Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 505 Beiliang Iron Cavalry was launched successfully


In [Nagano Castle], Toyotomi Hideyoshi was almost crazy, desperately throwing away things in front of him.

Tea cups, wine bottles, tables, stools, chairs...everything that could be smashed was smashed clean.

All the generals under his command were also helpless.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi was already famous for his good temper.

However, he met Murong Fu, this unreasonable being.

People send envoys to seek cooperation. .

As a result, the other party was beheaded without saying a word.

Just behead him if you say so, and hang him on the city wall.

Could it be that my lord does not want to lose face?

Fukushima Masanori advised: Lord, calm down!

We should think about it now.

How to face the other feudal kings' questioning.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi said disdainfully: What are you asking about?

I am sending an envoy to ask that traitor Murong Fu to return to Mito Castle.

Who else have the right to ask me?

Fukushima Masanori gave a thumbs up in admiration: My lord is so wise that he made a choice in a moment.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi glared at Fukushima Masanori.

That was a decision he made, and it was clearly a decision Murong Fu made for him.

The problem is, he is now riding a tiger and it is difficult to get off. It is not a matter of fighting or not fighting. He said in a deep voice:

Tokugawa Ieyasu killed 50,000 troops. Is there any movement now?

Fukushima Masanori shook his head and said:

Not yet.

However, I guess it will be soon.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi said: Okay, now recall all the generals and gather all the troops.

The news has spread that this general and Murong Fu will fight to the death.

Fukushima Masanori nodded, without any nonsense, and immediately followed Toyotomi Hideyoshi's words.

Three days later.

The news that he was going to fight Murong Fu to the death spread throughout the streets and alleys of Japan.

When Tokugawa Ieyasu heard this, he laughed proudly.

Besides him, someone was finally driven crazy by Murong Fu.

However, he didn't go too far and still followed the previous plan.

It took half a month to summon all the vassal kings in the name of King Qin.

They gathered almost all the soldiers and horses that Japan could get, a total of two million soldiers and horses.

Two million? Bao BuTong and others were shocked beyond words.

How can we fight this?

Even if one of us spits, we can drown. Feng BoE shook his head. He was belligerent but not stupid.

Not to mention two million people, just two million pigs.

Even if I stand still and let you kill me, it will take half a month.

Wuqing said in a deep voice: This can almost be regarded as the participation of all members of the Japanese island country in the war.

If we win this battle.

The entire Japan will no longer be able to organize a large-scale army within thirty years.

Zhui Ming said contemptuously: Don't say thirty years, just forty years.

I'm afraid they can't afford the strength they have now.

Zhao Min glanced at Murong Fu and said:

Two million sounds scary.

But most of them are just rabble-rousers.

When the generals heard this, they couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Although there is nothing wrong with what Zhao Min said, there are still too few examples in history of defeating more with less, or defeating one against a hundred.

Feng BoE said embarrassedly: Mrs. Min, although our prince is unparalleled in the world.

But with 160,000 fighting against 2 million, it would be so tragic.

Murong Fu smiled and said: Planning strategies and winning a thousand miles away, I am not as good as Min'er.

Why don't we let her arrange how the next battle will proceed.

Everyone was stunned, and even Zhao Min took a long time to react before replying with a wry smile:

My lord, please stop joking at this time.

Even if Min'er is possessed by Zhuge Liang, it will be difficult to resist two million people.

Murong Fu came to the sand table, pointed at Mount Xuye and said:

This place has now been razed to the ground.

You just need to find a way to lead them here to make the decisive battle.

Flat ground? The generals could hardly believe their ears.

One hundred and sixty thousand people fighting on the plains against an army of two million people would be willing to die.

Your Majesty, would you like to ask Mrs. Min to think of another strategy?

Can we change the place for the decisive battle?

Murong Fu shook his head and said calmly:

This is an order and this cannot be changed.

As soon as these words came out, all the generals in the field were even more surprised.

If it weren't for Murong Fu, he would never have tricked them.

Now, they almost thought of killing someone with a borrowed knife.

He borrowed Japanese swords and killed them.

Zhao Min grew up in a military camp since he was a child, and he knows that military orders are like mountains.

Since Murong Fu had already issued the military order, he could not change it.

Since the prince asked Min'er to find a way, Min'er will definitely go all out and fight the enemy to the end.

Murong Fu was very satisfied and said with a smile:

Don't worry, I have backup plans.

I will never let you lose your life in vain.

The generals nodded, suppressing the entanglements in their hearts, and saluted and accepted their orders.

Later, the historian asked the generals present what they were thinking at this moment.

Except for Bao BuTong and Feng BoEi, who replied that they vowed to live and die with Emperor Yan.

Iron Hand, Chasing Life, Lengxue and others all answered:

If I could run away, I would never stay there.

According to the Tianlong Calendar, it is the ninth day of September.

[Sunoyama] In front of the mountain.

Zhao Min worked hard and used his extremely strong commanding ability.

Led the enemy troops to this plain.

Listen to my order, everyone enter this Calabash Valley.

What? When the generals heard this, they almost went crazy.

Mrs. Min, if you enter this valley again, we will never come out again!

Please think twice! Tie Shou stopped him. He knew that he would definitely die if he entered the valley.

Zhui Ming also said: Yes, Madam Min, we can still deal with the enemy.

There is no need to put all the troops in at once.

Zhao Min's face darkened and he ordered:

This is the prince's military order. Anyone who disagrees will be killed without mercy.

Tie Shou and Zhui Ming's expressions immediately turned ugly, and they helplessly replied: I obey my orders!

In the Japanese Allied Forces, Tokugawa Ieyasu burst out laughing when he saw the [Orca Army] army entering Calabash Valley:

Haha, these Central Plains people are really stupid.

They don't even know that this canyon has no way in or out, and there is a dead end on the other side.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi also laughed and said:

“Now the time, location, people and people are all with us.”

They can't do it even if they don't want to die.

When the other vassal kings heard this, they all laughed happily:

General Tokugawa, please give me the order.

Let's get rid of this bunch of trouble once and for all.

Tokugawa Ieyasu said proudly:

Okay, okay, follow my order and the whole army will go out to kill the bandits in the Central Plains.


After receiving the order, the Japanese army rushed frantically towards the [Orca Army] in Calabash Valley.

And not far away.

Murong Fu never showed up.

Looking at the two fighting parties, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he shouted loudly:

System! Release 300,000 Beiliang Iron Cavalry!

Ding, loading rewards...

Ding, read ten percent, twenty percent...

Ding, the reading is 100%. Congratulations to the host, the Beiliang Iron Cavalry was successfully launched!

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