Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 606 Late night communication

Murong Fu thought what was going on and said calmly:

The people under my command have already come to inform me.

It is said that Aixinjueluo Yinzhen is in Gusu, waiting for my king to return.

Duan Zhengming admired:

I never expected that nephew Murong Xian's subordinates could convey the news to you so quickly.

Haha, it's just a trivial matter. Murong Fu said calmly.

The current intelligence system of Prince Yan's Mansion is complete, covering almost the entire Song Dynasty.

Whether it's in the world of martial arts or in court, as long as he wants to know, he can figure it out.

Duan Zhengming rolled his eyes and said with a smile:

I have also heard of Aixinjueluo Yinzhen.

I just didn't expect that he would come over and invite you in person?

Imagine what you have planned is very big!

Murong Fu was familiar with history and naturally knew who Aixinjueluo Yinzhen was.

Tolerant, ruthless, and tenacious.

What he did was done with great skill.

But after Duan Zhengming reminded him, he also started to murmur in his heart.

That's right!

Yinzhen is a dignified fourth son of the emperor, although he is not yet welcome to see him.

But there is no need to come all the way here.

Is it possible that he really has a plan?

Thinking of this, Murong Fu looked up at Duan Zhengming and said curiously:

Senior Duan, what do you think will happen if he comes to see me personally?

Duan Zhengming smiled bitterly and said, I wouldn't have guessed that.

The military strength of the Qing Dynasty is now not weaker than that of the Yuan Dynasty.

Except, the position of the prince is unknown.

Nothing seems amiss.

Murong Fu suddenly realized that Yinzhen was probably looking for political resources.

The purpose of wooing yourself is to gain power.

After thinking about everything, Murong Fu thanked Duan Zhengming.

The three of them chatted for a while about the general trend of the world today.

Murong Fu found a reason to look for Xiao Longnu and Li Mochou.

When Duan Zhengming and Duan Zhengchun heard this, they showed a strange smile unique to their old Duan family.

After realizing what was going on, he asked his servants to send Murong Fu to see the two girls.

Duan Zhengchun saw Murong Fu leaving and asked:

Brother, the current Qing Dynasty is probably a whirlpool.

I'm afraid whoever goes there will lose their skin.

Duan Zhengming looked at Duan Zhengchun and said calmly:

Fortunately, the Qing Dynasty is very far away from Dali.

Even if it catches fire, it won't burn us.

Duan Zhengchun nodded and told:

Brother Imperial, who are you going to send to go into this muddy water this time?

Duan Zhengming raised his eyebrows, looked at Duan Zhengchun, and said with a smile:

Haha, Brother Wang, you are my spokesperson for Dali.

In this matter, I have decided to send you.

Duan Zhengchun was stunned and said with a wry smile:

This time it's a chore.

Duan Zhengming laughed a few times and said:

Kangxi's sons were thinking about how to compete for the throne all day long.

Maybe when I win you over, I will give you a few concubines.

Isn't it just what you want?

Duan Zhengchun blushed and said embarrassedly:

Brother Imperial, I am not that kind of person.

Duan Zhengming looked at Duan Zhengchun, then spoke loudly without saying anything.

The meaning is clear and self-evident.

Murong Fu heard the startled laughter of Emperor Baoding from far away and shook his head.

He thought to himself: These two old guys are really disrespectful.

Next few days.

Murong Fu went to the Valley of Immortality again

Put Xiao Longnu, Li Mochou and Mu Wanqing here.

Let the three girls practice well with Lin Chaoying.

He told Wuya Ancient Sage a few words.

Finally, he and Duan Zhengchun had no choice but to embark on the journey back to the Qing Dynasty.

Everyone tacitly came to [Yuxu Temple] again.

Qin Hongmian and Ruan Xingzhu knew that Duan Zhengchun was here to find his good wife.

But there is no way to stop it. Who makes the old scumbag have a unique way of managing time?

When we got here, it was just dark.

They have to live whether they want to live or not.

The only thing he could do was to pester Duan Zhengchun as much as possible to prevent him from leaving his sight.

On the contrary, it was Murong Fu. Without Xiao Longnu, Li Mochou was very relaxed around him.

Taking advantage of the moonlight, he secretly sneaked into Dao Baifeng's boudoir.

Dao Baifeng, who had just gone to bed to rest, felt as if there were insects crawling on his legs.

He reached out to grab it, but he didn't expect it to be grabbed by a big hand.

Frightened, she suddenly opened her eyes and shouted:

It's you!

Murong Fu took his time and said:

Shh, keep your voice down.

It would be bad if outsiders heard it.

Dao Baifeng said angrily: I didn't talk last time, I just treated it as a dream.

Why are you back again?

Murong Fu chuckled:

I, the King Mengduo.

You... Dao Baifeng was so angry that she slapped Murong Fu with her palm.

Haha, you can't do that! Murong Fu didn't make a move, raised his head, and easily deflected Dao Baifeng's attack.

Dao Baifeng was not polite and raised his knees to push against Murong Fu's body.

Murong Fu's eyes widened and he immediately pressed down Dao Baifeng with his legs.

He scratched the other person's nose hard and joked:

You can't touch here. If you get hurt, how many people will be sad?

Shameless! Dao Baifeng changed his attack again.

Murong Fu was not angry either, and he tried to show off his tactics at the first glance.

Until Dao Baifeng was beaten until he was out of breath and had no strength left.

He also smiled evilly and kissed the other person.

You... Dao Baifeng's eyes widened and she wanted to fight back.

But he saw that Murong Fu was rude and sealed his mouth.

Uh huh~

Half a moment later, her whole body was soft and she was leaning on Murong Fu's chest.

Murong Fu could clearly feel Dao Baifeng, and he was no longer as resistant as before.

Become well-behaved and shy.

Smiling proudly until the atmosphere was all set.

His actions also became bolder.

Dao Baifeng also gradually cooperated.

Just when Murong Fu was about to take up the gun and go into battle.

The door suddenly made a dong-dong sound.

Dao Baifeng was so frightened that she instinctively wanted to pull Murong Fu to her side.

However, after trying several times, I found that the other party was not moving at all.

With no intention of thinking about it anymore, he glared at the other party helplessly and said:

Who is it?

As soon as he finished speaking, the voice of Murong Fu's old father-in-law sounded outside the door.

Phoenix, it's me, Zhengchun!

Dao Baifeng frowned and said displeasedly:

Duan Zhengchun! Didn't I tell you not to come to [Yuxu Temple] again to disturb my spiritual practice?

Duan Zhengchun was outside the door and said affectionately:

Fenghuang, I really miss you.

Can you let me go in and take a look at you?

Dao Baifeng looked at Murong Fu with a smirk on his face and said angrily:

No need, just go! I'm going to sleep!

No, if you don't see me, I won't leave tonight.

Duan Zhengchun, an old scumbag, knows very well that where sincerity leads to gold and stone.

Pretend that if you don't see me, I won't leave.

Hearing this, Dao Baifeng looked at Murong Fu helplessly and asked, What will we do if he doesn't leave?

Murong Fu smiled and said, Then let him stand outside.

Dao Baifeng looked at Murong Fu who was smiling a little evilly and felt something was wrong.

Just as he was about to ask, Murong Fu straightened up.

He subconsciously let out a soft hum.

Immediately, he covered his mouth in shame and allowed the other party to do what he did.

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