Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 684 The Emperor’s Heart of the Zhu Family

Hearing this, the blood teller nodded and said:

Of course, I just hope that my people can escape from that terrible place.

Please, Your Majesty can make it happen!

Hear the word Your Majesty!

Zhu Wuwu could no longer control the desire in his heart and said loudly:

Okay! I agree to your request.

When I ascend the throne as the emperor, I will grant you and your people a pure land!

The blood teller said happily: Thank you, Your Majesty!

Zhu Wuwu picked up the broken arm and asked curiously: You said this broken arm, after it is reattached.

Is there no difference at all from this king's original arm?

The blood operator nodded and said: It is a kind of monster arm that can fit the human body perfectly.

Not only is it more powerful than the prince's original arm.

It's also possible that it can inspire some special power.

Zhu ignored the joy and said: Okay, how do I need to connect it?

The blood teller said calmly: Haha, Prince, please go with the two of them.

I have prepared a blood pool for you.

Zhu Wuli narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at the blood accountant for a moment.

Suddenly, he laughed again:

good, very good!

In this case, I will go to the palace and show it to those people.

The blood operator felt relieved, stretched out his hand and said: Your Majesty, please!

Let's go! Zhu Wuli didn't say a word and followed the two women.

Walking towards another stone room underground in [Hulong Villa].

He didn't ask a single question during the whole process, but he clearly had murderous intentions in his heart!

An outsider dared to behave like this in his villa.

No one told me the whole time!

This goes on.

Wouldn't he, the prince, have to be ignored?

Haha, it seems that someone thinks that he is Zhu Qizhen?

[Forbidden City] Inside the imperial study.

Zhu Qizhen looked at the arm handed over by Cao Zhengchun and thought for a long time.

With just one arm, I'm afraid I won't be able to save my uncle.

Cao Zhengchun suggested: Your Majesty, the Shenhou besieging foreign envoys in the street is tantamount to treason.

“Why not take this opportunity to hammer it out?”

Zhu Qizhen rolled his eyes and Cao Zhengchun said:

With just a broken arm, how can you prove that you are the emperor's uncle?

This... Cao Zhengchun was stunned and thought: This is not simple. If we call for a confrontation, won't the truth come out?

Zhu Qizhen seemed to have seen through Cao Zhengchun's thoughts and asked:

If he reports to me, an assassin will assassinate him and cut off one of his hands.

What do you think I should do?

If we go to court, do you think he will die or you?

Do the ministers believe more in you or in him?

Cao Zhengchun immediately broke into a cold sweat. .

Zhu Rongli's status in the court was really inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

In addition, there are ten generals helping out, let alone just a eunuch.

Even if Zhu Qizhen faced off in person, he would probably be disgraced.

Your Majesty, can't we do anything?

Zhu Qizhen smiled and said, I've already broken off his arms. Isn't that the best thing?

Anything more would be rude.

I understand. Cao Zhengchun nodded repeatedly.

Murong Fu went to Concubine Shu? Zhu Qizhen was most concerned about the question now.

It was about how many [Heavenly Fragrance Cardamom] Murong Fu had in his hand.

If there were really two, how could he ask for them?

Cao Zhengchun shook his head and said: Your Majesty, I have arranged for Murong Fu to live in a side hall.

I have invited Concubine Jing and Concubine Xian to serve me.

Zhu Qizhen's eyes lit up: Haha, this is good, this is good!

I'm worried that I won't be able to catch him and ask for [Tianxiang Cardamom].

Now, you have prepared a chance for me.

Cao Zhengchun smiled awkwardly, he didn't dare to be greedy for this credit.

If one day the other party has a whim, he will turn around and accuse himself of being a promiscuous harem.

He, a eunuch, couldn't afford it, so he explained with a smile:

Haha, these servants are all following His Majesty's instructions.

What is really powerful is His Majesty's ability to strategize and win a battle thousands of miles away.

Zhu Qizhen smiled haha and said:

In a moment, I will ask Murong Fu to go to Concubine Shu's palace.

I want to ask Murong Fu for two [Heavenly Fragrance Cardamom].

Cao Zhengchun said quickly: Your Majesty is wise!

Haha! Zhu Qizhen opened his pale old face and said with a smile: I feel the same way.

In the side hall.

Murong Fu just sat down and ate a peach.

Waiting for Zhu Qizhen's summons.

Then I heard the thick door being pushed open.

Two beauties in palace clothes walked in.

The two beauties looked a little shy after seeing Murong Fu and saluted:

Slave family, Zhao Jing'er

Nujia, Sun Xiangxian.

I've met Prince Murong!

Murong Fu smiled and asked, But Emperor Ming is planning to summon me?

The two women looked at each other, shook their heads and said:

It was not that Emperor Ming summoned us, but Eunuch Cao sent us sisters to serve the prince.

Murong Fu was stunned: Serve?

The two girls nodded and said, Yes, it is indeed Eunuch Cao who asked us to serve the prince.

He asked the two of us to report. Your Majesty is resting.

Without three or two hours, I won't wake up at all.

“So, let us serve you during this time.”

Murong Fu shook his head and said, I'm afraid it's not good.

If I remember correctly, all the women in this palace belong to Emperor Ming.

I am just a foreign minister, but I dare not enjoy it.

The second girl smiled and said, Your Majesty is really confused.

How dare Eunuch Cao himself give orders at will.

This matter must have Emperor Ming's intention.

What does Emperor Ming mean? Murong Fu felt something was wrong.

Zhu Qizhen had nothing to do and gave the maids from his harem to him?

Could it be possible that he really regarded himself as a womanizer?

Think of this!

Murong Fu felt that others might not be able to do this.

But according to the personality of The Ming God of War.

Not saying it’s impossible!

Thinking of this, he shook his head and still refused:

You two should please go back, I am a big boss.

I don't dare bother these two beauties.

The two girls looked a little stunned when they heard this, given their looks.

I think I can be ranked high in the harem.

Usually if a man sees it, he won't salivate.

I didn't expect that the other party would be so ignorant of compliments.

A trace of warmth and anger arose in his heart, and he mocked:

Your Majesty, people from other countries may have never seen beautiful women.

It's better not to let down the emperor's favor, otherwise you may regret what you did today for the rest of your life.

Murong Fu was startled: I wonder what this king regrets?

Of course, losing such a beautiful sister like us. The two girls said in unison.

Murong Fu laughed haha, feeling that this woman was out of mind.

Just about to drive him away.

Then they heard the door being pushed open, and the three of them looked at the door at the same time.

Then he saw an extremely noble and charming woman walking in with a displeased look on her face.

When the two women saw this, they immediately knelt down and said:

Sun Xiangxian and Zhao Jing'er have met Concubine Wan Gui!

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