what tricks is this guy doing again!

The drinking boy is not stupid, and it is obvious that this battle has reached a fever pitch.

If no one comes out to break the situation.

Even if they don't die, they will suffer heavy casualties and cannot compete in front of Tamamo.

shouted loudly:

Brother, if you don't take action, we will all die here.

The slippery ghost was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that the Tonjiu Boyzi was not calling him brother.

He was just looking at Murong Fu, who was always indifferent, and said in a deep voice:

Brother, as long as you save us this time.

I, the slippery ghost, promise that the entire [Nuliang Group] will be at your disposal in the future.

If you don't mind, I'm willing to drink and become sworn friends with you!

When the drunken boy heard this, he was unhappy and said angrily:

Slickhead, what do you mean?

Brother Murong, I met you first.

Even if we have to sworn sworn sworn friends, I will sworn sworn sworn friends with him. What's the matter with you?

The slippery ghost rolled his eyes at the drinking boy.

He couldn't understand why the other party was still jealous at this time?

Stop talking useless words. The right way is to ask Brother Murong to rescue us first.

The drunken boy nodded and finally came to his senses:


It's okay, Brother Murong, come and save us.

Murong Fu deliberately listened to the two arguing.

If he delays a little longer, one less hundred ghosts will be killed by the shikigami.

After the two of them had almost finished speaking, he replied calmly:

You two are serious.

I am also thinking about how to break this formation.

Now we have a clue. As long as you persist for a while, I will be able to break through this formation.

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