Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 671 There is still cure

Gu Zixian rolled her eyes at Murong Fu and said shyly:

My lord, you are talking nonsense. This [Nine-Nine Yin Accumulation Technique] is not meant for mortals to use.

According to our [Shuangxiu Mansion] records, only one person has successfully practiced this method.

However, the man died of exhaustion in the end.

Murong Fu smiled and was not in a hurry to explain:

Haha, you change your clothes first.

When you and I get married tomorrow, you will know about me.

Do you have the ability to learn the [Nine-Nine Yin Accumulating Technique]?

Gu Zixian couldn't help but feel ashamed when she thought of the meaning of Murong Fu's words:

Zixian, I understand. Today, I will aggrieve King Yan.

I'll ask Qianlian and Suxiang to accompany you first.

Murong Fu smiled and walked out of the house without saying anything.

Waiting for Gu Qianlian’s reception.

[Shuangxiu Mansion] has just experienced a catastrophe.

The people in the mansion became very cautious.

Only, occasionally, a few loud laughs could be heard from the pavilion in the back garden of the mansion.

Lie Zhenbei is leaning against the back of the chair comfortably?

Gently stroking the smooth body of the wine glass with one hand, he said leisurely:

After this battle, our southern martial arts community can finally calm down for a while.

Gu Qianlian reminded: Old Lie, your health is not good, you must not drink like this.

Lie Zhenbei laughed haha and said:

This [Qingxi Spring] was brewed by the daughter of Zuo Boyan, the Bacchus God herself.

No matter how much you drink, it won't hurt your body.

Little girl, you must know that if King Yan hadn't been here today.

Senior you are such a prodigal, you are not willing to give us a drink.

Lang Fanyun laughed haha and said:

Lao Lie, don't make me sound stingy.

Lang's hobbies in life are nothing more than the sword in his hand and the wine in his cup.

Feng Xinglie said worriedly: Guys, you have consumed too much today.

If you drink, will you...

Li Ruohai drank a full cup and said with a smile:

Haha, don't worry, Xiaofeng.

As the saying goes, wine is made from grain, and the more you drink, the younger you become.

This Zuo Shinong's [Clear Stream Spring] contains huge energy.

It's only good for our bodies, not harmful.

Feng Xinglie was slightly surprised and said, I didn't expect that this wine could have such effects?

Lie Zhenbei raised his glass and drank it all in one gulp. After wiping the wine stains from the corner of his mouth, he said happily:

It's fun, it's fun!

Ever since I knew that [Phantom Sword Sect] was going to attack [Shuangxiu Mansion].

Lie was worried every day that the beautiful mountain villa was destroyed by this group of monsters and monsters.

Then he pointed at Bai Suxiang and said, Girl, everyone is in a good mood today.

Can you sing for me?

Bai Suxiangfen's face turned red, she nodded, and suddenly sang a cappella quietly, Xin Qiji's famous line:

On the dancing pavilion and singing stage, the wind is always blown away by the rain...

At the end of the song, the sound of the song turned from soft to silent, but the lingering sound still lingered around.

Murong Fu was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Bai Suxiang, who was always reserved and shy, could not help but feel good about her.

Lie Zhenbei took the opportunity to joke: Lao Lang, how do you think our Xiaobai's singing voice compares with Miss Zuo Shi?

Lang Fanyun thought for a moment and said with a smile:

Naturally, each has its own age, and each has its own wonderful meaning.

Lie Zhenbei smiled and said: Haha, okay, for the sake of our little white, let's have another drink?

Seeing Lie Zhenbei's boldness, Murong Fu smiled and said:

One cup is not enough. Let's drink seven or eight cups.

Seeing this, Gu Qianlian quickly stopped and said:

My lord, please don't drink like this. I'm afraid Old Lie's body won't be able to bear it.

Oh? Murong Fu had already noticed something was wrong with Lie Zhenbei's expression.

He seemed to be injured and said curiously:

Brother Lie, what's wrong with your body?

Lie Zhenbei said openly: It's nothing more than some difficult and complicated diseases.

It can't be cured, it can't be cured!

When Murong Fu heard this, he became interested and said, Brother Lie, can you give me your hand?

Huh? Lie Zhenbei was very surprised: Is it possible that King Yan also knows medical skills?

Murong Fu smiled and said: I understand a little, I understand a little.

Lie Zhenbei smiled, put his hand on the table, and said Excuse me.

Murong Fu placed three fingers on Lie Zhenbei's pulse.

He clearly felt that the other party's body was as cold as a dead person.

Feeling for pulse, weak and feeble.

It seemed like a thread that could break at any time.

His brows couldn't help but become serious, and his spiritual consciousness followed the spiritual power and entered the other party's eight meridians and internal organs.

After raising his hand, he couldn't help but said:

Brother Lie's meridians have atrophied, and his internal organs have all declined.

It seems like the legendary five declines of heaven and man.

It's a miracle that I can survive to this day.

Lie Zhenbei smiled and said, It's just a small matter.

I had already predicted this day when I went crazy due to practicing Qigong.

Fortunately, Lie is open-minded by nature and does not keep life and death in mind.

Perhaps that's why I've been able to live longer.

Murong Fu nodded and said, Not bad.

Gu Qianlian looked at Murong Fu.

On weekdays, Lie Zhenbei regarded her as half his daughter.

She naturally cared about the other party and asked unwillingly:

Your Majesty, is Mr. Lie really out of control?

When everyone heard this, a hint of darkness flashed in their eyes.

Every one of them has struggled with Lie Zhenbei's illness.

However, the answers were all disappointing.

Although, even knowing Murong Fu’s answer would be the same.

But their eyes were still full of expectant gazes.

This disease is not incurable!

What! Lang Fanyun and Li Ruohai looked at each other and said quickly:

Lao Lie is terminally ill. We have visited famous doctors, but there is nothing we can do.

No, Brother Murong, do you have any way to save him?

Murong Fu thought for a moment, nodded and said: There is a way, but it may be more troublesome.

Really? The person present who least wanted Lie Zhenbei to die was naturally himself.

He held Murong Fu's hand and said excitedly: Murong Fu, we are not interested in cheating people to death.

Murong Fu said seriously: Although it is a little troublesome, it is not incurable.

How to treat it? Please ask King Yan to help us clear up our doubts. Lang Fanyun asked curiously.

Murong Fu said hmm and said:

Lao Lie's disease, to put it bluntly, is that his vitality has disappeared and his energy has been reduced to his bones.

As long as we replenish his vitality and dispel the weak energy, the disease will be cured naturally.

Feng Xinglie looked at a few people stupidly and said with a wry smile:

Is it so mysterious?

What is bad energy?

Li Ruohai glared at Feng Xinglie and said:

Little brat, don't ask about things you shouldn't ask about.

After saying that, he looked at Murong Fu and said:

King Yan, what is bad energy?

Hearing this, everyone pricked up their ears and waited for Murong Fu's answer:

Bad Qi is actually a kind of dead Qi.

It's attached to your [Shenzong Point], blocking you from brewing new vitality.

Lie Zhenbei became even more excited when he heard what Murong Fu said so eloquently:

My lord, just tell me how you can cure me.

If only Lao Lie could live a few more years.

I am willing to give my skills to the prince for a few years.

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