Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 657 The beautiful princess with dual cultivation

Cheng Kang, why are you here? Gu Qianlian was stunned for a moment, but she didn't seem to like the other person.

After saying this, he took Murong Fu and left in a hurry.

Murong Fu glanced at the young man in front of him who looked like an iron tower, but he felt a love for talents in his heart.

Because one person is too much like the same person.

If you teach him the [Dragon and Elephant Prajna Kung Fu], and give him a pair of copper hammers.

On the battlefield, he is definitely a good player!

However, he was pulled tightly by Gu Qianlian, so he was not in a hurry to talk to her.

Sir, I'll take you to meet the young lady. Gu Qianlian said happily.

It hasn't started yet, shall we go in? Feng Xinglie asked in a low voice.

Gu Qianlian smiled and said: It doesn't matter, your [Xie Yi Sect] disciple is responsible for today's blind date.

What are you afraid of?

Feng Xinglie said Oh:

I wonder if Master, the old man, is here.

Let's just go and see it! Gu Qianlian urged.

Unexpectedly, just as he was about to leave, Tan Dong stopped him: Don't go, the lady is not in the backyard, she has already gone to the square.

Gu Qianlian was stunned: Going so early?

Miss said that there may be changes in the marriage recruitment today, so go there early. Tan Dong said.

This... Gu Qianlian asked doubtfully: What difference can a good blind date make?

Suddenly, she seemed to think of a possibility:

Is it possible that [Phantom Sword Sect] will come to cause trouble?

Tan Dong nodded and reminded:

That side has been completely taken over by the [Evil and Different Sect].

You go there and find the lady.

When Gu Qianlian heard this, she smiled and said:

Okay, Uncle Tan, I'll just take them there.

You stay in the mansion!

Tan Dong nodded and said, Okay, remember to be careful.

Gu Qianlian smiled hehe, she didn't believe that with Murong Fu here, who would dare to make a mistake.

Thinking of this?

She couldn't help but tighten Murong Fu's little hand, not afraid of others gossiping.

He pulled the other person and ran towards the square of Shuangxiu Mansion.

The square of Shuangxiu Mansion is a vast flat area that can accommodate a thousand people.

Dozens of large tables surrounded an open space.

As a venue.

The table layout is divided into three levels, and the tables in the inner circle can only seat one or two people at each table.

The tables in the center circle range from three to six people.

The outermost tables were densely packed with people.

Obviously, this seat is also divided into three, six, and nine.

Corresponding to the public seats, guest seats, and VIP seats respectively.

The public seats are more complicated, almost all of them are people who have some friendship with [Shuangxiu Mansion], but are not strong enough.

To put it bluntly, those who did not come in person were rushing to curry favor with [Shuangxiu Mansion].

The guests are fellow Jianghu people who have invitations.

VIPs better understand.

They are all prominent figures in the world.

Being able to come is to give [Shuangxiu Mansion] face!

Gu Qianlian didn't even look at the crowd outside.

He led Murong Fu and others straight to the VIP table.

Who is this person? How dare he sit with the seniors?

I know the man with the gun. His name is Feng Xinglie and he is Li Ruohai's disciple.

Oh, no wonder! But why do I see the man next to him so familiar? It seems that we have met him once before?

Murong Fu smiled, originally wanting to keep a low profile.

But it became the center of attention again.

Currently greeting everyone, it is Shang Liang, one of the four great protectors of the [Evil and Different Sect], The Sword Hidden in His Smile.

When he saw Feng Xinglie appear, he quickly greeted him with a smile and said:

Xinglie, why are you here? The sect master has sent people everywhere to look for you.

Feng Xinglie quickly replied: There was an accident on the road.

Uncle Shang, have you seen my master?

Shang Liang shook his head, pointed at the man hosting the stage and said:

This time, I am the deputy sect master, leading someone to recruit the bride, but the sect master didn't come.

Feng Xinglie looked at the second figure of the Evil Sect on the stage and curled his lips.

Find a table and invite Murong Fu and others to sit down.

Gu Qianlian asked curiously: Why don't you seem to like the one above?

Feng Xinglie introduced: He saw Zong Yue, who left no trace for thousands of miles, and was of the same generation as me.

He is one of the rare masters of the [Evil and Different Sect]. He is powerful and understands people's hearts. His prestige in the sect is second only to that of my master Li Ruo.

But I don't know why, I just think he is sinister and very scary.

Zong Yue was on the stage, his eyes slowly scanning the entire audience. Even though he only had a glance, he saw Feng Xinglie.

He snorted disdainfully in his heart.

But when Zong Yue's eyes passed over Murong Fu.

He was slightly startled, with a flash of surprise.

This is all because Murong Fu is one with heaven and man, and there is a unique rhythm between his movements.

Anyone with some abilities can see how extraordinary he is.

Zong Yue looked at Murong Fu, and Murong Fu also looked at Zong Yue.

The two looked at each other.

Zong Yue looked at Murong Fu as if he was looking into an abyss, which made him unable to recover for a long time.

Fortunately, the disciple next to him reminded him.

Only then did he regain his composure, and he quickly clasped his fists downwards and said:

I, Zong Yue, am the deputy sect leader of the [Xieyi Sect], and I am responsible for the recruitment of a son-in-law for the [Shuangxiu Mansion].

Thank you for coming all the way.

Everyone stood up one after another and returned the salute with clasped fists.

Zong Yue said: Dear guests, please sit down.

Everyone sat back again.

Zong Yue showed humility and grace, which made people feel that he was young. .

Able to climb to the second place in the Xieyi Sect.

It depends not only on martial arts, but also on other factors.

Gu Qianlian took advantage of Zong Yue to speak.

Pointing to the woman sitting on the stage, he said:

She is my princess—Gu Zixian.

Murong Fu looked up and saw Gu Zixian's face covered with gauze, making it difficult to see her face clearly.

She has a slender figure, a leisurely attitude, and an elegant temperament.

Instead, she didn't care at all about the gazes cast on her.

It can be seen that the mentality is excellent.

While speaking, Zong Yue also turned his attention to Gu Zixian and introduced:

This is Princess Gu Zixian of [Shuangxiu Mansion].

If you are selected, you will become the princess's husband and wife.

When everyone saw Fairy Queen Gu Zi, they immediately became high-spirited.

Not to mention her appearance, just looking at her figure is enough to make countless men wander around at night.

Zong Yue couldn't help but smile when he saw this:

No need to make wild guesses, the princess's appearance is definitely that of an immortal descended from heaven.

Being able to become her husband is definitely a blessing gained through three lifetimes of cultivation.

At this time, an old man who was as thin as a monkey, with his eyes half open and half closed, looked at Zong Yue sideways.

He asked with a look of relying on his elders and selling them out:

Deputy sect leader, I wonder what methods are needed to choose a son-in-law this time?

Zong Yue said calmly: We, the children of Jianghu, are naturally good at martial arts.

Anyone under the age of thirty can participate.

Then, use [the method of choosing a son-in-law] to confirm it.

The old man glared and said, Doesn't that mean that the deputy sect leader can also participate?

Zong Yue smiled faintly, looked around the crowd, and said proudly:

Everyone has a love for beauty.

The beauty of the princess is heart-warming, how can I, Zong Yue, be exempt from vulgarity?

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