Ning Daoqi, who was looking at the sky from the tree, suddenly felt a wave of breath.

Looking up, he saw Murong Fu and the four great monks fighting in the courtyard.

Fan Qinghui was not idle either and actually started fighting with Zhu Yuyan.

I just wanted to step forward to help.

Suddenly, I felt a hot heat coming from behind me.

Looking back, I saw a Toutuo with muscles all over his body.

He was looking at himself excitedly and asked:

Are you Ning Daoqi?

After Zhang Sanfeng, that stinky Taoist priest, retired, you became the Martial Arts Supreme for a while.

Ning Daoqi thought for a moment and asked instead:

I heard that Murong Fu had a mysterious master?...

Is that you?

Huo Gong Tutuo asked in confusion: Mysterious?

Am I mysterious?

Ning Daoqi saw that Huo Gong Tutuo had an eccentric character and knew that today's battle would be inevitable, so he said:

Okay, okay, okay!

I don't like bullying a junior.

It's a good chance you're here!

Where are we going to fight?

When Huo Gong Tutuo heard about the fighting, he immediately trembled and said:

Taihu Lake is suitable for a duel between masters like us.

Ning Daoqi glanced at Fan Qinghui and promised him to take action against Murong Fu.

Helping him stop Huo Gong Tutuo would naturally be considered as fulfilling his promise.

Tiptoeing, he followed Huo Gong Toutuo and left Prince Yan's Mansion.

In the entire Prince Yan's palace, Murong Fu was probably the only one who noticed the two leaving.

Then he smiled calmly: Four divine monks, let me see how strong you are.

Arrogant? Venerable Emperor Xin shouted, and

The other three monks chanted the Buddha's name together.

The four monks have different voices and different intonations.

The Taoist faith is pure and gentle, the wisdom is bright and clear, the emperor's heart is powerful, and Jiaxiang is quiet and dumb.

But the combined voices of the four people were like drums at dusk and bells at dawn, shaking the hall.

Master Jiaxiang’s voice was low and hoarse, and he said loudly:

The sea of ​​suffering has no end, but when you turn back, you will reach the shore.

King Yan, please don't let fame and fortune lead you to do anything that will cause anger and resentment.

Haha. Murong Fu let the sound wave hit him, waved his hand, and said loudly: Buying fame and reputation.

A few of you dare to ask a question for the sake of the people of the world.

Which people have you represented?

The four great monks were all stunned and replied: We follow the will of God and the will of the people.

Murong Fu burst out laughing when he heard this: In my territory, the country is peaceful and the people are safe, with plenty of food and clothing.

How can we not comply with God's will? Comply with the people's will?

The wisdom master said: King Yan is too small-minded and must put the people of the world first.

Murong Fu said contemptuously: Since we are the common people of the world.

Why don't you ask the Yuan Emperor to surrender to the Song Dynasty?

Why don't you ask Emperor Ming to be loyal?

Why do you come here to me, the king, when dogs are barking here?

Is it possible that you are afraid of them and not me?

You... The four divine monks wanted to persuade Murong Fu with some reasoning.

Unexpectedly, the other party was rambling here and there, talking about tricky issues.

For a moment, it was impossible to speak against him.

You, what are you? Murong Fu shouted loudly, shaking away the Sanskrit sounds around him.

Hit the Venerable Emperor Xin who talked the most.

Stop talking nonsense, the truth is beyond the fist.

Today you defeated me, and I immediately led an army of one million to surrender to Zhao Gou.

An army of millions?

The four monks were shocked. They never expected that Murong Fu could have such strength.

If I had known earlier, I would have made more preparations before coming.

Master Jiaxiang said helplessly: Let's do it!

The four monks' qi are connected and integrated into one body.

It is as quiet as a mountain, with an awe-inspiring and inviolable aura.

Perfect and flawless, with no gaps to be found.

He raised his hand to block Murong Fu's attack!


Murong Fu was familiar with ancient books and could see it at a glance.

This is the [Four Diamond Formation] modified by Buddhism based on the [Three Talents Formation].

