Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 642 A murder caused by a roast duck

Haha, look what I do. Everyone heard Gu Santong's voice.

They all looked at Murong Fu, making him extremely embarrassed, and said with a smile:

Go and see what's going on on Sunday.

Zhou Tian took the order and opened the door, and everyone saw that Gu Santong was confronting a group of people.

The leader had a shaved head and an evil aura. He was obviously joining the military.

At first glance, it is not a simple thing.

The waiter in the store was worried that Gu Santong would suffer a loss, so he quickly advised:

Old man, please calm down. I'm going to bring you some more roast ducks. Don't quarrel with them or hurt your body again.

Huh, do I care about them? Gu Santong looked disdainfully and looked at the bald head again: Boy, the old man said, bring the roast duck to our room respectfully.

Otherwise, I will prevent you from leaving this duck shop.

I'll treat you all like ducks.

Nang Xipi, you stinky old man, how dare you talk to me like that? Baldhead shouted angrily, threw the duck to the subordinates aside, and was about to take action.

There was a hint of joy in Gu Santong's eyes, he wished someone would fight with him.

The internal force is working, and he has already made plans to teach the person in front of him a lesson.

Stop! Just when the two of them were at war with each other.

A shout came from the opposite room.

A man with a white face and a slight beard, wearing a snow-white robe, with eyes like two cold stars.

Walked out slowly.

His face was very white, neither pale nor pale, but a color as clear and translucent as white jade.

On her dark hair, she wore a beaded crown made of top-quality sandalwood, and her clothes were as white as snow.

When walking, it feels like a king has entered his palace, or like a flying fairy from the sky descending to the earth.

You can tell at a glance that he is not an ordinary person.

The man walked up to Gu Santong and clasped his fists respectfully: Senior, it's my subordinates who are ignorant. Please don't blame me.

Huh? Gu Santong frowned and said calmly: Boy, you can see that my strength is not simple.

My Lord Ye Gucheng of Baiyun City dares to ask my senior's name.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked. They looked at Ye Gucheng and said as if they suddenly realized:

It turns out that he is Ye Gucheng!

Boy, it turns out you are Ye Gucheng. Although Gu Santong had just left the prison.

But I have also heard about the battle between the two swords, and the names of Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuixue made my ears tingle.

Ye Gucheng nodded and said, It's me.

It's easy to say, I'm the Undefeated Naughty Boy Gu Santong. Gu San Tong proudly announced his name.

When the bald man heard this, he said disdainfully: I've never heard of Gu Santong talking about the Invincible Naughty Boy. He's just relying on his old age to show off.


A crisp sound of applause reached everyone's ears.

The bald man covered his face and looked at Ye Gucheng in surprise: I am the city lord...

How many times have I told you, [Shuntian Mansion] Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, keep your mouth shut. Ye Gucheng said coldly.

The bald man who had been shouting just now knelt on the ground and kowtowed:

City Lord, I was wrong, I was wrong, please spare my life.

Humph, I won't do it next time. Ye Gucheng never looked at the bald head from beginning to end, but talked to Gu San: Senior, he is wrong, can you let him go?

Gu Santong pouted, not wanting to embarrass the other party anymore, he waved his hand and said:

Forget it, just be more careful in the future.

When the waiter saw this, he quickly said: Don't worry, old man, I will go pick some big fat ducks for you right now.

A farce ended like this.

The two parties returned to their rooms.

As soon as Ye Gucheng sat down, a handsome man appeared next to him and said curiously:

Master, who is that old man?

Why do you respect him so much?

Ye Gucheng glanced at the man and said calmly:

His name is Gu Santong, and his strength is second only to the Tiedan Shenhou. If I fight with him, my strength will be exposed.

I'm afraid our plan will be exposed by then.

When the man heard this, his expression suddenly changed, and he said angrily: Wang Changsi, if I can no longer control your temper, don't blame me for being rude.

Ah! Don't worry, Your Majesty, I...I will definitely control myself. Wang Changsi was too frightened to say more.

It seemed that the young man in front of him was more terrifying than Ye Gucheng.

Other colleagues present actually understood why Wang Changsi was so afraid.

It's because offending Ye Gucheng will result in death at most.

But if you offend Prince Nan, even if you want to die... it will be difficult!

Prince Nan smiled coldly, then changed his face instantly and said, Have you noticed it?

There are several women in the old man's room who are extremely beautiful.

And looking at their faces, they look like they were born from the same mother.

Ye Gucheng frowned and reminded:

Your Majesty, I know that you have practiced the art of gathering yin and replenishing yang.

But in the next month, it's best not to mess around.

Otherwise, King Nan's ten years of planning will most likely come to naught.

Hearing this, Crown Prince Nan's expression turned awkward and he smiled:

Haha, don't worry, Master.

You can't mess with those women. If I go to look for them, the other women will be the ones.

Ye Gucheng's expression changed and he said, What I mean is, in the end, don't do anything within a month.

Prince Nan's face froze, and a trace of anger arose in his heart, but he still kept a smile on his face:

Master said that the disciple should do nothing during this month.

Ye Gucheng nodded, picked up the chopsticks in his hand, took a bite of the duck meat that Wang Changsi had snatched, and praised:

It tastes good, no wonder even Zhu Yuanzhang likes it.

In another room.

The waiter brought several plates of roast duck and said with a smile: Master, your roast duck is here.

eat slowly!

Gu Santong said with satisfaction: Boy, that's good, he's sensible!

As he spoke, he took a big gulp of the good wine.

Bao BuTong said doubtfully: Your Majesty, the group of people just now seemed to be military warriors.

Murong Fu said: Ye Gucheng is the master of the Crown Prince of Nanwang. Those people are very likely to be from Nanwang.

Cousin, who is King Nan? Is he very powerful? Murong Shanshan asked curiously.

The Southern King Zhu Zhanzhen is Zhu Qizhen's uncle.

Sit in the coastal area. Murong Fu explained.

I see. No wonder those people are so arrogant. Murong Shuang said.

Haha, but the vassal king cannot enter the capital without an edict.

The people inside must have come secretly. Murong Fu said.

Murong Shuang and Murong Shanshan looked at each other and said, Your Majesty, is there anyone else in the room?

Well, I'm hiding behind the door. Gu San said.

Guihai slashed his sword and said in a deep voice, Is it possible that the person inside is the Prince of Nanwang?

Nine times out of ten, Murong Fu said calmly.

Do I need to tell the Lord Shen about this? Gui Hai Yi Dao asked.

Murong Fu smiled and said: Ye Gucheng came to Beijing to compete in martial arts. As an apprentice, I came here to have a look.

It's understandable.

Even if Emperor Ming knew about it, he would only criticize him a few words at most.

Besides, do you think your god-lord wouldn't know that the other party is coming to Beijing?

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