Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 630 The Invincible Ancient Three Links

Undefeated Naughty Boy Gu Santong?

Wan Zhen'er was slightly surprised. She knew the other party's name very clearly.

What puzzled her was that Gu Santong seemed to be secretly imprisoned by Zhu Yiyi, and no outsiders could see it at all. Thinking of this, she said in surprise:

Could it be that Zhu Wuli was also involved in this matter?

Yuhuatian nodded and said:

That's right, our iron-hearted prince doesn't seem to like Murong Fu very much.

I wish I could let him die now.

Wan Zhen'er was stunned for a moment, then sneered: Don't think that I don't know what he has in mind.

Even if His Majesty has no heir, it will not be his turn to be the emperor.

Yu Huatian glanced at Wan Zhen'er and said seriously: Your Majesty has no heir to the throne. With Zhu Wuli's strength, it is very possible for him to take the throne.

When Wan Zhen'er heard this, she was not as proud as before: So what? At worst, I will just look for another emperor.

Yu Huatian smiled: What others have is not as good as what I have. If you have a child, His Majesty will not be wary of you at all times.

Wan Zhen'er was stunned and said helplessly:

Your Majesty, your health is not good. Even if you take medicine every day, it will only take you two or three breaths.

How do you want me to conjure a son for him out of thin air?

Yu Huatian stood up, played with the flames in Zhu's heart, and said to himself:

I think Murong Fu is a good candidate.

Why don't you try and seduce him?

King Yan? Wan Zhen'er said in surprise: He is Murong Shu's cousin, how could he help me?

Yuhuatian smiled and said:

Haha, don't forget, he is the king.

Does a king value family ties?

As long as there are enough benefits, his murderous knife will be faster, more ferocious, and more vicious than ours.

We can give him what he wants!

Wan Zhen'er couldn't help but tremble when she heard this, and she realized it instantly. She smiled haha and laughed at herself:

How could I forget that he is also a king!

It's so ridiculous to talk about relationships.

Inside the Nameless Villa.

Murong Fu sat in the courtyard, raised his glass to the moon and drank alone.

Suddenly, a figure fell from the sky.

He was mumbling something in his mouth, but he sat down in front of Murong Fu and shouted:

It smells good, it smells good. Your wine is good. Can you give me some, old man?

Murong Fu looked at the stooped old man in front of him but with piercing eyes, and calmly poured him a glass of wine.

Without thinking, the old man drank it all in one gulp and cursed: What the hell, Zhu ignored that bitch. When he was in prison, what he gave me to drink every day was rubbish.

It's not even half as good as the drinks you have here.

Murong Fu didn't say anything while holding the glass of wine, and continued drinking by himself, showing no intention of paying any attention to this uninvited guest.

Until he was surrounded by [Shadow Secret Guards].

Neither of them communicated effectively.

Hey, kid, I've been here for so long, why don't you talk to me? The old man finally couldn't stand his loneliness and asked.

Hush! Murong Fu made a gesture and said, Drink!

Okay... The old man had no choice but to drink another large pot of good wine without ceremony.

He wiped the corners of his mouth with his tattered prison clothes and said bluntly:

I'm here to fight with you. If you buy me a drink, I'll be embarrassed to beat you.

Murong Fu rolled his eyes at the old man and deliberately provoked: Do you know you have a son?


The old man was suddenly startled and slapped the stone table with both hands.

Subconsciously, the whole body is filled with true energy.

In an instant, he shook the stone bench behind him to pieces, pointed angrily at Murong Fu and said:

Boy, what do you know?

Murong Fu said: Don't get excited, I just heard about it.

Impossible. Even Zhu Wuwu doesn't know that I have a son with her. How did you know about it? The old man asked in confusion.

Murong Fu casually pointed to the [Shadow Secret Guard] guarding him and said, My men found it accidentally.

The old man gradually calmed down and asked, Do you know who I am?

The Undefeated Naughty Boy Gu Santong, Zhu Yiyi's most feared enemy. Murong Fu said calmly.

Gu Santong was startled when he heard this, and then laughed haha:

That's right, that's right. It seems that this time Zhu Wuying has offended a terrible enemy.

After laughing several times, Gu Santong changed his tone:

But...the old man still wants to have a fight with you.

Hmph, who do you think you are, worthy of taking action against my prince? Qi Shan, Zhou Tian, ​​and Liu Bin all stood up and scolded him.

Gu Santong looked at the three of them, shook his head and said:

Young man, your courage is commendable, but unfortunately, you are not strong enough!

Bao BuTong came out after hearing this and said:.

I want to try it with senior!

Gu Santong still shook his head and said: You have deep inner strength, which is indeed good.

But, it still doesn't work!

Murong Fu looked at Gu Santong and suddenly thought of Gongsun Wulong.

I’m curious whether [Turtle Shell Magic Skill] is so strong?

Or the [Indestructible Magic Power] is more resistant to beatings.

Slowly put down the wine glass in his hand and asked:

You are fighting with me because you don't want to know where your son is?

No! Gu Santong shook his head and said, I will beat you for telling me.

Haha, I also want to know whether the Invincible Naughty Boy Gu Santong is as powerful as the legend says.

Murong Fu smiled lightly and suddenly slapped the stone table in front of him with his palm.

Gu Santong laughed, his fingers turned golden instantly, and he pointed at the stone table.

Everyone saw the stone table, which shattered in response.

It was divided into several sections and smashed back against Murong Fu again.

Shaolin's [Powerful Vajra Finger], it's interesting!

Murong Fu shouted out Gu Santong's move.

He waved his palm with extreme gentleness.

Between retracting and pushing, the stone table was sent back again.

Gu Santong glared and shouted:

Wudang [Tai Chi]!

Immediately, two red flames came out from his hands, he pressed them on the stone table and shouted:

Hmph, then you try my Kunlun [Flame Palm] again!

Are you playing with fire? Murong Fu smiled calmly, and produced two purple flames in his hands, which were also pressed against the stone table.

Two flames, one red and one purple, collided instantly.

Makes a pop sound like a burning object.

The extremely solid stone table was surrounded by two flames that were beyond human reach.

In the blink of an eye, it softened and fell.

Burn a big pit in the stone ground below.

Everyone was surprised and admired when they saw this?

How can these two be so strong!

This stone is actually...burned?

Oh my god! If I were half as strong as the two of them, I might be able to walk sideways, right?

Murong Fu looked at Gu Santong and smiled and said: I have heard for a long time that the Invincible Naughty Boy Gu Santong [Vajra Indestructible Magic Power] has few enemies in the world.

Today, I would like to see it.

Gu Santong let out a cold hum, and his whole body turned golden.

Like a golden armored general, he said loudly:

It's not that I'm less invincible, I'm invincible!

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