Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 499 Time is heading towards us

Haha, are you guys going out to fight?

A slightly free and easy voice reached everyone's ears.

Murong Fu stood on the head of the real dragon, looking down at the people below.

With a thought, he fell to the ground.

Prince? Zhao Min was surprised and happy and threw herself into Murong Fu's arms.

Murong Fu smiled and joked:

My king, General Zhao, behaves like a little girl in front of thousands of troops. I am not afraid of being dissatisfied with others in the future.

Zhao Min said nonchalantly: You won't need me since you're back anyway.

Murong Fu laughed haha, and pulled Gongsun Lan with his other hand:

Okay, let's talk about it when we go back.

Zhao Min nodded, let go of Murong Fu, and walked side by side with Gongsun Lan toward Naha City.

Murong Fu patted his head and waved his hand gently, and the real dragon disappeared instantly.

Everyone was shocked again, Zhui Ming even came closer to Murong Fu and said curiously:

What are you doing? How can you still fly?

Murong Fu smiled bitterly and said, This is a technique I learned from a senior.

Can use the methods of an immortal cultivator to transform into a real dragon.

It just consumes too much spiritual energy and is extremely troublesome to use.

Zhui Ming said excitedly: Your Majesty, what kind of skills can you pass on to me?

Tie Shou said speechlessly: Can you please have a little face?

Zhui Ming said disdainfully: Compared with riding a dragon, why do you want to lose face?

You... Tie Shou was very angry and said, Okay, okay, as long as you like it.

Murong Fu laughed haha, looked at the two living treasures, and said with a smile:

Whenever you can cultivate your spiritual power, I will pass on this technique [Dragon Riding Mind Technique] to you.

Spiritual power? What is spiritual power? Zhui Ming asked, glaring at Tie Shou.

Tie Shou scratched his head, seeming to be thinking hard about something.

Spiritual power is the energy cultivated by the Qi refiners of the former Qin Dynasty.

It's the same as the internal power we cultivated, the difference is that the spiritual power is stronger.

Wuqing also came to the outside of the city in a wheelchair because of the previous incident with the real dragon.

I happened to overhear what a few people were talking about and explained it to them.

Pre-Qin Qi practitioner? Tie Shou suddenly realized: I wonder why the word spiritual power is so familiar to me.

I should have seen it in some ancient book.

Zhui Ming showed a mournful face and said:

Things from the Pre-Qin Dynasty have long been discontinued.

I'm afraid I won't be able to learn this set of techniques from the prince in this lifetime.

Wuqing showed admiration and said:

Unless you are a person of great opportunity, if you want to cultivate spiritual power, you and I have no hope in this life.

Zhui Ming sighed: Hey, I knew I might not be able to survive in this life.

Murong Fu looked up at the sky and said calmly:

You don't need to be so pessimistic.

Now the earth is reversed, Yin and Yang are reopened.

It's not impossible to cultivate spiritual power.

Zhui Ming said excitedly: Really, Your Majesty, is there any way for me to practice spiritual power for fun?

Qingqing frowned and said: This is a very close relationship, how can you be so unreasonable!

Tie Shou also said with disdain: Have you been a soldier for two days and you don't even know the taboos in the world?

Lengxue also said: It's just too much!

Zhui Ming pouted and said, No way, I'm just asking.

Murong Fu said calmly: You guys might as well look it up in ancient books.

Just because you couldn't practice before doesn't mean you can't practice now.

You should have known that the potential for great disaster is also the potential for great conflict.

Everyone also showed a hint of yearning after hearing this.

Seeing that this topic was almost gone, Zhao Min whispered in Murong Fu's ear:

Your Majesty, where did you kidnap a beautiful woman from?

Murong Fu was stunned for a moment, then followed Zhao Min's eyes.

Realizing that the beauty he was referring to was Shizuoka Mae, he chuckled and whispered back:

This is Jing Gozen, and his status is of great importance.

I'll tell you when no one is around.

Zhao Min couldn't help but be surprised. To be described as an extraordinary person by Murong Feng must be extraordinary.

He nodded obediently and asked no more questions.

He also briefly explained to Murong Fu what he had just planned to do with the traitor.

Oh, Dongfang killed Duan Tianya?

Well...will this cause any trouble? Zhao Min was worried that Zhu Tiedan would hate Murong Fu for this incident and cause unnecessary trouble.

Murong Fu said calmly: Haha, what trouble can there be now?

Nine stars in a row cause great changes in the world, and the yin and yang are reversed.

If I'm not mistaken, besides Yuan Guo, there are others who are capable of fighting.

Other countries should try their best to save themselves.

Zhao Min was stunned and said, Is it really so serious?

Haha, I don't know. When Murong Fu left, he had left a lot of food.

Moreover, Song Dynasty was in civil strife.

For a while, no one will come to trouble me.

Within half a year.

He severely wounded Tokugawa Ieyasu once and dispersed his military power.

The rest is left to the [Orca Army] and [Beiliang Cavalry] to slowly encroach on Japan.

Then transport the victims to Japan. In this way, their will will be completely wiped out within three years.

Kyoto, Japan.

The news of the deaths of Duan Tianya and Honda Tadakatsu reached Tokugawa Ieyasu, making him almost crazy!

Damn this Central Plains man, he really deserves to die!

You lost one of my generals again!

Ii Naomasa said: General, please calm down and take care of yourself.

Tokugawa Ieyasu said angrily:

An army of one hundred thousand, plus me as a king.

How can I not be angry!

Sakakihara Yasumasa said in a deep voice: General, why don't we gather a large army and wipe out the entire Ryukyu Kingdom!

I don't believe it. They only have tens of thousands of troops.

We can withstand the anger of our Japanese people!

Naomasa Ii objected: No!

How big is the Ryukyu Kingdom in total?

It can accommodate up to 400,000 of our horses.

If you can't do it right away, fight him decisively.

Supplies are going to be our biggest problem.

Tokugawa Ieyasu looked ugly, and he also wanted to be like what Sakakibara Yasumasa said.

Lead the army to destroy the entire Ryukyu Kingdom.

However, the domestic situation is now unstable, and he has a million-strong army on his lips.

In fact, there are not many that can really be used.

As long as 200,000 people die, he can be said to be a polished commander.

The other generals would no longer obey his orders and said helplessly:

Naomasa-kun is right, we can no longer fight this battle.

Sakakihara Yasumasa asked: Then what should we do?

Be patient! Naomasa Ii said: They only have 60,000 troops.

Even if we include the entire Ryukyu Kingdom, there are only 300,000 people.

They will never be able to defeat Japan in their lifetime.

Hearing this, Sakakibara Yasumasa looked worried: What if Murong Fu transfers people from the Central Plains?

Naomasa Ii smiled disdainfully and said:

Haha, there are not that many ships in the Central Plains that can transport such a million troops.

Don't forget, time is moving towards us!

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