Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 638 The Seven Princesses of the Asura Tribe

It rained heavily late at night.

Shangguan Xiaoxian couldn't resist Lin Xian'er, and finally arranged Murong Fu in his mother's side room.

He stayed and took care of his mother personally.

Xiaoxian, is your mother beautiful?

Lin Xian'er kept showing off her beautiful posture in front of the mirror.

She never thought that one day, she would return to her prime.

Shangguan Xiaoxian said: Mother, she is the most beautiful woman in the world.

Huh? Lin Xian'er was stunned and said, Then you think, am I more beautiful, or is that girl named Shui Lingguang more beautiful?

This... Shangguan Xiaoxian recalled Shui Lingguang's extremely pure beauty, and said truthfully: The beauty of you two is different.

But I'm sure that most men will like their mothers.

Lin Xian'er was delighted when she heard this and said proudly: Yes, how many people in the world can play with men like your mother and me?

Shangguan Xiaoxian smiled and replied: Mom is the best. If it weren't for the [Money Gang] my daughter accepted, she wouldn't be in this situation now.

Lin Xianer glanced at Shangguan Xiaoxian through the mirror and said:

Don't worry, daughter, my mother will not compete with you for power in the gang.

I am reborn this time.

Determined to give up everything, just to love vigorously.

Shangguan Xiaoxian felt a little happy when he first heard it, but when he heard the second half of the sentence, his expression became weird.

What mother said about a vigorous love affair?...

Refers to…

Yes, that's him. Lin Xian'er expressed her inner thoughts without any scruples.

She wants to love without any scruples.

She wants to make up for the shortcomings of the past.

She wants to be a pure woman.

But... Shangguan Xiaoxian didn't know how to speak. There was nothing wrong with her mother's behavior, but she always felt weird in her heart.

Lin Xian'er saw Shangguan Xiaoxian's cowardice and comforted:

Are you worried about your oath?

Don't worry, mother doesn't care about status.

Murong Fu is already a powerful prince, and there will be many women around him. You should know about the harem...

Shangguan Xiaoxian was startled and nodded silently:

My daughter knows and will try to accept it in the future. Mother, you have a hard day today, so go to bed early.

Lin Xian'er shook her head and smiled: No, after I took the elixir, my body has never felt so relaxed.

Not only did it heal my sword wound, it also made me full of energy.

You go to bed first, I'm going to take a bath and burn incense.

Shangguan Xian'er looked at the excited Lin Xian'er and swallowed all the words he wanted to persuade.

Shaking his head, he could only let the other party do what he did.

I couldn't tell whether I was happy or worried.

In short, it is complicated.

inside the room.

Murong Fu felt the violent and ferocious thunderstorm.

Thinking about the operating rules of Tao.

Xuan Gong operates on its own within the body.

He had a clear understanding, but it was like an invisible film blocking the way forward.

Martial arts and Qi training go together.

What we pursue is the nature of heaven and earth.

The way of heaven is to make up for the excess of damage, but the way of man is not the same.

If he is strong, he will be strong, and the breeze will blow on the mountains; if he is allowed to be horizontal, he will be horizontal, and the bright moon will shine on the river.

The divine light shines on the nine veins to find Zhou Tian, ​​and three thousand blood veins are closely connected.

Murong Fu recalled the exercises he had learned.

Although, they can be summarized as a Qi training [Nine-Rank Xinglong Xuan Gong].

But every skill is the brainchild of predecessors.

Murong Fu thought that he still understood less than 80% of the profound meaning.

He felt that his heart had become more and more impetuous recently, and he had lost his original awe.

It seems that it is precisely because the realm has improved too quickly that it is a precursor to becoming obsessed.

It seems that this king needs to calm down for a while.

It's good to travel around the mountains and rivers and take a good look around this colorful world.

Suddenly, a picture flashed in Murong Fu's mind.

That is the third picture in the [God of War Catalog].

The God of War is meditating in the deep sea.

Surrounded by a group of demons and ghosts, trying to interfere with his practice.

Wanting to induce him to lose his mind and degenerate into a demon.

The God of War pinches the seal with his hand and recites the magic formula with his mouth.

An extremely strong fighting spirit erupted in the spiritual world.

In an instant, it came out through the body, shattering the demons around him into pieces, and turned them into ashes as if they were burned by fire!

So strong!

Just a thought can burn the powerful demon.

How powerful is this God of War!

Along with this, the picture of the picture album moves.

Murong Fu's body actually began to burn.

In an instant, overwhelming fighting spirit poured into his body.

Murong Fu

The severe pain made Murong Fu roar in pain.

He felt that every bone and meridian in his body was being washed away by fire.

The pain was excruciating.

Even the soul is trembling.

This kind of pain is definitely not something humans can endure.

If it had been anyone else, he would have been hurt to death.

Murong Fu gritted his teeth and persisted, he felt it clearly.

As the flames burned, the impurities accumulated in his body.

It's disappearing little by little.

His blood was purified, and a trace of golden blood originally existed in his body.

Under the purification of the fierce fire, it actually grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A trace of…

Two threads…

Three silk…

For two full hours, the rain continued to pour.

Only then did Murong Fu completely absorb the powerful fighting spirit in the [Illustrated Book of the God of War].

After a while.

The flames around him dissipated into nothingness.

Then he slowly opened his eyes, still unable to hide the pain in his eyes.

The painful torture just now made him so horny that he was about to burst.

Looking back now, I still feel a lingering fear.

It's just that my body now feels relieved.

Became extremely relaxed.

It was like a huge mountain had been lifted off my mind.

It seems that as long as there is an opportunity.

He can break through the Golden Core Realm and reach the legendary Yuanshen Realm.


Suddenly, a rapid knock on the door interrupted Murong Fu's thoughts.

Bringing him back to reality.

After looking at the sky, it was already midnight, and I couldn't help but ask:


It's me! Your Majesty! A delicate voice came from outside the door, which made people's hearts flutter.

Lin Xian'er? Murong Fu heard the other party's voice and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

He had just purified his body and consumed too much essence and blood, and was now very weak.

I'm afraid even a first-class master can't handle it.

Fortunately, Lin Xianer's admiration level reached 100%.

Otherwise, it would be really dangerous.

What are you doing here?

Lin Xian'er heard Murong Fu's voice, pushed the door open, walked in, and said excitedly:

Your Majesty, I miss you and want to say some thoughtful words to you.

Murong Fu was speechless. He was so weak that he just wanted to lie on the bed and sleep.

Unexpectedly, there was a boom in his head.

The twenty-second picture in the [God of War Catalog] is displayed.

I saw the God of War lingering with seven extremely beautiful women.

Judging from their skin color and appearance, the seven women are definitely not human.

The next moment, a message came from the picture!

Murong Fu's heart trembled and he said in surprise: They are the seven princesses of the Asura tribe!

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