Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 646: National drama queen

Murong Fu told Zhu Qizhen the words he had already thought of and said:

The poison in Concubine Shu's body is very strange.

I can only suppress it for a while.

Unless an antidote is found, Concubine Shu's life may be...

Zhu Qizhen's expression changed immediately, he held Murong Shu's hand tightly and said:

My concubine, my prince.

Immediately, he showed a murderous intention and said: Check, Your Majesty, let me check.

No matter who the murderer is, I will cut him into pieces.

Murong Fu watched Zhu Qizhen's acting quietly. This old boy would really be underestimating his talent if he didn't become an actor.

Cao Zhengchun on the side also came out to add to the drama and advised:

Your Majesty, the dragon body is important, don't be too sad.

I think there must be a way to save Concubine Shu.

This... Zhu Qizhen's eyes gleamed and he said excitedly: Is it possible that you have a way?

Cao Zhengchun rolled his eyes, glanced at Murong Fu, and looked embarrassed:


Speak quickly! Zhu Qizhen ordered: No matter what we do, I must save Concubine Shu!

Cao Zhengchun said: I know that there is a strange fruit in the world.

The name [Tianxiang Cardamom] bears fruit once every thirty years, and it only bears one fruit each time.

If you eat it, no matter how serious the injury is, it will not worsen, but the person who eats it will sleep forever.

But as long as you eat the second one, no matter how serious the injury is, it will be intact and you will wake up.

Zhu Qizhen raised his eyebrows, glanced at Murong Fu, and said in surprise:

Oh? I never thought there was such a wonderful fruit in the world.

Do you know where this fruit is now?

Cao Zhengchun wondered: I know, but those two places are not simple.

Huh? Zhu Qizhen said in surprise: It's not simple anymore!

Cao Zhengchun said seriously: One is in the [Shuangxiu Mansion] of the descendants of [Wushuang Kingdom] and is kept by their master.

One is in the hands of their deadly enemy [Phantom Sword Sect] leader Diao Xiang.

Zhu Qizhen frowned and said:

I know this [Double Cultivation Mansion].

It's just this [Phantom Sword Sect], this is the first time I've heard of it....

Cao Zhengchun said: [Phantom Sword Sect] is one of the three evil caves.

Swordsmanship is mostly based on ghosts.

I saw him once when I was young. He was really difficult to deal with.

Zhu Qizhen said in a deep voice: That's it.

I will give you 30,000 soldiers and horses. Hurry up and bring [Tianxiang Cardamom] back to me to treat Concubine Shu!

When Cao Zhengchun heard this, he quickly replied:

Your Majesty, if I am not with you.

What should we do if someone disturbs Shengwei in the palace?

Zhu Qizhen glanced at Murong Fu again and coughed hard:

Ahem, it doesn't matter. For Concubine Shu's life, even if there are some difficulties here, I can overcome them.

No matter what, you have to find it as soon as possible.

Otherwise, Concubine Shu may be dying soon.

Murong Fu looked at the two people singing the double act in front of him.

It's clear in my heart.

Zhu Qizhen spent so much effort and made such a big turn.

He just wanted to help him find [Tianxiang Cardamom].

As for Murong Shu, whether she died or not actually didn't matter to him.

Rather, as the leader of the Southern Martial Arts Alliance, he had naturally heard of [Shuangxiu Mansion].

This palace is between the martial arts world and the imperial court, and has a legitimate throne to inherit.

However, only women can inherit, not men.

However, [Phantom Sword Sect] is much more mysterious than [Double Cultivation Mansion].

Apart from accepting some assassination missions, I haven't heard any other news.

This... Cao Zhengchun saw that Murong Fu didn't answer.

Somewhat anxiously, he added: Your Majesty, there is no problem for me to go.

But this time, I'm afraid I won't be able to retrieve two at the same time.

Ah! Zhu Qizhen thought for a moment, looked at Murong Fu, and said impolitely: King Yan, I know that this matter has little to do with you.

I wonder if I could help you to save Concubine Shu?

Murong Fu wanted to play with Zhu Qizhen and replied:

Concubine Shu is my cousin, so I naturally have to contribute.

[Phantom Sword Sect] I don't know where I am, so go to [Double Cultivation Mansion]!

Zhu Qizhen showed a hint of joy and held Murong Fu's hand excitedly: Cousin, thank you so much.

If I can save Concubine Shu this time, I will be very grateful.

Murong Fu smiled and said: Your Majesty, if you can arrange for the people to move to Japan as soon as possible, I will thank you.

Zhu Qizhen was stunned and said quickly:

Don't worry, I will make arrangements now and guarantee that 50,000 people will be transported within half a month.

Murong Fu smiled lightly, a fly's legs are also meat.

Fifty thousand troops doesn't sound like much.

But moving to Japan is also an extremely troublesome thing, he said:

Then thank you, Your Majesty.

Zhu Qizhen thought for a while and said: In this case, I will arrange for Shangguan Haitang, the owner of [The No. 1 Village in the World], to take care of everything for you.

Shangguan Haitang? Murong Fu asked curiously: Isn't she from [Hulong Villa]?

Your Majesty, aren't you afraid that the Iron Gallant God Marquis will find out?

Zhu Qizhen shook his head and said: Don't worry, although the emperor has some thoughts about the throne.

But I trust him and won't do anything about this kind of thing.

Your Majesty is indeed wise. Murong Fu smiled without any emotion.

Okay, okay, Concubine Shu's affairs will be left to you and Cao Zhengchun. I'm a little tired, so I'll go back first.

Zhu Qizhen slowly stood up and walked out with the support of the eunuchs and maids.

Left Murong Shu's bedroom.

Murong Fu glanced at Cao Zhengchun and said:

The king has also taken his leave, waiting for the person named Shangguan Haitang to arrive.

You're ready to go.

Cao Zhengchun split his cheeks happily, frowned and said:

Hey, King Yan, go slowly, old slave, I'm going to inform Shangguan Haitang.

Let her take care of the prince.

Murong Fu stopped talking, turned around, and returned to the villa in the palace carriage.

As soon as they entered the house, sisters Murong Shuang came close to him.

Chirping asked about Murong Shu's condition.

Don't worry, your eldest sister, she's fine!

When I go find [Tianxiang Cardamom], I can save her.

Murong Fu did not tell a few people the truth, and Zhu Qizhen plotted against him.

As a king, he naturally couldn't just let it go.

The same calculation must be made back.

Didn’t Zhu Qizhen want to get [Tianxiang Cardamom] and regain his glory?

He just refused to let him get what he wanted.

Even if others don't plan to kill him, he must teach him an unforgettable lesson.

Thinking of this, my subordinate came to report again:

There is a man in front of the prince's door who wants to see you.

Murong Fu was surprised and said: I didn't expect that Shangguan Haitang's speed is not slow. She came here so quickly.

He waved his hands and said, Go ahead and wake her up.

The subordinates did not dare to hesitate and quickly replied respectfully:

As you command, my lord!

Bring him here, kid.

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