Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 620: Doctor Su, don’t even think about running away

[Seven-Leaf Golden Gu King]? Murong Fu asked curiously: What kind of poison is this?

There are many Gu insects in Miao territory, and there are many who can be called Gu kings, but this [Seven-leaf Golden Gu King] can be said to be the most special existence. Su Ying let go of Shui Lingguang and said slowly.

What's so special about it? Murong Fu asked.

Su Ying rolled her eyes at Murong Fu: What's the rush? Listen to me and tell you slowly.

The so-called [Seven-leaf Golden Gu King] is a method of raising voodoos to cultivate a voodoo queen, and then feed it with seven kinds of peerless sacred herbs to cause a qualitative change in its toxicity. This voodoo can be said to be non-toxic and It can be called a big poison.

Murong Fu looked confused and asked: What does it mean that it can be said to be both non-toxic and highly poisonous?

Isn't this simple? Su Ying chuckled and said: The poison of this poison can help people increase their strength, and it is like a great tonic for people with profound skills.

But it is extremely poisonous to people with weak skills. It's like they are weak and cannot be replenished.

Do you understand? My good prince?

Murong Fu nodded and said with a smile: Miss Su's words are concise and concise, I already understand.

Hmph, you are smart enough to understand what I am saying. Su Ying said proudly.

I admire her, I admire her. How should we save her? Murong Fu asked with concern.

This is not easy. Go and help her refine the poison in her body and help her. Su Ying said.

Isn't this... inconvenient? Murong Fu hesitated.

Since ancient times, men and women have not been close to each other. To help them refine their true energy, they need more contact, and they have not been close to each other.

Su Ying said contemptuously: Is my King Yan still embarrassed?

Haha, there are some. With so many people in the mansion, we can always find a few women to refine the poison for her. Murong Fu said.

Whatever you want, anyway, I have to go back to the palace to rest today. Su Ying glared at Murong Fu and turned to leave.

Murong Fu was not a novice, so he naturally understood that this was an invitation from the beautiful Su, and he smiled knowingly: I'll come if you go back first.

Su Ying lightly hummed and left [Yao Lu].

Shui Lingguang and Murong Fu were left alone in the same room.

Now it was Murong Fu's turn to be in trouble. There were not many women with strong skills in the mansion.

The most powerful one is Wang Yuyan.

But the other party is now pregnant with a peerless dragon fetus, so it is impossible for her to be in danger.

As for everyone else.

Dongfang Bubai and Gongsun Lan are in Japan.

Moreover, the latter is also pregnant with Liujia and is expected to have another child for herself in a few months.


Murong Fu slapped his head hard.

How could I forget them?

Zhu Yuyan, Shan Meixian, and Shan Wanjing are three descendants of the same family.

It is absolutely suitable to help Shui Lingguang refine the poison in the body.

With a thought, his consciousness immediately covered the three people's bedroom.

Finding that Zhu Yuyan was still teasing Fan Qinghui, she picked up Shui Lingguang and immediately disappeared into [Yaolu].

Within half a moment, he appeared in front of several people.

Looking at the naked people, he curled his lips.

Before he could speak, he heard several women begging for mercy:

Your Majesty, the slave family knows that you, the Golden Dragon Zhijian, are not mortal.

The four, no, five people in the Nu family can no longer handle it. Why don't you go to other sisters' halls today and rest for a night?

Murong Fu's old face stiffened and he explained:

That Yuyan misunderstood. I came here tonight to help you refine the poison in her body.

As soon as these words came out, Zhu Yuyan and others discovered that Murong Fu was holding a peerless beauty in his arms.

Then, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile:

It turns out that I am saving my little lover for the prince. This is simple, just leave it to us.

With that said, Zhu Yuyan gave her girl Shan Meixian to take the water spirit light, while she half-pushed and half-sent her to the door, leading Murong Fu to the door.

My lord, don't worry. Tomorrow morning, I will definitely give you a lively little lover.

Murong Fu nodded, said a few words, and walked out of the palace.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he went out, he heard a burst of cheers from inside the door.

Zhu Yuyan still did not forget to joke:

Fan Qinghui, do you have to thank me this time? Otherwise, your image of a beautiful lady will become weird again.

Fan Qinghui was so angry that his face turned red with shame, and he said angrily, Hum, and then stopped.

The leaves on the plane trees hit the window paper, and the crickets in the corner were chirping.

Murong Fu came to Su Ying's bedroom and found that the little girl was not sleeping. Instead, she was sitting on the tree and looking at the moon.

Seeing him coming, he said coldly: Come up.

Murong Fu smiled calmly, lightly jumped onto the tree, and deliberately used the move [Thousand Category Drop].

The big tree suddenly swayed, and Su Ying turned pale in fright, and she was hugged by Murong Fu.

Humph, I didn't say I wouldn't let you hug me, but I just wanted to scare them. Su Ying could tell at a glance that it was Murong Fu who was causing trouble, and she said angrily.

Murong Fu smiled and said: You are so smart, I am afraid that ordinary men will be frightened by you and dare not do anything random.

Su Ying leaned into Murong Fu's arms and asked, What about you? Do you dare?

Murong Fu lowered his head to look at the beautiful lady in his arms, with a look of love in his eyes. He gently stroked her long hair and said:

Is there anything in the world that I, Murong Fu, dare not do?

Bragging! Su Ying rolled her eyes and continued to look at the moon in the sky, with a hint of sadness on her fair face.

Murong Fu said in a warm voice, But has anything unhappy happened recently?

Yes. Su Ying nodded and said truthfully: I miss my adoptive father a little. You said that the old man tried his best, is it just to make me become like Yao Yue and Lian Xing?

Wei Wuya? Murong Fu couldn't help but sigh when he thought of the old man who looked like a mouse.

After two lifetimes, this was the first time I met someone who was stimulated to death.

He can be regarded as unprecedented and unprecedented.

Su Ying looked up and saw Murong Fu with a strange expression. She couldn't help but smile and said softly:

Sometimes I'm really surprised. You are obviously tyrannical, but you still give generously to others.

You are both a demon and a Bodhisattva. People can't tell which one is the real you and which one is the fake you.

Murong Fu hugged Su Ying again and said with a smile:

There is nothing true or false about it.

It's just who is good to me and who I am good to.

Su Ying said softly: Then shall I treat you well?

It's just so-so. Murong Fu pretended to be indifferent and replied, but his eyes were fixed on Su Ying.

Su Ying heard this and shouted: You heartless, bad guy!

He pinched Murong Fu's waist hard, and the latter haha loudly and resisted easily.

Unexpectedly, the branches could not bear Murong Fu's weight.

Click click, instantly, it broke into two pieces.

Fortunately, Murong Fu had quick eyes and quick hands and protected the beauty.

Then I heard a bang sound.

The two fell heavily to the ground, and Su Ying immediately asked with concern: Are you okay?

Murong Fu said affectionately: To protect you, this little injury is nothing.

Su Ying looked at Murong Fu's aggressive eyes and blushed, saying, I...I still...don't want to.

Murong Fu turned over and pressed him under him, saying: My Divine Doctor Su, I want to run away now, but I'm afraid it's too late!


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