The power of this formation is average, but its defense is extremely strong.

The four people are connected and share their inner energy, which is almost endless.

Thinking of Master Jiaxiang raising his hand to create a Buddha seal.

It was like an iron chain clasping Murong Fu's wrist.

In an instant, countless zhenqi wanted to pour into Murong Fu's body.

Seal his meridians.

The wisdom master took out the wooden fish and kept knocking it tuk-tuk-tuk-tuk.

The Buddhist faith is constant and extremely weird.

In addition, the two of them were not idle either, using their own methods.

He wanted to completely subdue Murong Fu.

Hmph, you want to play mental attacks? Do you think I am afraid of you?

Murong Fu recited the Five Emperors' Imperial Teachings and produced a deafening imperial voice.

There was a faint shadow of the real dragon behind him, and then he shouted:


All the methods of the four great monks were shattered by the general trend.

The four monks were moved at the same time and looked at Murong Fu in disbelief:

How can it be!

He has dragon energy protection?

Murong Fu stood in the void like an emperor lording over the world, looking down at the four monks and said:

Come on, let me see what you, these self-righteous bald donkeys, are capable of.

The four monks also knew that with their strength, they simply could not hold Murong Fu down.

Naturally, I no longer hold back.

Venerable Emperor Xin shouted the Buddha's name, picked up the Zen staff, and swept it with it.

It's a weapon! Murong Fu looked with disdain and flipped the [Tianji Rod] in his hand.

He unleashed all his strength and hit the Zen staff of Venerable Emperor Xin hard.

When he was about to go to bed, sparks flew everywhere, and a dang sounded in his ears.

Venerable Emperor Xin felt numbness in his arms, and was shocked by why Murong Fu's strength was so terrifying.

Gritting his teeth, he struck again and waved the Zen staff in his hand.

Murong Fu was not in a hurry and allowed the opponent to attack.

Intuition is interesting about the wand method.

Like a stream flowing through a dense forest, it penetrates every hole and reaches every gap.

No matter how you defend yourself, there will always be a flaw left.

Let the opponent attack!

Interesting! Interesting! Monk Emperor Xin's stick technique is actually the same as my king's [Tianji stick technique].

Somewhat similar.

He said, no longer blindly defensive.

The big stick was swung, like a force reaching up to the sky, and it hit the Lord Emperor Xin hard.

When... when... when...

The blow caused the emperor's heart to suffer unspeakably, and all his internal organs were painful.

Great deception!

Venerable Emperor Xin's Zen mind, which he had practiced for many years, could not help but fluctuate.

The remaining three monks were trembling in their hearts.

Not daring to watch from the sidelines, he immediately stepped forward to help.

Suddenly, he picked up the Zen staff and struck in three places.

I want one trick to be effective.

Murong Fu's eyes suddenly opened, his eyes full of energy.

In an instant, the trajectory of the four-man attack was clearly seen.

With a sneer, the shadow of the stick filled the air.

Hit the tips of Dao Xin, Jia Xiang and Zhi Zhi hard.

Dang! Dang! Dang!

The three monks felt their arms go numb, and their movements were all slow. Emperor Xin gave them a pat.

Venerable Emperor Xin's Zen staff was quickly drawn out, ready to hit Murong Fu's left shoulder with all his strength.

Murong Fu took it indifferently, sealing the Emperor's Heart Venerable Zen Staff from an unexpected angle with each stroke.

Seeing this, everyone exclaimed that it was wonderful.

The old monk fell into a trap!

Murong Fu raised his stick with his right hand to block the attack of Venerable Emperor Xin.

His left hand instantly burned with purple real fire, and he patted the left chest of Venerable Emperor Xin.

[Heaven and earth will destroy the great Ziyang hand]!

Everyone present was shocked and shocked by Murong Fu's decisive and domineering attitude.

Wow~ Venerable Emperor Xin spat out a mouthful of old blood.

His body flew several feet upside down, and when he landed on the ground, he was also unconscious.

Master Jiaxiang saw this and shouted:

Murong Fu, you are so cruel!

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