Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 487 Twelve Styles of Light Light

The monk in white said coldly: I originally wanted her to be reborn in a new body and become a real human being for once.

No matter what, you are forcing each other hard and don't know how to give in.

Now, I can only let everyone die here.

The boy who swallowed the wine said unconvincedly: You are uttering arrogant words.

Monk, I admit that you are very strong, but the drinking boy is not a vegetarian.

What can you do if you hold Tamamo Mae's body?

The monk in white said proudly: Fang Tianzhao, who debuted at the age of seven, is extremely talented.

Cultivating the method of puppets, I once relied on seven puppets to fight against the God Transformation Overhaul.

Today, I will send you all to rest in peace in the body of Tamamo-mae when she was alive.

The huge nine-tailed body.

At the end of Fang Tianzhao's words, he roared out.

In its mouth, the hurricane turned into countless wind blades and struck at everyone.

Be careful! the slippery ghost warned, and he and the drinking boy rushed towards Fang Tianzhao at the same time.

Haha, you can't do it. Fang Tianzhao calmly shook his white sleeves.

With a graceful and graceful movement, he turned around and jumped to the top of the nine tails, controlling the fox's mouth to bite the opponent.

The boy who swallowed wine turned pale with fright and quickly turned sideways to avoid it.

Haha, I want to hide. Fang Tianzhao mocked and gasped.

The drunken boy and the slippery ghost suddenly felt their bodies lose balance.

Uncontrollably, it flew towards the fox's mouth.

The slippery ghost said anxiously: Tunjiu, if you don't use all your strength, I'm afraid you and I will die here.

Hmph, I know it without you having to tell me. The drinking boy shouted angrily.

The whole body suddenly swelled up.

In an instant, he turned into a bloated man with red hair and horns.

Liu Shengpiaoxu couldn't help but mutter so ugly in a low voice.

Yukihime Yagyu was shocked and quickly covered her sister's mouth and scolded: Are you crazy and don't want your life?

Liu Shengpiaoxu quickly stuck out her tongue and said:

Sister, Liuxu knows that she was wrong.

But, what they told is the truth.

Yukihime Yagyu was so angry that she quickly scolded her to shut up!

The drinking boy likes to torture and kill women, once he makes the other party unhappy.

The lives of both of them were probably in danger.

Fortunately, the Tonjiu boy didn't hear what they said.

Still, use all your strength to deal with Tamamo Mae's true form.

Let you see the fear of my drinking boy!

[True Wrath of Dionysus]!

Among the ghosts, the wine-swallowing boy roared, picked up the wine gourd at his waist, and drank several gulps.

His body suddenly grew several times larger, and before he knew it, he was the same size as Tamamo Mae's body.

Immediately, he raised the red sword in his hand and attacked Tamamo Mae's body crazily.

Fang Tianzhao finally became serious and used extremely complicated hand seals to control the nine tails under him.

The fox's claws were like knives, drawing several sharp blades in the air.

Fight in close combat with the drinking boy.

The two were fighting inextricably, sparks flying.

The slippery ghost was not idle either, and his body disappeared under the night sky again.

To capture the thief first, capture the king, and he decided to climb on Kyuubi.

Get rid of Fang Tianzhao first.

Murong Fu saw everything in his eyes and knew that the final moment had come.

Once the Slippery Ghost succeeds, the battle is over.


[Mimi Kirimaru] emitted boundless killing intent and slashed at Fang Tianzhao's Tianling Gai.


Fierce light flashed, and a shuddering aura pressed into my heart.

A broken humanoid puppet appeared in front of Fang Tianzhao. He blocked the Slippery Ghost's sneak attack with only one hand and one sword.

[Maple] Long time no see.

Before the Slippery Ghost's surprise ended, [Feng] seemed to open his eyes, and murderous intent suddenly rushed into the sky, and his fighting spirit boiled.

A sword slashed at the slippery ghost.

Puff puff puff puff puff puff…

The sword and the knife collided together, bursting out with dazzling sparks.

The speed of the two was extremely fast, and no one in the field except Murong Fu could see their figures clearly, and they could only see sparks flying everywhere.

Murong Fu was secretly shocked.

Different from Slippery Ghost's straightforward swordsmanship, Fang Tianzhao's swordsmanship is more subtle.

Ding ding ding poof!

After several sword blows, a blood mark was left on the Slippery Ghost's shoulder.


The figure of the puppet disappeared like the moon in the water in a dream, and when it reappeared, it faced the Slippery Ghost again.

The slippery ghost felt a pain in his abdomen. When he looked down, he saw a long sword piercing his abdomen, and he vomited blood.

He kicked the puppet's remaining arm and distanced himself from it.

The still-living Hundred Ghosts immediately stepped forward to stand in front of the Slippery Ghost to help him resist the puppet.

Fang Tianzhao did not take the opportunity to hunt down the slippery ghost.

Instead, he looked at Murong Fu and asked calmly: You still won't take action?

Murong Fu nodded calmly, he also wanted to have a fight with this outside master.

Let me remind you, my puppet has no pain, is not afraid of life and death, and is tireless. Every move and every move, although not as perfect as the complete body, is extremely powerful and cannot be stopped by people in this world.

Fang Tianzhao said condescendingly.

Don't worry, I will smash it....

Murong Fu exuded a scornful aura that made everyone feel shocked.

Haha, I'll wait and see. Fang Tianzhao laughed haha.

All the ghosts felt their breathing speed up, and they all stared intently at the two people who were about to take action.

Go! [Feng]! At the limit of his explosive momentum, Fang Tianzhao pointed flatly, and the puppet beside him blinked and appeared in front of Murong Fu.

Strike its vital point with one sword.


Murong Fu's right hand instantly came out with the [Heaven's Secret Stick] in front of him, fighting with it.


The air rioted, the terrifying impact force formed shining ripples and awe-inspiring energy visible to the naked eye, and a crack was blown out of the earth again.

Be careful! Baigui immediately led the Slippery Ghost and retreated quickly.

It's so scary. Just the aftermath of the energy almost killed us. Xue Li said in shock.

With one blow, Murong Fu's expression also changed.

Holding the [Tianji Stick] in hand, the true energy in the body is running at a rapid speed.

The two of them put aside their temptation and decided to go all out.

Stick shadows and sword lights were flying in the air and on the ground, and both of them launched fierce attacks with all their strength.

[Twelve Styles of Light Light]! The puppet's pupils were almost dyed sparkling cyan, and the sword technique was swift and ethereal, and the speed was extremely fast.

Each move was faster than the last, and several rays of light gradually formed, piercing Murong Fu directly.

Murong Fu looked solemn, he never thought that a mere puppet could practice martial arts, it was truly miraculous.

He no longer held back his hand and used the [Tianji Stick Technique]!

In an instant, stick shadows all over the sky were smashed in front of you, and countless green lights were turned into pieces.

The next moment, the air fluctuated violently like boiling water, and violent energy radiated in all directions, exploding with a bang.

This man is still a little arrogant. With his strength, if he bypasses this puppet and kills the monk directly, this battle may be over long ago. The slippery ghost covered his wound and said softly.

The other hundred ghosts nodded one after another, but then heard the other person continue to speak:

However, I have not encountered such a wonderful battle in a hundred years!

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