Is this... okay?

Li Qinglu looked at Murong Fu blankly, her eyes full of grievances. She should be the first woman to marry Li Yanzong.

Now, she has become a mistress.

Murong Fu scratched his head desperately, wishing to dig out all the memories of former Murong Fu.

However, it was empty.

The key is that in the original work, there is no emotional scene between Li Yanzong and Li Qinglu.

Could it be that this is a hidden line?

Come to think of it, Murong Fu has been undercover in Xixia for so many years, following Helian Tieshu all day long, so it would be weird if he didn't know Li Qinglu.

However, as a beautiful woman and a princess, there is no harm in agreeing.

That, of course, is good. However, I have been a little busy recently, and my marriage will have to wait a while.

Li Qiushui said, It doesn't matter, Qinglu is still young, and I don't want her to get married too early.

You can marry her and leave within a year.

Murong Fu breathed a sigh of relief. If he were asked to marry Li Qinglu now, he would really be a little uncomfortable with it. He saluted and said, This junior understands.

Wu Xingyun waited for a long time and finally said impatiently: Humph, you have finished studying your family affairs, now let's talk about our affairs.

What's there to say? If Xiaoyaozi really comes, you and I can just run away. Even if the Ai family doesn't believe it, we can't hide from him. Li Qiushui said nonchalantly.

Hmph, do you think Xiaoyaozi is that simple? Wu Xingyun said disdainfully: I'm afraid you will never know his methods in this life.

Shut up to the Ai family! Li Qiushui immediately became furious after hearing this.

The burst of zhenqi blew up her hair.

Although her face is not as young as Wu Xingyun, it is very delicate.

Even if you are angry, there is a different kind of beauty.

While speaking, he used [White Rainbow Palm Power] to shoot Wu Xingyun from the air.

Hmph, bitch, you think I'm afraid of you. Wu Xingyun shouted, and used his backhand move [Tianshan Six Yang Palm].

The collision of palms was much more powerful than the previous sword fight between Murong Fu and Jiumozhi.

There was a bang sound!

The entire underground palace was shaking.

Hmph, senior sister, you are awesome again. Li Qiushui stamped his feet and flew towards Wu Xingyun.

One palm, one palm, continuous shots.

Humph, what a trick! Wu Xingyun was naturally not afraid of Li Qiu Shui, and he waved back with a stream of pure flames in his hand.

Everyone felt a strong wind blowing against their faces, as sharp as a knife.

Everything around him made a pop and pop sound.

Seeing this, Murong Fu stood in front of Li Qinglu and protected her behind him.

Unexpectedly, the little girl hugged Murong Fu and said, Yanzong, I knew you would always protect me.

Murong Fu smiled and didn't know how to reply, so he reminded him be careful.

Continue to focus on watching the two fight.

Wu Xingyun is worthy of being the senior sister of the [Xiaoyao Sect]. A set of [Tianshan Six Yang Palms] is so powerful that it actually raises the temperature of the entire underground palace.

But Li Qiushui's [White Rainbow Palm Power] is also extraordinary. It seems that he is facing the enemy head-on, but in fact the direction of his palm power is wandering, making it difficult for the opponent to detect.

The left palm was shot out, and the area around the right palm was as straight as desired. The power of the left palm went around the east and west sides and attacked Wu Xingyun.

It’s really hard to guard against.

In terms of one technique alone, it seems to be a bit better than Wu Yazi.

However, Wu Yazi has the Beiming Divine Art, and his internal strength is extremely deep.

There is absolutely no problem in picking one of them up.

Seeing that the two women were fighting more and more fiercely, the entire underground palace would collapse if they continued to fight.

Murong Fu naturally couldn't look at it any longer.

Against the strong wind, he landed directly between the two women and took action to stop him:

Two seniors, please stop.

Arrogant! Wu Xingyun didn't give Murong Fu any face and pushed him away.

Li Qiushui was not polite when he saw this, and also pushed Murong Fu's other hand away.

The two girls fought together again.

Murong Fu had no choice but to say in a cold voice: That would offend you!

With that said, he also joined the fighting circle, turned his palms into fists, and punched the two women one after another.

At first, the two girls did not see how powerful Murong Fu was.

Unexpectedly, Murong Fu's fists were heavier each time.

The last casual punch punched a hole in the void.

Oh my god, Buddha! How could he be so powerful!

Jiumozhi, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, saw Murong Fu's bravery and almost fainted from fright. He swore that he would never dare to offend him again in this life.

So strong! Wu Xingyun then realized that Murong Fu was able to defeat Xiaoyaozi not by luck, but by strength.

Still arrogantly said: With this strength alone, it's not enough to stop me.

Li Qiushui was different. Seeing Murong Fu's strength, she felt happy, and gradually stopped recruiting, and turned into a member of the public.

Watching Wu Xingyun and Murong Fu fighting.

What's even more outrageous is that he was served a fruit plate.

While eating the fruit, I became a judge with relish.

After Murong Fu fought for a while, he calmed down and began to study [Combined Sword Qi].

【Mid-Charging Sword】!

[Guan Chong Sword]!

[Shaochong Sword]!

The more you use it, the more proficient you become. Each sword is faster than the other, and its power gradually increases.

Wu Xingyun's face was extremely ugly. In a fit of anger, he used the [Tianshan Plum-Breaking Hand] to grab Murong Fu's wrist and try to break him down.

Unexpectedly, when he was pulled into the air, he realized that Murong Fu was as heavy as a mountain.

One of them was not good enough and was severely pressed to the ground.


With a loud noise, Murong Fu pressed down on Wu Xingyun, held his hands down, and said with a smile: Senior, can you still fight?

This was the first time for Wu Xingyun to be ridden by a man. He was so embarrassed that he wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl in, and said angrily:

You bastard, why don't you get up quickly?

Murong Fu shrugged and stood up slowly.

Unexpectedly, Wu Xingyun didn't talk about martial arts, he just raised his leg and kicked him. If he hadn't reacted in time, he would have almost killed his ancestors and grandsons.

Hmph, you brat, you're lucky. Wu Xingyun said unhappily.

Murong Fu was not annoyed and said with a smile: Senior, I accepted the concession.

Humph! Wu Xingyun rolled his eyes at Murong Fu and stopped talking.

Seeing that the two of them stopped fighting, Li Qiushui came out to act like a peacemaker and said, Senior sister, please don't get angry with a junior.

Don't do this. If you don't want to deal with Xiaoyaozi with me, I'll just leave. After Wu Xingyun said that, he turned around and left.

Li Qiu Shui's face darkened, and when he was about to speak, Murong Fu interrupted him: Senior Wu, I want to ask you, is it true that you don't have any clues about [Changchun Valley]?

What are you going to do? Wu Xingyun looked at Murong Fu curiously.

Murong Fu said: To be honest, I went to the valley to ask for something.

Hmph, is it possible that you are also thinking about the water from the legendary [Fountain of Youth]? Wu Xingyun said disdainfully.

Yes, this junior wants to ask for some [Fountain of Youth] to refine [Yanzhuan Dan]. Murong Fu replied truthfully.

Everyone was shocked when they heard this, and Li Qiushui was even more surprised: You know how to refine [Zhu Yan Dan]?

I have the elixir recipe, but I haven't refined it yet. Murong Fu replied.

Haha, I didn't expect that you actually have the legendary [Zhu Yan Dan] prescription. Not bad, not bad. Li Qiushui said happily.

Hmph, the skin is nothing more than an appearance. It's just a recipe for [Zhu Yan Dan]. Why are you surprised? Wu Xingyun said disdainfully:

However, I do have some clues, but I don't know whether they are true or false.

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