Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 682 Everyone has their own plans

Afterimage? Murong Fu smiled coldly.

This Japanese devil really thinks he is a fool?

Can't tell which one is real and which one is fake?

Okay, let's see the power of [Tianji Stick Technique]!

Shuiyue Dazong frowned slightly when he heard Murong Fu's words.

He was giggling and speaking a lot of island dialect!

He struck at Murong Fu with one knife after another.

The eight sword lights merged into one.

In an instant, everything in front of him was cut into nothingness.

Murong Fu was calm and composed, making numerous stick shadows.

Hit it on the sword light.

The sword light like a rock was gradually swallowed up and shattered by the heavy rain of stick shadows.

Finally dissipated into nothingness.

Shui Yue Da Zong was shocked and was about to consider countermeasures when Murong Fu raised his stick and smashed it!

His expression immediately became astonished.


Murong Fu struck down the stick with a stick, but it turned out to be an afterimage.

Hehe smiled and hit another one.

Puff puff puff puff...

Seven hits in a row, all of which were fake bodies.

Shuiyue Dazong's eyes widened when he saw it, not believing that this was true.


you do this delibrately!

Haha, you guessed it right!

Murong Fu laughed loudly and hit the only remaining Shui Yue Sect with a blow to the head.

touch! touch! touch...

When the four guards saw this, they shouted quickly and rushed forward to help.

Unexpectedly, this move fell into Murong Fu's trap!

He gave up the Shuiyue Sect directly and hit each of the four new people with a blow.


Blood is flying all over the sky!

The heads of Lin Shi and Shan Shi were like watermelons, broken into pieces.

The Fire Warrior and the Wind Lady managed to escape in time.

His arm was just numb and slightly injured, and he was knocked out.

Murong Fu!

If you dare to kill my people, I will fight with you!

Shuiyue Sect suddenly became furious.

He summoned up all his true energy and slashed at Murong Fu.

Murong Fu smiled haha and took advantage of the moment when Shuiyue Dazong raised his sword before it fell.

A ray of light flashed from the fingertips of both fingers, moving forward a little.

It shot directly into Shuiyue Dazong's chest at a speed that exceeded the sound barrier.

Murong's unique skills——[Shenzhenzhi]


Shuiyue Dazong felt a pain in his chest.

He immediately retreated and looked defeated.

Just when Murong Fu rushed towards him.

Instead of being afraid, Shuiyue Dazong showed an evil smile on his lips.

At this time, a man in black rushed towards Murong Fu and grabbed his wrist.

A powerful suction force emanates from the whole body.

Cao Zhengchun, who was fighting with Fu Cailin, glanced sideways and exclaimed loudly:

My lord, be careful, this is [the great method of absorbing energy]!

Gu Santong was even more direct, calling out the identity of the person:

Zhu ignores you and is mean!

He roared angrily and wanted to go over and help Murong Fu.

Haha, I'm sorry, I can't let you go!

You'd better stay!

Bi Xuan's whole body was red, like a sun, evaporating the moisture in the surrounding air in an instant.

He punched Gu Santong.


Gu Santong no longer held back, and used the [Indestructible Magic Power].

He took Bi Xuan's move head-on.


The void suddenly exploded, and a wave of air wiped out everything around him in the blink of an eye.

The two of them took three steps back at the same time.

They looked at each other in surprise.

I didn't expect, I didn't expect that there would be a master like you in the world.

We are not alone! Bi Xuan said with emotion.

You mother! Gu Santong knew better than to knock down Bi Xuan in front of him.

There was no way he could go and help Murong Fu break Zhu Wuwu's attack.

On the other side, Cao Zhengchun was even more embarrassed.

Fu Cailin didn't say it was complete, but restrained his [Tiangang Boy Kung Fu].

But he was also too weak to help Murong Fu.

Haha, damn Murong Fu, let me see how you run away this time! Shuiyue Dazong said proudly, covering his chest.

Oh? Really? Murong Fu's expression did not change at all from the beginning to the end.

Calmly, as if nothing happened, he continued:

Zhu Wuwu, you don't think that I didn't expect you to show up here, do you?

The man in black paused, looked at Murong Fu doubtfully, and said calmly:

Even if you expect this king to appear here, what will happen?.

You have been locked by my [Absorption Technique]. It is impossible to break free.

You have to perfect all your skills with me!

Murong Fu smiled haha:

Oh? Do you think, since I knew you would appear, would I be prepared at all?

Zhu Wuwu immediately realized that something was wrong, and his mind was spinning rapidly.

Without saying anything, he wanted to let go of Murong Fu's hand.

For him, there is no 100% chance of success.

It’s equal to zero!

Unexpectedly, just as he was about to let go, he saw Murong Fu's hand change.

It turned into a steel claw, tightly holding his lifeline, and said in confusion:

What are you going to do?

Murong Fu sneered and said, Don't you like to absorb other people's skills?

The King of Japan will let you suck as much as you like today!


As soon as Murong Fu finished speaking, a purple flame erupted from his body.

The temperature is sufficient to incinerate the iron solution.

And this purple flame followed the true energy and was inhaled into the body by Zhu Wuwu.

Zhu Wuwu felt as if his arms were being burned in a raging flame.

The huge pain was instantly transmitted to the brain.


A scream spread throughout the entire battlefield.

Bi Xuan and Fu Cailin didn't have time to react.

I heard the ridicule from the two people opposite.

Haha, Zhu Wuwu has been scheming his whole life, and finally he was tricked by someone. It's so refreshing, so refreshing!

This is the first time we have seen the Lord Shen in such a miserable state. I wonder how he can avert danger?

Shuiyue Dazong covered his chest and was stunned!

He was closest and could clearly see the pain in Zhu Wu's eyes.

You bastard, let me go!

Zhu Wuwu used his inner strength to pat Murong Fu with his other hand.

Murong Fu snorted coldly and felt cruel.

Decided to take advantage of the opportunity to burn Zhu Wuwu to death in one fell swoop.

With a loud shout, he held the stick and punched hard.


Two huge forces collided.

In an instant, the ground collapsed and smoke rose everywhere.

The powerful air wave knocked everyone around away.

Murong Fu! Let me go! Zhu ignored the unbearable pain and no longer tried to hide it.

Haha, I'm sorry, anyone who threatens me will... die! Murong Fu showed his murderous intent and hit Zhu Wuwu with a stick.

Zhu Wulan clenched his teeth, his facial expression twisted in pain.

Seeing the [Tianji Rod] fall.

With a trace of determination flashing in his eyes, he raised his left hand and hit his right shoulder hard.


A wisp of bright red cut across the sky.

In the blink of an eye, an afterimage turned and disappeared in front of Murong Fu.

When the [Tianji Rod] fell, it just smashed up a piece of rubble.

Murong Fu held Zhu Wuwu's right arm and admired him:

As expected of the 'Iron-Courage God', this decisiveness is truly admirable.

It's a pity that I'll have to have my nails cut by others in the future.

No one on the side could see what was going on.

Then he saw a black figure escaping from the smoke and disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Shuiyue Dazong recognized at a glance that the person was Zhu Wuwu, and shouted without thinking:

Mission failed, run!

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