Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 516 Entrance Examination

Jingyu's beautiful eyes flashed with astonishment, and she said in admiration: I didn't expect that the prince could even know such a secret thing.

Haha, I just know a little bit. Murong Fu smiled faintly, giving people the illusion of being unpredictable and omniscient: By the way, there must be more than fifty palaces here. Where should we look for them?

Xu Fu's palace should be built according to the ancient sect. We can start looking for it from the Medicine Hall and the Bedroom. Jing Yuqian suggested.

Murong Fu suddenly thought of a question: You said, Xu Fu's cave is here, where are the others?

Human? Jing Yuqian said: When the First Emperor defeated the Queen of Heaven, many changes took place in this world. I was still young at the time and can't remember the details clearly.

I just remember that after that incident, the sun and the moon lost their light, and the color of the sky and the earth changed.

It wasn't until a few years ago that things calmed down a lot, and since then there have been no more immortals.

Murong Fu glanced around and said, It should be that the spiritual energy of this world has dissipated, and that old guy Xu Fu has gone to other worlds.

Jing Yuqian smiled and said: Your Majesty is right, the slave family thinks so too.

Okay! Let's go take a look first. Murong Fu said and walked forward. In his heart, he was actually wondering, what good things could be left behind when Xu Fu left?


When he did it, he was forced to do it.


What methods did he leave behind? He was not afraid of outsiders coming in, so he reminded:

Be careful. People like Xu Fu are not big-hearted. Even if they have good things, they won't be able to keep them for us.

Jing Yuqian felt Murong Fu's concern, her heart warmed, and she said with a smile: Thank you, Your Majesty, for reminding me. The slave family is right behind you and will not go anywhere.

Yes. Murong Fu nodded and walked in front of Jing Yu, giving him a sense of security.

The two lit torches and continued walking inside.

Along the way, I didn't notice anything particularly strange, until I reached a platform covered with tiles, and a menacing and ten-foot-tall wooden man appeared in front of me.

These wooden figures seem to be weird. Jing Yuqian reminded.

Murong Fu took out the secret stick and said very calmly: It's nothing more than a mechanism blocking the road.

Jing Yuqian reminded: My lord, please be careful. These are the wooden formations used by ancient sects to test their disciples. They are quite powerful.

Moreover, Xu Fu brought many craftsmen from the public losers back then, and they have always been famous for their domineering machine skills.

The public loses? I understand.

Murong Fu nodded, he was very curious about these ancient toys.

With his current strength, it would be a matter of time before he left this world.

Murong Fu held the Tianji Wand and walked openly to the stone slab.

There were sounds of click, click and click in the ears.

Thousands of wooden figures made mechanical movements and walked towards Murong Fu.

Murong Fu observed carefully and found that these wooden figures looked the same as human beings except that they were made of wood.

The body should be made of rare and strange wood, and the eyes are inlaid with black gems, emitting a faint cold light, which is obviously not a mortal thing.

Murong Fu admired him in his heart: Gong Loser is really powerful, he can create such a special puppet.

But how does it sense the location of my king?

Murong Fu walked towards Murong Fu. He was now in the golden elixir realm, and it was actually not difficult to deal with these wooden figures.

However, he was determined to test the power of the object and did not intend to use all his strength.

He took a step towards Mu Ren and observed him carefully.

Mu Ren sensed that someone was approaching, and activated his heavy body, punching Murong Fu hard, and the wind of the punch flew across his face.

Murong Fu was not polite at all, and hit the wooden man in the abdomen with a backhand stick.


The wooden man was knocked half a foot away and then stood up again.

So heavy, so hard! Murong Fu was slightly surprised. With his current strength, an ordinary master's stick would not fly ten feet away, which is considered light.

But the wooden man in front of him just fell to the ground.

Afterwards, he called me as if nothing was wrong.

At this time, other wood also swarmed up.

Countless fist shadows turned into shooting stars and shot towards Murong Fu.

Haha, it's quite fierce. Murong Fu smiled calmly and used the [Tianji Stick Technique]. In an instant, the shadow of the stick was like a net, hitting the wooden figure, making a calm sound.

The more he fought, the more frightened Murong Fu became. The strength of each of these wooden figures was at least as strong as that of a master.

In addition to being a bit dull, he is invulnerable and cannot be killed.

If the hundreds of heads in the field were taken out, they could easily kill an army of thirty thousand people.

If you work hard, it is not impossible to kill an army of 50,000 people.


Murong Fu shouted loudly, and used both hands to make a move that swept away thousands of troops. With great force, he swept down all of them with a single blow of his stick.

He was secretly shocked in his heart, who was Mu Ren with such strength trying to test.

Is it possible that the ancient sects only accepted extraordinary talents?

Just when he was confused, the next moment, a pair of black daggers appeared in the wooden man's hand.

Murong Fu was secretly surprised.

Who would have thought that this thing would be able to deceive, so he quickly used the Tianji Stick to resist it.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

Instantly sparks flew everywhere.

What a risk. Fortunately, I have a sharp reaction and was not tricked by this thing. Murong Fu snorted in his heart and cursed that the loser is really easy to kill.

Even a sect's mechanism for testing newcomers has come up with so many tricks.

The test is almost done. I am too lazy to play with you. Please go back to me.


After a dragon roar, Murong Fu was covered in purple flames, wrapped around the Tianji stick, and smashed the wooden man away with one stick.

Then, with lightning speed, he led Jing Yuqian out of the stone slab and came to a stone staircase.

It can be regarded as a successful breakthrough.

Climbing up this stone staircase should be considered as completing the entrance exam. Jing Yuqian reminded.

Could this stone staircase have something to say? Murong Fu asked curiously.

I don't know. It stands to reason that generally in ancient sects, there would be some powerful people who would come here to release some powerful forces of heaven and earth, or magic weapons, which would make others unable to lift their heads and unable to escape. Jing Yuqian guessed.

Haha, such a thing really does happen. Unfortunately, there will be nothing here. Murong Fu stepped up the steps confidently.

He can be sure that everything related to the agency in Xu Fu's cave should be easy to use.

But things that require spiritual energy and spiritual power cannot be used anymore.

Jing Yuqian wanted to remind Murong Fu that he had already reached a few steps above, and quickly chased after him.

There were a thousand steps on the stone staircase. Murong Fu pulled the mortal Jing Yu forward and walked for half an hour.

As soon as I reached the top, I saw a stone tablet standing in front of the door.

It says: If you join our Yin Yang Sect, you can learn the art of Yin and Yang, named Xu Fu.

Ding, here comes the problem.

One, join the sect and obtain [Five Elements Escape Technique].

Two, refuse to join and get ten [Teleportation Stones].

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