Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 596 The Ancestral Instructions of the Valley of Eternal Life

The secret method [Xiaoxianmen]?

This was the first time Murong Fu had heard of such a secret technique.

As soon as I thought about it, a description about [Little Immortal Sect] appeared in my mind.

Briefly break the void and enter the dimensional space without going through any path or consuming time and move quickly.

The moving distance is based on the user's ability and spiritual consciousness range.


The more I listen to it, the more familiar it becomes.

What? Boy, you don't want to? Wuya Ancient Sage saw that Murong Fu didn't speak for a long time. He felt very unhappy and shouted in greeting.

Haha, senior, I will naturally be happy to join my Prince Yan Palace. Murong Fu glanced at Taniguchi, who was beaten beyond recognition by him, and joked:

If the river water in the valley is diverted here, it will be a beautiful sight.

Prince Yan has a very good idea. I will send my disciples to do it later. The Valley Master said politely.

Murong Fu was stunned, but he did not expect that the Valley Master, who had rejected people thousands of miles away a few days ago, would take the initiative to speak and said with a smile:

I just said it casually, the Valley Master does not need to take it seriously.

The Valley Master was stunned and forgot how to answer. However, the Great Elder was more direct and asked:

Did Prince Yan get back the treasure that resurrected the [Fountain of Youth]?

Murong Fu slapped his forehead and said with a smile: I was so happy that I forgot about this matter.

With that said, he took out a gem that he had picked off from the top of the [War Temple] and showed it to everyone.

Wuya Ancient Sage said in surprise: This treasure has such a heavy breath of life.

The Great Elder and the Valley Master looked at each other, showing joy, and said anxiously: Let's go and try now.

Lin Xiaolin asked: Valley Master, what should we do with these people?

The Valley Master glanced at the Wuya Ancient Sage that Lin Xiaolin was referring to, and said angrily: Men are not allowed to enter the [Valley of Eternal Age].

Ancient Sage Wuya was stunned, pointed at Murong Fu, and said, Isn't he a man?

Him? The Valley Master said calmly, It's different!

You... Ancient Sage Wuya felt deeply unfair and refused to do so.

When Murong Fu saw this, he smiled and said, Senior, don't worry, let your apprentice build a wooden house here and live there for a few days.

Take a good look at the beautiful scenery here. Isn't it a beautiful thing?

Go on, go on, I am your loser, whatever you say will be whatever you say. Ancient Sage Wuya was also cheerful, waving his hands, sitting cross-legged directly, and began to use Qigong to heal his injuries.

Seeing this, Murong Fu smiled slightly and called Duan Tianming to come over and protect him.

He and the Valley Master and others entered the back of the valley, in front of a statue of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Lady.

The statue of Xuannv is lifelike, with a compassionate face and closed eyes.

Holding a vase in his hand, he seemed to be pouring water downwards.

This is the spring of the [Spring of Agelessness]. The owner of the valley bowed respectfully a few times and spoke in favor of Murong Fu.

Murong Fu nodded and handed the gem to the owner of the valley.

The Valley Master thanked him and immediately set the gems on the Xuannv statue.

The next moment, the statue, which had its eyes closed, slowly opened its eyes.

What followed was the slowly flowing water in the vase.

Great, the [Fountain of Youth] is out. The great elder said happily.

The Valley Master nodded and turned to look at Murong Fu with a serious expression.


Kneel down.

When Murong Fu was greatly surprised, the owner of the valley said:

The 256th generation owner of [Eternal Valley], Lin Ningzhi, follows the instructions of his ancestors.

I serve Murong Fu as my lord! I hope my lord will be kind to all the disciples in [Eternal Valley].

Lin Chaoying and Lin Xiaolin on the side covered their mouths in surprise, not knowing what to do.

The great elder also knelt on the ground and said:

The 225th Great Elder of [Eternal Valley], Lin Jiu'er, pays homage to the Lord.

Murong Fu said awkwardly: You two, are you making a mistake?

Can you get up first and explain it to me?

Lin Ningzhi glanced at Lin Jiu'er, pulled her to stand up and said.

When the first generation of the valley owner established our valley, he had already calculated that the [Fountain of Youth] would one day dry up. M..

And I left my ancestors' instructions, and the one who saves the valley is regarded as my lord.

“Only in this way can I [Eternal Valley] continue to pass on the legacy.”

Otherwise, we will not be able to cope with the next [Apocalypse] catastrophe.

Murong Fu raised his eyebrows and said with a bitter smile:

How is your first Valley Master so powerful?

Can you calculate what will happen thousands of years later?

Lin Jiuer replied calmly: Our first Valley Master is one of Emperor Xuanyuan's wives.

The inheritance comes from the method of Emperor Master Guangchengzi.

Murong Fu was startled and said, Doesn't that mean you are cultivating immortal magic?

Lin Ningzhi explained: Yes or no, we don't know.

Because no one can practice the [Eternal Age Eternal Spring Kung Fu] to the ninth level.

Murong Fu asked curiously: What about the first Valley Master?

She hasn't cultivated to level nine either?

Lin Ningzhi calmly replied: She and Emperor Xuanyuan ascended to the upper world.

Murong Fu was curious when he stood up:

You said you can take people to the upper world?

Lin Ningzhi nodded and said: There was once an allusion about the Yellow Emperor's three thousand daughters who soared in the daytime.

I think your Lord must have heard of it.

Murong Fu waved his hand and said: Master of the Valley, you'd better call me Prince. This call, Your Majesty, is too sudden.

Lin Ningzhi was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said:

Lingzhi understands and will let the prince get used to it slowly.

Murong Fu no longer dwelled on this matter, but asked:

Can you give me a container? I need to put some [Fountain of Youth] back.

Lin Ningzhi smiled and said, My lord, don't worry.

Lingzhi, let me prepare it for you.

Lin Chaoying reminded in a low voice: Valley Master, the prince... is injured.

How about we let him rest for a while first?

That's right! Lin Ningzhi ordered: Go find a few disciples to heal the prince's wounds.

Murong Fu smiled bitterly and said: No need, I, the king, can heal his wounds on his own.

Lin Ningzhi explained: My lord, don't worry.

[Eternal Age Changchun Gong] has a very good healing effect.

“You’ll know what it tastes like once you try it.”

My king, I think... Murong Fu smiled, but still wanted to refuse.

He just wanted to heal his wounds in a serious way.

Lin Chaoying saw that Murong Fu was unwilling and advised:

My lord, let's give it a try. At least it's the Valley Master's wish.

Murong Fu was helpless. Lin Chaoying was also Xiao Longnu, Li Mochou's ancestor and mother-in-law.

He didn’t want to refute someone’s face too much, so he nodded and said:

Okay, I will give it a try.

Lin Ningzhi and others were naturally very happy when they saw that Murong Fu agreed.

He found several elite disciples in the valley to heal Murong Fu's injuries.

It must be said that [Eternal Age Eternal Spring Kung Fu] contains infinite power of life.

It's really wonderful.

It only took half a day to remove all the internal organs burned by lightning in his body.

Most of them were cured.

It really saved him a lot of recovery time.

Thank you, there are a few of you.

Lin Chaoying and Lin Xiaolin stood up and replied:

You're welcome, Your Majesty.

Since the Valley Master asked me to wait, I will serve you as my master.

This kind of thing is naturally the right thing to do!

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