How difficult is it to turn things around?

How many people in the world can do this?

In fact, now, Bao BuTong, Feng BoE, Tie Shou and others all know it.

Their lives may be decided here.

No matter how strong Murong Fu was, he killed Tokugawa Ieyasu.

It is also impossible to change the momentum of the tiger with a million troops descending from the mountain.

We're fucked!

It's over when it's over. Feng BoE yelled, It's the greatest honor in my life to die for the young master.

After destroying these Japanese bastards, there will no longer be any danger behind the Murong family.

Long live the young master, long live the Murong family!

Bao BuTong was stunned for a moment, then laughed haha and said:

Yes, yes, yes, Fourth, you are right.

I'm different. To die for the young master is the greatest honor in my life.

Death is lighter than a feather or heavier than Mount Tai.

For the sake of the Murong family, I will die without any regrets if I don't agree.

Looking at the excited Bao and Feng.

Zhui Ming only felt wronged.

Two eldest brothers, you seek mercy and you will be benevolent, and you will die if you want.

But my brothers and I are innocent.

We don’t want to die yet, we haven’t lived enough.

I want to have a family, I want to have a baby.

Haha, you two are right. Japanese people often invade our Central Plains.

Kill my people and take my money and food.

Today I have killed enough people with my iron hand, and I have died a worthy death. I have made contributions to the country and the people.

The most important thing is that being able to live and die with so many brothers is a great blessing in life.

It's so happy! It's so happy!

Chasing life is speechless, are these people crazy?

Death, almost death, but still so happy.


You all stop talking, save some strength, and kill a few more people.

Feng Bo evil laughed and said, Brother Zhui Ming, there is no need to be so sad.

We are all going to die sooner or later anyway. If we die now, there are still hundreds of thousands of brothers who will accompany you and go to hell together!

You should be happy!

Zhui Ming became even more speechless, otherwise he would always consider himself self-restrained.

It's hard to say that I really want to curse.


He felt the ground shaking, as if there were some ferocious beasts running towards them.

What's wrong? Feng Bo asked curiously.

Stop talking! Zhuiming immediately signaled Feng Boe to shut up.

next moment.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, he lay down on the ground and felt the tremor of the earth.

Lao Zhui is crazy! Tie Shou asked in confusion.

No. Zhui Ming stood up and said angrily: I heard that a large number of cavalry are coming towards us.

Cavalry? Bao BuTong asked doubtfully: In the valley, the cavalry can't use it.

Japan's small area is not suitable for large-scale cavalry operations.

What are they sending the cavalry for?

Zhui Ming asked doubtfully: Do you think there is a possibility that it could be brought by King Yan?

Impossible! Bao BuTong replied decisively: I am responsible for all ships.

I know best how many people can be transported.

We have absolutely no cavalry!

Zhui Ming thought about it and said in confusion:

Did I hear wrongly, it's not the cavalry but the herd?

But it's impossible for a herd of beasts to not have such a neat sound.

It's a cavalry, definitely a cavalry, I'm sure!

Everyone was confused.

Only Bao BuTong said fiercely: No matter what it is, we will just kill it!

Yes! Kill! The generals roared again, using their last strength to kill Japanese bastards!

Relative to life-chasing speculation.

Tokugawa Ieyasu, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and others saw the Northern Liang Cavalry more intuitively.

They were like sharp knives, fiercely inserted into the body of the Japanese army.

In a way that is almost cutting off from the waist, it penetrates the opponent fiercely.

The speed was so fast that no one had a chance to react.

Where did the iron cavalry here come from? Toyotomi Hideyoshi turned his head to look at Tokugawa Ieyasu and asked sternly.

Tokugawa Ieyasu was also confused, he couldn't figure it out either.

Why would a team of iron cavalry appear in this place?

No, General, there are two more teams! Yasumasa Sakakihara pointed in two directions not far away and shouted loudly.

Tokugawa Ieyasu was startled and looked in the direction pointed by Sakakihara Yasumasa.

Sure enough, we saw two more groups of menacing cavalry.

Three hundred thousand!

A full three hundred thousand horses!

Tokugawa Ieyasu, don't tell me, you didn't notice their existence?

Toyotomi Hideyoshi was completely angry!

In such a plain terrain, their army could not stop the trampling of the cavalry.

To say it was a massacre would be an understatement.

I really didn't find it! Tokugawa Ieyasu replied extremely seriously.

After finishing, he looked at his men again and found that they were the same, and then he was shocked and said:

I understand. I finally understand why Murong Fu never plays his cards according to common sense.

He is going to destroy Japan's vital force in one fell swoop.

We, Japan, will not be able to lift our heads for decades if we are going to fight.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi shook his head and said: It's over, it's all over!

With only two million troops, it is almost our entire strength in Japan.

Once we are slaughtered by him, we may never be able to fight again.

Tokugawa Ieyasu refused!

Toyotomi Hideyoshi refused to accept it!

The other vassal kings were also dissatisfied!

However, they had no way to stop the 300,000 Beiliang cavalry.

As long as they are allowed to charge back and forth a few more times, their own army will be completely dispersed.

At that time, there was no chance to turn defeat into victory. .

Wait! Tokugawa Ieyasu looked at the crowded Gourd Valley entrance.

I thought of a way to preserve my strength.

Rush in, as long as we rush in, we still have a chance of survival.

Yes! At this moment, Toyotomi Hideyoshi also put aside his hatred for Tokugawa Ieyasu and echoed:

This group of cavalry cannot enter the valley entrance. As long as we enter, they will not be able to do anything to us.

We will study strategies at that time, and it is not impossible to turn defeat into victory.

When the vassal kings heard what the two bosses said, their hearts became brighter.

That's what the two generals said!

At this time, an unfriendly voice came out.

Sorry, everyone!

My instinct is that you can't go anywhere.

I just died here to save everyone trouble in the future!

The feudal kings looked up and saw a man wearing purple armor and holding a long stick.

Appeared in front of them.

Tokugawa Ieyasu and Toyotomi Hideyoshi said instinctively:

King Murong Fu of Yan!

Murong Fu laughed haha and said:

You two are worthy of being figures who can influence two eras in Japan.

You can actually recognize me at once!

Tokugawa Ieyasu narrowed his eyes slightly and said coldly:

You appear here alone, aren't you afraid that we will attack you in groups?

Murong Fu said contemptuously: To be honest, I have never put you Japanese bastards in my eyes.

Invite all the ghosts and monsters behind you to come out?

I will destroy them all at once!

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