Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 686 Zhu Wuli meets with His Majesty

Haha, here it comes!

The two people beat around the bush and finally asked what was on their mind.

Murong Fu shook his head: No, Diao Xiang put his [Heavenly Fragrance Cardamom] in the sect.

This... Zhu Qizhen asked doubtfully: Are his words credible?

Murong Fu nodded and said, The credibility should be very high.

But it doesn't matter.

Now, Concubine Shu has woken up.

With or without that [Heavenly Fragrant Cardamom], it's the same.

Zhu Qizhen glared at Cao Zhengchun fiercely.

If it weren't for this old guy, he wouldn't be able to do things well.

The embarrassing question in front of me will not arise, so I smiled and said:

Haha, King Yan is right.

Concubine Shu has woken up, so I can rest assured that there won't be no descendants left.

As soon as these words came out, Murong Shu was frightened.

The child in her belly is fake.

Once discovered by Zhu Qizhen, the consequences would be disastrous.

Subconsciously, he looked at Murong Fu in front of him.

Murong Fu was indifferent.

Don't say he didn't know, Zhu Qizhen knew that Murong Shu's belly was fake.

Even if he knew, he wouldn't be afraid!

Cao Zhengchun rolled his eyes and said quickly:

Your Majesty, the imperial doctor happens to be here.

Why don't you let him help Concubine Shu take a look at the child in her belly?

Okay! Zhu Qizhen nodded and said with satisfaction:

Doctor Zhao, take Concubine Shu's pulse and see how her unborn son is doing.

Doctor Zhao on the side didn't know what was going on, so he said obey.

He walked up to Murong Shu and felt his pulse.

Everyone present, except him, the imperial doctor, knew it all.

Murong Shu only had a ball of Qi, and as long as she checked her pulse carefully, she could detect something strange.

Sure enough, Doctor Zhao's brows became more and more frowned together.

Cao Zhengchun took advantage of the situation and asked, Doctor Zhao, is the child in your womb okay?

Imperial Doctor Zhao shook his head and thought:

The child in your mother's belly seems to be weak.

It's looming, like a new life.

Cao Zhengchun and Zhu Qizhen were stunned and looked at each other.

The front line asked: Why is this?

Doctor Zhao was also full of doubts and explained:

The child in your mother's belly does not look like she has been pregnant for many days.

Instead, it's more like being pregnant for a day.

One day? The other four people present were all shocked.

Murong Shu immediately looked at Murong Fu shyly.

Having done something bad, she pinned the identity of the child's biological father on Murong Fu's head without even thinking about it.

Cao Zhengchun said speechlessly: Doctor Zhao, you are not bad, how can you diagnose it in one day?

Yes! Doctor Zhao smiled bitterly and said, Old Shen also found it strange, so he couldn't make up his mind.

Zhu Qizhen said in a deep voice: Haha, then you can take your time to diagnose me for a while.

Dr. Zhao nodded and tried to diagnose a few more times.

In the end, the answer was the same, Murong Shu was pregnant for one day.

Murong Fu also felt strange.

Yesterday, although he and several women practiced the [Nine-Nine Yin Accumulation Technique] at the same time.

The combination of yin and yang brings joy to the mind.

But for the last moment, he couldn't bear it.

It is simply impossible to cause Murong Shu to become pregnant.

The key is, except the fortune teller, who can tell the cub in one day?

Zhu Qizhen's face became increasingly ugly.

He originally wanted to threaten Murong Fu with this incident and ask him to hand over [Tianxiang Cardamom].

However, the imperial doctor was unable to help and his plan was aborted.

Haha, maybe it's because of the poison.

If there is something wrong with my concubine's pulse, why not wait a few more days and retest.

Imperial Doctor Zhao wiped the sweat from his head and thanked:

Your Majesty is wise. After I return, I will check the [Pulse Theory] carefully.

Zhu Qizhen waved his hand and said: Go!

Murong Fu watched Imperial Doctor Zhao leave, not wanting to stay in this palace any longer.

Shi Li was about to leave, but he heard Zhu Qizhen say:

King Yan, have you heard of the battle between the two swords recently?

Murong Fu nodded and said: Your Majesty, what can you say is the battle between Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng in the Forbidden City?

That's right! Zhu Qizhen said with a smile: I wonder what you think of these two people?

Murong Fu said truthfully: Both of them are masters in the art of swordsmanship.

I have only heard of their reputation and have not had any direct contact with them.

So, I can't give His Majesty any advice.

Zhu Qizhen smiled and asked again:

Then compared with King Yan, who is stronger or weaker between the two of them?

Murong Fu was very puzzled. How could Zhu Qizhen compare him to Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng?

Without waiting for an answer.

Cao Zhengchun was the first to say: Of course King Yan is stronger.

Not only did King Yan defeat the three great masters, he also just defeated a powerful enemy.

How many people in the world can achieve such a feat?

Oh? Zhu Qizhen's eyes flashed and he said happily:

In this case, I have a heartless request, and I hope King Yan can agree to it.

Murong Fu sneered in his heart, those who dare to love this master and servant here are digging their own holes.

Although he didn't know who the other party was, he was too lazy to make calculations with him and refused:

Your Majesty has so many people under his command, and all of them are good hands.

How can you use me as a foreign minister!

Zhu Qizhen smiled and said: The martial arts of these two are too high.

Once you start taking action, you will have no time to think about anything else.

So, I need a master to help me take care of the harem.

Murong Fu raised his eyebrows, he was not a eunuch.

How could he take care of Zhu Qizhen's harem? He couldn't help but look at Cao Zhengchun.

Zhu Qizhen smiled and said: Eunuch Cao needs to stay with me to protect my safety.

The Tie Guan Shen Hou needs to guard the palace.

Beware of people in the martial arts world, and take advantage of the opportunity to cause trouble.

Murong Fu's mind changed and he understood.

This is another hole Zhu Qizhen dug for himself.

Its goal is still [Tianxiang Cardamom].

However, it is not the one from [Shuangxiu Mansion] that I am thinking about.

But the one in Diao Xiang's hand.

If you don't agree, the other party will definitely come up with other plans.

When he was about to say yes.

The eunuch outside the door reported:

Your Majesty, Lord Iron Gut wants to see you!

Zhu Qizhen was stunned and asked, Who do you think is asking to see you?

The eunuch thought he didn't explain clearly, so he quickly repeated: It's the Iron Gallant God Marquis!

Cao Zhengchun was shocked and said: It's impossible, he was so seriously injured.

How is it possible to come to His Majesty at this time?

Murong Fu was also very surprised.

He was sure that the person he defeated just now was Zhu Wuwu.

It is absolutely impossible for a person to recover so quickly if he loses an arm.

Zhu Qizhen looked at their expressions and said to the little eunuch:

Okay, go and call my uncle.

I just have something to ask him!

As ordered... The little eunuch saluted and hurriedly went out to ask Zhu Wu to meet the saint.

The three of them did not speak, but focused their attention on the door.

Everyone wanted to take a look at this famous divine prince.

He lost an arm, but he still doesn't have the same majesty as before.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the other party walked in, the three of them were surprised at the same time.

I saw that Zhu Wuli’s arms were intact, he walked boldly in front of the three people, and said loudly:

Zhu Yiwu pays homage to His Majesty!

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