Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 692 The Infatuated Prince

Haha, Zhu Wuyi, I am very curious about where your arms come from.

Murong Fu stared at Zhu Wuwu's right arm and asked curiously.

The implication is even more obvious.

If I can cripple your arm once, I can cripple you the second time.

Murong Fu! You are looking for death! Zhu ignored the rage and slapped the horse's head with his palm. ..

He jumped into the air and slapped Murong Fu with a palm.

The huge zhenqi transformed into a ferocious monster and roared towards Murong Fu.

Open your big mouth and swallow it whole.

Haha! Murong Fu smiled coldly, with little starlight radiating from his body.

Turn your palm and draw it back.

In an instant, the void seemed to be torn apart and held in his hand.

Zhu ignored the giant sky-swallowing beast he unleashed and let out a wail, but was caught by Murong Fu as well.

[The Stars Move]! Shangguan Haitang immediately recognized that this was Murong Fu's famous stunt.

He quickly reminded him loudly.


The next moment, the giant beast turned into the color of starlight and was thrown towards Zhu Wuwu.

He also opened his big mouth and bit Zhu Wuwu.

Hmph! Zhu Wuwu raised his claws and emitted a red light, and slapped the giant beast hard.

With a boom, the giant beast shattered into pieces.

He landed firmly on the horse and stared at Murong Fu with slightly narrowed eyes.

So strong! Shangguan Haitang thought that he knew Zhu Wuwu best.

Unexpectedly, his angry attack would be easily defused by Murong Fu.

The key is to make Zhu ignore the desire to take action again.

Haha, Lord Shen, do you want to continue? Murong Fu asked.

King Murong Fu admits that you are very strong.

But today you won't give Su Xin back to me.

Don't blame me for bullying the minority. Zhu ignored the threat.

Murong Fu shook his head: Cheng Suxin and Gu Santong are husband and wife. You have no right to take her away here.

Zhu Wulan sneered and said: But the ancient three links are right and wrong.

The two of them broke into [Hulong Villa] without permission and damaged important materials in our villa.

You need to give me an explanation for this.

Otherwise, neither of them would be able to survive today.

Murong Fu's face turned solemn. This was indeed their fault.

However, if the two of them don't go, how can they save Cheng Suxin.

However, I wanted to refute Zhu Wuli on this point.

They will definitely be missed by the other party using other excuses.

After much thought, it was just another fight.

Ignore it!

Just when the two sides were at war with each other.

A gentle voice broke the chilling atmosphere between both parties?

When Zhu Rongli heard the sound and looked around, he couldn't help but become excited and quickly jumped off the horse without even thinking about it.

Holding the source of the sound, he said:

Suxin, you wake up!

Cheng Suxin was not unfeeling towards Zhu Yilan, and said happily:

Ignore it, you are old!

Zhu Wuwu touched his cheek and said with a smile:

Yeah, you've been in a coma for decades.

I've aged for decades.

Cheng Suxin said: But you are still so energetic and heroic, which is admirable.

Zhu Wuwu took Cheng Suxin's hand and said:

Haha, none of this matters anymore.

Let's go back home. From now on, no one will dare to let you leave my side.

Cheng Suxin shook her head: No, ignore it. Listen to me, I'm not worthy of you at all.

I have a child with my cousin, and I can't marry you at all.

What? Zhu Wu was shocked and couldn't believe his ears: Su Xin, you said you have a child?

Cheng Suxin glanced at Cheng Shifei beside her and said, Yes, he is my and Santong's son.

How is that possible? Zhu Wuli looked aside and made up his mind casually.

Still don't want to believe that this is true.

However, when he saw Cheng Shifei for the first time.

It felt like déjà vu.

Now that I think about it, it should be the ruffian spirit in him that is exactly the same as Gu Santong.

No wonder, I just said I saw him somewhere.

It turns out he is Gu Santong's son.

Cheng Shifei smiled sheepishly and said:

Sorry Lord Shen, I just found out that there is a biological father who is your love rival.

If I had known, I would have reincarnated in another company so that I would not be an eyesore in front of you.

Zhu Wuwu suddenly felt a pain in his heart, staggered and almost fell.

Why, why didn't you tell me back then?

Cheng Suxin lowered her head and said slightly apologetically:

I also wanted to tell you to come.

It's just that you and your cousin had a fierce fight at that time.

I was afraid of getting Fei'er in trouble, so I never dared to tell you the truth.

Haha... Zhu Wulan smiled bitterly and said, Do you know, I have been here for you for so many years.

Climb up as hard as you can.

Even back then, I would not hesitate to deal with my best brother.

But you...

Cheng Shifei said curiously: Lord Shenhou, can I interrupt for a moment?

Is your best brother my father Gu Santong?

Zhu Wu was stunned for a moment and admitted generously: Yes, you must Gu Santong, who is my best brother.

Back then, he didn't want to marry your mother, so I brought your mother into the palace.

It's a pity that the late emperor stopped me, and I was sent to another place on official business for a year, so Su Xin left.

Everyone was stunned.

They all understood.

It's not that Cheng Suxin cheated on her, but that an old relationship rekindled.

Cheng Shifei patted his chest and said:

I am so surprised.

I thought it was my mother who failed you.

It turns out that you were useless at that time. You couldn't even decide whether to marry a daughter-in-law.

Bastard! Zhu Wuli suddenly became angry and slapped Cheng Feifei away with one palm.

As soon as everyone saw a flash of golden light, Cheng Shifei was already embedded in the wall.

Obviously Zhu Wuli had no murderous intention.

Otherwise, Xiao Feifei will be in trouble.

Fei'er! As a biological mother, Cheng Suxin naturally still cares about her children.

He wanted to see Cheng Shifei's injuries, but was stopped by Zhu Wuwu:

Don't worry, he's fine. He was just photographed by me.

Cheng Suxin burst into tears and said, Ignore it. If you want to blame, just blame me.

Please let San Tong and Fei'er go.

Zhu Wu ignored his head and said, I don't care whether he is your son or not, I will marry you.

Do you know that I have worked hard for you for twenty-four years?

Never took a wife, never took a concubine, never even found a woman.

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately attracted discussion from others.

Especially people from [Hulong Villa].

For a moment, my head was confused.

In the past, they believed in the upright and courageous God Lord.

It turned into a bubble.

However, they soon felt that Zhu was indifferent and extremely affectionate.

He is a strange man.

Not only has the image not been lost, but it has become taller.

Cheng Suxin was also moved, but she was unwilling to agree to Zhu Wuwu, and said with tears in her eyes:

Ignore it, I'm sorry for you, forgive me for not abandoning the three links and right and wrong.

Please, please let our family go!

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