Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 533 Seventh in the World

Jie Jie, who am I to dare to come to our [Destiny Sect] territory? It turns out to be our Lord Yan.

The person who spoke was the man in black who had spoken to Guo Fu.

Murong Fu couldn't help but raise his brows when he heard the other party's confident tone. Could it be that he drank too much fake wine?

Be careful, he is the manager here and he seems to be very powerful. Guo Fu warned in a low voice.

Murong Fu smiled disdainfully. Those in charge were just a bunch of rubbish. It’s not like he had never killed the [Destiny Sect] before. He said calmly:

Don't be afraid, it's just a dog.

Guo Fu stared at Murong Fu with her doubtful eyes, as if to say, is he really a dog?

Haha, I have long heard that Nan Murong is extremely arrogant, and it turned out to be so when I saw him today. The man in black said coldly.

Murong Fu naturally lost his patience and asked, I'll give you a chance. Tell me your name, so that no one will know who you are even after you die. It's so sad.

You... The man in black seemed to be particularly concerned about his reputation. He thought for a moment and said proudly: Remember, I am the seventh in the world...

Bang! Murong Fu pointed out, and his powerful spiritual power turned into a transparent cyclone, instantly breaking the opponent's heart.

The so-called No. 7 in the world fell to the ground unwillingly, muttering: Why...what?

I'm sorry, I remembered that I have to drink soup when I get home. I don't have time to listen to your nonsense. Murong Fu picked up Tianxin and Tianci and walked out.

Xiao Guo Fu pulled the corner of his clothes and followed behind.

It's bad there are enemies sneaking in!

The other Tianming believers finally discovered Murong Fu's existence and rushed towards him one by one with claws and teeth.

Be careful! Guo Fu warned loudly.

Murong Fu smiled haha, and with a thought in his mind, his eyes emitted purple soul light. The group of believers around him immediately became extremely frightened, as if they had seen something terrible.

All of them were twitching all over, foaming at the mouth, rolling their eyes, and their liver and gallbladder were violent. They were scared to death.

Little Guo Fu looked at everything in front of her and couldn't believe her big eyes.

She had a vague illusion that the person in front of her seemed to be more powerful than her father, so she suggested:

Uncle Murong, I know there are still some children, why don't we rescue them together.

Murong Fu smiled slightly, shook his head and said, Okay, but I will take you to see your mother first. She misses you very much.

What! Mother is here too? Guo Fu became a little excited when she heard that Huang Rong was coming, and her little steps became a little more brisk.

Well! You are her heartthrob, why can't she come back? Murong Fu said with a smile.

As soon as the four people left the cave, they saw the officers and soldiers arriving. Murong Fu handed Guo Fu and Tianxin to Huang Rong, and ordered to Bai Zhantang and others:

Go ahead and kill them all. I don't need any survivors.

Bai Zhantang was stunned and secretly thought that this made his prince so angry that he didn't even want his tongue anymore.

The fighting power of the Destiny Cultists was not high. Without the blessing of No. 7 in the World, even if there were a few good fighters, they were quickly eliminated by the officers and soldiers led by Bai Zhantang.

A rough calculation shows that there are more than 300 people in this stronghold.

Your Majesty, what should we do with these abducted children? After everything was over, Bai Zhantang approached Murong Fu and asked for instructions.

Murong Fu said: Those who want to leave will be rewarded with three taels of silver each.

If you are willing to find something to eat, take them to the [Shadow Secret Guard] or [Dragon Flag Army] to report.

Bai Zhantang said awkwardly: Your Majesty, [Jiangcheng] is hundreds of miles away from us in Suzhou. I'm afraid they will be exhausted by the time they get there.

Murong Fu rolled his eyes at the other party: Stupid, the stronghold here is not good. Open a [Shadow Secret Guard] branch for me.

Uh. Bai Zhantang was stunned by what he said, and said with an admiring smile: Yes, the prince is wise.

How about we go back first? Huang Rong suggested in a low voice.

Seeing that the other party was a little anxious, Murong Fu asked curiously: What's wrong?

Well, Tianxin and Tianci are hungry. Huang Rong whispered with a blush.

As soon as he said this, Murong Fu showed a wicked smile. He and Huang Rong had been living in the spiritual world a while ago, and he forgot that he still had the self-service drinks, so he whispered back:

Ahem, okay, I'd better go back and have someone make you some more chicken soup to replenish your body. I'm afraid it won't be enough for three people.

Three people? Huang Rong was startled, looking at Murong Fu's bad behavior, and said: You can't be serious in front of your son and daughter.

Yes, yes, this king is serious, serious. Murong Fu was in a good mood and left with Huang Rong and others.

[Jiangcheng] In the prefect's mansion, Yi Kangbing was sitting on his grand master's chair.

His fingers kept tapping on the chair, making a bang~bang~bang~ sound.

When the subordinates saw this, they knew that their master was thinking about something, so they did not dare to come forward and disturb him, so they had to stand behind him silently.

Suddenly, Yi Kangbing asked: Tell me, who is the true Dragon Emperor in today's world?

The subordinate was stunned, how could he answer this?

Zhao Chen or Zhao Gou? Before his subordinates could reply, Yi Kangbing said to himself again, Huh? Who is better between them?

The subordinates were helpless. Talking about the emperor was a serious crime that would lead to beheading. This was because between the two emperors, it didn't matter who they talked about.

So he bravely said: Zhao Chen is cowardly, and Zhao Gou is mean and ungrateful. These two people are not the choice of a wise king.

Yi Kangbing was stunned, looked at his subordinate very seriously, gave a thumbs up and said: Brilliant, brilliant summary, why didn't I find you so smart before?

The subordinate rubbed his head and replied awkwardly: I actually heard this from outside....

Yi Kangbing suddenly said: It seems that the people are quite critical of these two emperors.

Yes, sir! the subordinate agreed.

Yi Kangbing thought for a moment and asked casually, What do you think of King Yan?

King Yan? The subordinate thought for a moment and said, My lord, King Yan has extraordinary bearing and nobility. If you can make friends with him, it should be helpful to you.

Haha, you are quite a slippery boy. Yi Kangbing smiled haha.

When the two were chatting happily, a servant came to report: Sir, King Yan came back with a few people and asked you to prepare some old hen soup.

Old hen soup? Yi Kangbing said Ah, remembering the purpose of Murong Fu's coming here, he stood up and said: Go quickly, prepare the old hen and some things for producing milk.

Ah, I understand, little one, go right away. The servant followed the order and left.

Yi Kangbing straightened his clothes and said with a smile to his subordinates: Let's go and pay a visit to His Highness King Yan.

Yes! the subordinate responded quickly and followed Yi Kangbing to visit Murong Fu.

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