Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 678: One person is inferior to ten thousand people

Hehe, cousin is right, we don't care who writes the poem!

Just scold him if it sounds unpleasant. Don't delay our business. Murong Shanshan said with a smile.

Murong Fu nodded.

He made a small joke and livened up the atmosphere:

I will now teach you the formula of [Nine-Nine Yin Accumulation Technique].

You guys keep it in mind and don't make any mistakes for a while.

Murong Shuang assured: Don't worry, eldest cousin, we have always been reliable in our work.

There will be absolutely no omissions.

Well, let's get started.

Murong Fu then taught Murong Jiuxiu one by one the formulas and postures of the Jiujiu Yin Accumulating Technique.

Jiu Nu came from a martial arts family, so it was natural for her to record the skills.

The [Nine-Nine Yin Accumulating Method] is mysterious but not complicated.

The girls listened to it three times and asked for some details, and they soon understood it.

Can you remember it well? Murong Fu asked again.

Murong Shu nodded and said, Already remembered!

Murong Shanshan quickly brought the drinks she had prepared and said:

Cousin, don't be in a hurry to practice.

Let's have some drinks first, otherwise, I'm afraid my sister will be shy again.

Okay! Murong Fu rolled his eyes: Today I will let you taste what is imported.

Imported! Murong Shanshan was stunned when she saw Murong Fu pouring a lot of liquid into her mouth, then hugged her and kissed her.


Murong Shanshan felt Murong Fu's strong masculine aura.

Instantly, I became fascinated and slowly responded.

Others, including several women, also clamored for it when they saw it.

Murong Fu was not stingy and gave each person a mouthful.

Even though Murong Shu was too shy to try, he still forced it into his mouth.

After a while, Murong Fu saw the passion spreading among several people and said with a smile: Let's begin!

Yes! The nine girls stood in a circle around Murong Fu obediently.

Kneeling in front of Murong Fu, he assumed nine seductive postures.

He chanted a charming sound that made people want to stop.

Murong Fu was like a roulette wheel, injecting spiritual power from his Dantian into his body.

The [Nine-Nine Yin Accumulating Method] is in operation.

The hot springs are filled with smoke.

In addition to the beautiful voice, Murong Fu's busy figure can also be seen.

The primordial yang does not leak out, but the yin enters the body.

The nine yins are unified, as strong as the true yang!

[Forbidden City] Wan Zhen'er's house.

She heard that Murong Fu was back, but no one came to see her.

I thought that the other party had changed his mind and no longer wanted to cooperate with me.

He was using his bare feet to punish a palace maid.

Fan, fan me hard!

Don't think that just because you have a charming face, you can seduce men everywhere.

I am unhappy today, believe it or not, so I spent it?

The little palace maid was not very old and was trembling with fear.

He kept kowtowing and begging for mercy, shouting:

My queen, please spare my life!

Wan Zhen'er handed the jade feet to the palace maid and sneered: Do you know what to do?

The palace maid did not dare to resist, nodded repeatedly, and held Wan Zhen'er's feet.

Serve it.

Wan Zhen'er still had her arrogant face on her face.

Until he kicked the palace maid away and cursed:

Get out, get everyone out of here.

Everyone is useless trash!

As if she was being amnesty, the little palace maid quickly kowtowed a few times and ran out quickly.

Wan Zhen'er saw this and said disdainfully:

Nothing is worthy of touching me!

I, Wan Zhen'er, am inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people. What do I want?

Just when she turned around and wanted to go back to bed to rest.

Suddenly, a taunt came from behind.

Haha, Concubine Wan Gui has such a big air!

Wan Zhen'er was startled and startled.

She didn't have to look back.

You can all feel that there is a heat like the sun behind you.

He asked in shock:

You...who are you?

Haha, if you look back, don't you know who this king is?

Wan Zhen'er swallowed her saliva and slowly turned back.

She knew that if the person behind her wanted to kill her, he would not be able to escape.

So I didn't dare to make any unnecessary moves.

Obediently, he turned around.

His eyes gradually saw a red and half-naked body.

After seeing the person clearly, he couldn't help but be surprised:

Murong Fu! Why is it you?

Murong Fu smiled haha:

The king came here late at night, so naturally he gave Concubine Wan Gui a surprise?

Wan Zhen'er looked at Murong Fu's strong muscles and smelled the true dragon energy emanating from him.

She couldn't help but feel that her mouth was dry, and she subconsciously licked her red lips.

Your Majesty, I came so late because I wanted to...

Murong Fu smiled calmly and said: Haha, I have obtained the secret method of [Double Cultivation Mansion].

Now is the time to practice with you.

Wan Zhen'er was overwhelmed by Murong Fu's momentum and asked carefully:

What does the prince want the slave family to do?...

Kneel down! Murong Fu ordered coldly.

Wan Zhen'er was stunned, who is she? She is a noble concubine who is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

I might kneel down to a foreign minister!

However, although she resisted mentally, her white and straight knees showed no resistance at all.

He obediently bent down and knelt in front of Murong Fu.

Murong Fu smiled haha. He was in a hurry and only wore a pair of trousers when he came.

Others said they didn’t even have time to wear their shoes.

So he handed his feet to Wan Zhen'er and said sarcastically:

I heard that you are better than ten thousand people. I am very curious about how you did it!

I am... Wan Zhen'er held up Murong Fu's feet by some strange mistake.

Just like the palace maid just now, serve the other party.

Haha, very good, very good, come over here!

Murong Fu turned around and walked towards the bed, sitting on the bed boldly.

I obey your orders! Wan Zhen'er obediently climbed up to Murong Fu after hearing this.

Without waiting for the other party's order, she started her performance.

Inside the Wanfei Palace.

From time to time, without scruple, wonderful music played.

Zhu Qizhen, the God of War of the Ming Dynasty, would never have thought of this in his dreams.

His usually aloof concubine.

In front of Murong Fu, he would have a different look.

However, of course he would not know.

Yuhuatian knew about this immediately.

Then Wan Zhen'er's palace was cleaned up.

A group of absolutely loyal people were left to guard it.

Until the next day, the sun shone in the dark house.

Murong Fu's loud roar echoed throughout the palace.

Then it became quiet again.

Yuhuatian shook his head and said in admiration:

This Murong Fu is really bold.

If you are so careless, you won't be afraid that Emperor Ming will hear you.

Let him die in the Forbidden City.

But, he didn't expect that in the bedroom.

Wan Zhen'er obediently cleaned up Murong Fu's body.

He held his stomach and asked:

Fulang, does the Nu family have your flesh and blood now?

Yeah! Murong Fu played with Wan Zhen'er's hair and said:

You should feel a warm sensation in your abdomen.

That's our kid.

Wan Zhen'er said happily: Are you going to deal with Zhu Qizhen?

Wait a minute! Murong Fu said domineeringly: If something happens to him now, the Iron Gallant God will not sit still and wait for death.

If we want to get rid of it, we have to get rid of it completely!

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