Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 528 Three hundred thousand Yuan troops piled up Murong Fu to death

No! Gang Leader! Everyone in the Beggar Clan was extremely angry when they saw Huang Rong being grabbed by the neck.

However, they couldn't even get close to Meng Chixing's body and were blocked by a group of Yuan soldiers.

Huang Rong looked at her subordinates, closed her eyes in despair and prepared to die.

But a handsome man with a wicked smile appeared in her mind, it was Murong Fu who often bullied her.

Hey, enemies, goodbye!

And just when everyone thought Huang Rong was going to die.

An extremely cold voice with murderous intent resounded in their ears.

Meng Chixing, I advise you to let go. Maybe I can still save my life!

Huang Rong opened her eyes in surprise and saw that the person coming was none other than her enemy Murong Fu.

Murong Fu! Meng Chixing was also shocked and couldn't believe the person who appeared in front of him.

Go quickly! It's too dangerous here! Huang Rong said anxiously.

Murong Fu looked at Huang Rong calmly and walked towards her slowly.

Meng Chixing said disdainfully: Murong Fu didn't expect you to appear here.

I'll capture you and give it to Emperor Yuan. I think he will be very happy.

With you? Murong Fu shook his finger and said calmly: Not worthy yet!

If you come to Yutian, you are qualified to say this to me.

Meng Chixing's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

His strength is in the Demon Sect, and he can be said to be in the top five.

A mere Murong Fu, even his disciple had beaten him.

How dare you talk to him like this!

This made him feel unspeakably angry.

Very good, very good. I want to see if I am qualified to talk to you like this.

After saying that, Meng Chixing loosened his fingers, put down Huang Rong, and suddenly attacked Murong Fu.

The true energy circulated outside the body and turned into a sharp claw, trying to tear Murong Fu into pieces.

It's a small skill! Murong Fu was so powerful now.

In the entire world, except for those who are at the peak of the realm of unity between man and nature, why should he be afraid of others?

He raised his palm and stood in front of him, with the power of the stars surrounding his body.

[The stars change]

In an instant, Meng Chixing's attack was rebounded.

Moreover, the crisis is several times stronger and faster than the opponent's.

Not good! Meng Chixing didn't expect Murong Fu to be able to counterattack his own skills so cleanly.

He quickly dodged, not wanting the claws to be too fast.

He scratched half of his chest in an instant, and spit out blood.

This... Everyone present was shocked.

The most shocked person was Huang Rong.

She naturally knew very well how strong Murong Fu was.

Although he is strong, he should not be as strong as Guo Jing.

But it's not the same now. His strength simply beats Meng Chixing. He secretly guessed:

Is it possible that he had another adventure?

Murong Fu walked up to Huang Rong, helped her up, and asked with concern: Are you okay?

Huang Rong shook her head and said anxiously: Ask him quickly where Brother Jing is going.

Master Guo? Murong Fu was stunned. He was in a hurry. He arrived here for a long time, but he did not see Guo Jing.

No need to ask! Meng Chixing covered his wound and said domineeringly: Guo Jing has been knocked off the cliff by Si Hanfei and I.

I'm afraid he fell to death?

Huang Rong felt a hint of despair and sighed: This is life.

Murong Fu looked strange and said: Based on my experience in Tianya, maybe Guo Daxia is not dead.

Meng Chixing said coldly: You are just lucky.

While they were talking, tens of thousands of Yuan troops surrounded Murong Fu and Huang Rong.

You shouldn't have come. Huang Rong said sadly: If even you die, who will God give them to take care of them.

Murong Fu was stunned, how did he know that Huang Rong ordered someone to send the child to Prince Yan's Mansion overnight, and asked doubtfully: Where is the child?

I ordered Elder Lu to send them to your house. Huang Rong said.

Murong Fu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this: I was shocked. Well, since that's the case, let's go!

Meng Chixing covered his chest, as if he heard a joke, he couldn't help laughing and said: Let's go?

Murong Fu, I know that you have great martial arts skills, but there are three hundred thousand yuan troops here. Do you think you can escape by yourself?

An army of three hundred thousand yuan? Murong Fu's eyes flashed with coldness. He couldn't kill an army of three hundred thousand yuan.

Even if he transforms into a dragon and eats it one bite at a time, it will still be enough to exhaust him to death.

But... with his current strength, as long as he wants to leave, he can leave, let alone 300,000, even 3 million.

He looked down at Meng Chixing with contempt, held Huang Rong in his arms and said warmly: Ignore this fool, I want to leave. Even if Zhang Sanfeng comes, he won't be able to stop me.

Do it! Meng Chixing shouted and ordered the soldiers to take action.

Murong Fu's face suddenly became furious, and a purple-gold true dragon came out of his body.

The Yuan army had never seen such a miraculous thing before, and they were all frightened. The real dragon roared out and fell towards the Yuan army.

No! Meng Chixing had already sensed the extraordinary power of the real dragon. If he let it fall, the Yuan army would be seriously injured, so he hurriedly stopped him.

Hmph! Murong Fu snorted coldly. The next moment, the Purple Gold Dragon turned into a burst of spiritual light on Yuan Jun's head and dissipated into nothing. He asked arrogantly:

Can I take Mrs. Huang away now?

Meng Chixing's face was extremely ugly: I didn't expect that you would reach such a state. I can't stop you, just go!

Murong Fu didn't even look at Meng Chixing, he picked up Huang Rong and walked forward slowly.

The Yuan army in front of them consciously separated into two rows and allowed Murong Fu to leave.

Shi Tianze and Ah Shu were shocked when they saw this scene not far away.

General, why don't we use 300,000 troops and horses to kill this Murong Fu! A Shu said with a fierce look on his face.

Shi Tianze narrowed his eyes slightly and slowly loosened his clenched fists: It's worth exchanging three hundred thousand lives for him as King Yan.

Then let's... Ah Shu reminded.

Shi Tianze shook his head and said: No, at least not today. Meng Chixing must have known that it was not possible, so he let him leave.

Why is this? Ah Shu asked puzzled.

Haha, because he wants to leave, we can't stay, and he doesn't have a reason to stay. Shi Tianze smiled helplessly.

Yes! Ah Shu nodded. This place is vast. It would take 300,000 people to pile them up to death. If they want to leave, who can stay?

I need to report this to the Emperor Yuan. Murong Fu is already at the top of the world in terms of his magnanimity and strength. What if... Shi Tianze did not say what if.

Just in case, he has the ambition to dominate the world again.

Just in case, he still has an invincible army.

just in case…

Half an hour later, Murong Fu carried Huang Rong to a deserted forest.

Seeing that there was no one around, Huang Rong said coldly: Okay, I've almost recovered. I can walk by myself. Please put me down.

Saying that, without waiting for Murong Fu to react, he broke free and fell heavily to the ground.

Murong Fu said distressedly: Rong'er, why are you doing this?

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