Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 654 Murong Fu, anxious for public good and righteous

When Feng Xinglie, Bai Suxiang, and Linglong heard this, they all looked grateful and said happily: Thank you, King Yan!

Murong Fu laughed haha and said:

I and other people in the world will be happy to grudge each other.

“When one side is in trouble, all sides help.”

Of course I cannot underestimate you and die at the hands of evil spirits.

Bah! Shangguan Haitang spat hard in his heart when he heard Murong Fu's words. .

She seriously suspected that Murong Fu had fallen in love with the two women around Feng Xinglie.

Murong Fu glanced at Shangguan Haitang.

Not knowing what bad things this little girl was thinking, she said:

You stay and watch the car!

Me? Shangguan Haitang pointed at his nose and said, No, I don't want to stay here alone.

I want to follow you!

Feng Xinglie saw this and said in admiration: Eldest brother and his wife really love each other.

I don't even want to separate for a moment.

Shangguan Haitang was speechless. She didn't want to leave Murong Fu's side because she was afraid that Chen Youliang would come to arrest her again.

What does it have to do with being affectionate or not? He secretly despised: These people are too superficial!

Murong Fu glanced at Shangguan Haitang, and was also worried about being attacked by Chen Youliang, and said:

Let's go to the lake!

If we do it in time, we might be able to save your friend's life.

Bai Suxiang said softly: My lord, do you know who captured Qianlian?

Murong Fu replied: If my guess is correct, it should be that damn Chen Youliang!

If he guessed correctly, these three people should have been brought here specially by Chen Youliang.

It's just to delay time and make myself feel disgusted.

Thinking of this, he felt cruel!

The consciousness instantly covered ten miles around the lake.


I saw a woman who had been dragged half of her body into the water.

Suddenly, he shouted: Chen Youliang, how dare you!

Chen Youliang was originally feeling proud.

Immediately, he was frightened by this thunderous shout.

Gu Qianlian also woke up at this time.

Seeing half of his body submerged, he was scared to death.

He screamed and ran towards the shore, but was held tightly by two water ghosts, desperately begging for mercy:

Lord Water Ghost, have mercy on me, Lord Water Ghost, have mercy on me!

When Chen Youliang saw this, he thought a few more water ghosts emerged from the water.

He grabbed Gu Qianlian's limbs and dragged her into the water.

It's over, it's over, I'm going to die.

Woo, I'm going to die! Gu Qianlian knew that she was doomed.

Tears flowed uncontrollably.

Looking back on my life, I was really a failure.

I just want to be able to find a husband to serve me together with the princess and Sister Xiang.

Not separated in this life.

Unexpectedly, I got nothing until I died.

God, you are pitiful and have given me a wishful husband.


Just when Gu Qianlian was at her most desperate, the thunderous voice from before came out.

Appears in the ears again:

Chen Youliang, you damn ghost, you ruined my good deeds!

If you still want to harm people here, you are just dreaming of a spring and autumn dream!

Gu Qianlian heard the sound and opened her eyes to look.

I saw a man who was as majestic as a god of war.

Falling slowly from the sky!

He glanced at himself calmly.

Murong Fu! How could you find me so quickly? Chen Youliang was filled with doubts and confusion.

He deliberately made Gu Qianlian go around in a big circle.

He just wanted to make Murong Fu sick, and then slowly enjoy the woman in front of him.

But he didn't expect that the other party would find this place so quickly.

Murong Fu Leng let out a hum, purple flames appeared on his palms, and he suddenly slapped the water ghost in the lake.

In an instant, the water ghosts who caught Gu Qianlian were burned without a trace.

Immediately, the palm of his hand was pulled back sharply.

Gu Qianlian felt a huge suction force, sucking her towards the man in front of her.

At this moment, she felt the deer in her heart beating violently.

Isn't this the upright and true man that I have been looking for?

Chen Youliang looked at the fat that reached his mouth and was taken away by Murong Fu.

Although he was not angry, he smiled coldly and said proudly:

Murong Fu, you wouldn't think that I suffered such a big loss last night.

There is no defense at all tonight.

Murong Fu said disdainfully: You were not my opponent last night, don't you think you can beat me tonight?

Chen Youliang shook his head and said: Ignorant mortals don't know the vastness of the world and the sky of the universe.

In addition to personal combat power, there is another way in this world.

Be able to combine the strength of others to form an extremely powerful battle formation.

Murong Fu was speechless and said: It's just a battle formation. It's not like I have never seen it before.

Do you need all this nonsense?

Chen Youliang was stunned for a moment. He wanted to overwhelm Murong Fu with his momentum.

As a result, he choked back his words lightly.

Last night, because time was short, you took advantage of me.

Tonight, I will let you experience my [Thousand Ghost Heart-Eroding Formation].

After saying that, the sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling was immediately heard throughout Poyang Lake.

Murong Fu couldn't help but frown when he heard this, and reminded Gu Qianlian in his arms:

This formation is not simple, please hold me tight.

Yes! Gu Qianlian nodded repeatedly and asked in a low voice, Is this Gusu Murong Fu?

Murong Fu was stunned and nodded: That's right!

When Gu Qianlian heard this, her heart felt like honey, and she secretly praised that her vision was indeed extraordinary.

I fell in love at first sight, a great hero that everyone admires!

He unconsciously pursed his lips and smiled.

Why are you laughing? Murong Fu was confused, in such a dangerous situation.

How could she laugh.

When Gu Qianlian heard this, she immediately realized that she had lost her temper and apologized:

I'm sorry, I...I'm happy because I can be rescued, so...

Oh! Murong Fu replied calmly: There is no guarantee that we two will survive.

You'd better not be too happy too early.


Gu Qianlian was startled, her rosy cheeks turned pale due to her rapid heartbeat.

However, the hope of escape is relatively high, so you don't have to be afraid! Murong Fu said.

Gu Qianlian was speechless and complained in her heart.

One is alive and the other is dead.

Are you trying to make fun of others?

When Murong Fu saw that Gu Qianlian was silent, he shook his head. It seemed that the little girl was frightened.

He said angrily to Chen Youliang: Brother Youliang, can your labor formation be ready yet?

If nothing happens, I will go back. I will go on a blind date tomorrow.

Seeing Murong Fu's heroic and domineering appearance, Gu Qianlian's heart beat faster again.

It's all because she has practiced Double Cultivation since she was a child, one of which is The Art of Observing Men, which is a mysterious induction based on the attraction between men and women.

As a result, she became more and more obsessed with Murong Fu and couldn't help but like him.

Murong Fu, don't be arrogant. The formation is ready and you will die! Chen Youliang shouted, and thousands of water ghosts suddenly appeared in the water.

They absorb and merge with each other in strange gestures.

In the end, they turned into ten ancient monsters and all pounced on Murong Fu.

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