Murong Fu didn't want to go on a killing spree, he wanted to be the dominant overlord.

Killing these people yourself is somewhat price-deprecating.


With a wave of his hand, the purple dragon disappeared.


Gao Shengtai fell to the ground hard, his body in a state of dilapidation.

Fortunately, he is also a good fortune teller and still has some breath left.

Get someone to treat him. Maybe he can survive.

Gao Zhisheng was overjoyed and quickly ordered people to carry Gao Shengtai away.

He also put on a flattering look and moved closer to Murong Fu.

Obviously, he was shocked by Murong Fu's methods just now.

My lord, it is true that a villain is blind and does not recognize the true dragon.

Please, please don't forget the faults of the villain, and don't blame us mortals again.

Murong Fu said indifferently: Since you have decided to be loyal to me.

Of course I will not blame you again.

Gao Zhisheng breathed a sigh of relief. Previously, he was just a temporary measure, pretending to seek refuge with Murong Fu. .

Now that his son was not dead, he really wanted to hug Murong Fu's thigh and replied repeatedly:

Thank you, thank you!

Murong Fu glanced at Gao Zhisheng and said:

Okay, Hongmen Banquet, I have already arrived.

If nothing happens, just send me back.

Gao Zhisheng was startled. He hadn't flattered him yet. How could he just let this opportunity go?

He rolled his eyes and gave his daughter Gao Mei a look.

The intention is obviously to keep Murong Fu!

Gao Mei gritted his teeth, stretched out his hand to hold Murong Fu's hand, and said softly:

My lord, if you leave later, you can give my father a chance to make up for his mistakes.

Murong Fu frowned slightly, although Gao Mei was beautiful and dignified.

It has a different taste.

However, the identity is different.

Doing this will affect your reputation if word spreads. He pulled back his hand and said:

There are plenty of opportunities to make amends, so don't rush today.

I have something else to do, so I'm leaving.

After saying that, Murong Fu turned and left.

Seeing this, Gao Zhisheng quickly pushed Gao Mei out and said:

Go quickly and see the prince off.

Okay... Gao Mei was somewhat reluctant, but he couldn't resist his father's order.

He had no choice but to catch up with Murong Fu at a trot and respectfully send him back to the palace.

And none of them cared about it, in a corner of Gao Mansion.

Duan Tianming, the eldest brother of [Wuya Sect], covered his chest and said:

Damn, luckily my eyes are good, I can recognize the evil Murong Fu.

Otherwise, I'm afraid my life will be lost.

He never thought that after that time in the ancient tomb.

So soon I met Murong Fu again.

Sigh, the opportunity to make good friends with the Gao family was wasted.

He ran away immediately, vowing to leave Dali immediately and try his luck in Xixia.

See if you can find any clues to the Immortal Sect.

On the other side: Murong Fu has returned to the palace.

Seeing that Gao Mei was still following him, he said politely:

Prince Princess, I'm sorry to trouble you.

Gao Mei smiled lightly and said, Your Majesty, you're welcome. It's not a long journey in total.

Haha, I, the king, go ahead and say goodbye. Murong Fu saluted and prepared to leave.

Unexpectedly, Gao Mei stopped her again and asked curiously: What? Does the Crown Princess have anything else?

Gao Mei sighed and said, Your Majesty, father and brother have offended you today.

I hope you don't hold a grudge against them.

If you don't feel relieved, I am willing to bear all the blame for my father and brother.

Murong Fu said calmly: I have already said this.

I will meet you later and give your father a chance to atone for his sins.

Gao Mei was startled. She had discovered that Murong Fu didn't seem to like him and wanted to communicate more with her.

Suddenly I thought about the Han people's saying that people's words are to be feared, so I no longer struggled:

Thank you, Your Majesty.

My little girl has some things to do in the house, so I'll take my leave first.

Murong Fu breathed a sigh of relief, the other party was finally gone.

Watch Gao Mei's lonely back as she leaves.

Then he returned to the palace.

Surprisingly, Duan Zhengchun was waiting for him with two old monks.

As soon as the former saw him, he immediately said excitedly:

My good nephew, you are finally back.

If it's any later, I'm afraid I'll have to ask my brother for medical treatment.

Murong Fu joked: The Gao family is not a dragon's den or a tiger's den. Why should uncle be so excited?

Duan Zhengchun shook his head and said: This Gao family is not an ordinary person. You must not underestimate him.

Murong Fu nodded, today's Gao family.

It has become a vicious dog under his own control.

Big or small, that's all.

Haha, uncle is worrying too much.

The Gao family did not do anything untoward to me.

Duan Zhengchun breathed a sigh of relief and quickly extended his hand to introduce:

This is Master Yideng.

This is the yellow-browed monk.

Both of them are monks whom I have made famous.

I heard you were coming, so I came here to see you.

When the yellow-browed monk saw Murong Fu, he immediately showed a look of shock and said excitedly:

It's really you!

Murong Fu also expressed some surprise:

Do you know me, Master?

Haha, it seems you have forgotten the old monk. The yellow-browed monk smiled.

Murong Fu shook his head: I wonder when I met the master?

The yellow-browed monk replied: About ten years ago, when you were a teenager.

We were lucky enough to meet once.

Murong Fu was startled. He hadn't come here more than ten years ago, so how could he remember it.

Pretending to be confused, he patted his head and said:

Haha, look at my bad memory, I'm really sorry.

The yellow-browed monk shook his head: It doesn't matter, whether we knew each other before or not.

Today I can see the grace of King Yan, and I think it's worth it.

Murong Fu smiled haha. He didn't expect that the old monk would flatter him, and said quickly:

Master, thank you very much.

Master Yideng also echoed:

Amitabha, Junior Brother Huang is right, King Yan is a talented person.

It's really extraordinary when I see it today.

Murong Fu returned the greeting to Master Yideng and said, Master Yideng made a serious statement.

As the saying goes, don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, these two people are here today.

He also flattered himself a lot, most likely because he wanted something from me.

Master Yideng glanced at the yellow-browed monk and said:

I've heard for a long time that King Yan has unparalleled intelligence.

We have something to ask for.

Murong Fu thought to himself that it was impossible for someone to praise him in vain and said with a smile:

You two eminent monks are highly skilled in cultivation. I wonder if you still need me for anything?

The yellow-browed monk sighed and said: To be honest, the Duan clan of Dali has a sword technique called [Six Meridians Divine Sword].

Murong Fu nodded and expressed that he knew:

I learned this swordsmanship after hearing about Brother Duan Yu. I don't know if it's true or not!

Duan Zhengchun looked like he hated iron and said:

My son has learned a lot.

It works sometimes and sometimes not, it's of no use at all.

Murong Fu asked in confusion: But what happened to this swordsmanship?

The yellow-browed monk sighed and said, Your Majesty guessed it right. This swordsmanship was stolen by a Tubo monk.

I happened to take it to Xixia, saying it was to be presented to a certain princess.

Murong Fu smiled when he heard this and said:

Is this monk called Jiumozhi?

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