Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 696: Angrily scolding Xiao Feifei


As Gu Santong spit out the last mouthful of poisonous blood.

The poison in the body is completely cleansed.

The whole person's complexion also recovered, and he took a [Yanzhuan Dan].

He has completely become a handsome young man.

I'd like to thank you Lord Yan for taking such trouble. Santong is very grateful.

Gu Santong said and bowed down to Murong Fu.

Murong Fu saw this and helped him up:, you're welcome.

From now on, everyone is our own people, no need to be polite.

Gu Santong nodded and laughed: From now on, I, Lao Gu, will be your gold medal fighter.

I'll hit whoever you ask me to hit!

Haha, okay, let's go. Murong Fu said and walked out with Gu Santong.

As soon as he stepped down from the cubicle, he saw Cheng Shifei still pulling the bellows.

He was sweating profusely and looked bitter.

Murong Fu smiled and said: Brother Gu, your son is not bad, he can persist for so many days.

Gu Santong laughed haha and said:

I don't believe he could last seven days.

Eighty percent of it was a substitution in the middle. M..

Lie Zhenbei heard the sound and looked around. When he saw the two of them, he was slightly startled, then smiled and said:

You two guessed correctly.

That young man named Gui Hai Yida helped me during this period.

Gu Santong nodded and said: Yidao is very good.

Regardless of his personality and sword skills, he can be regarded as the top master of the younger generation.

He is much stronger than my son.

Dad! Cheng Shifei immediately put down the bellows and ran over in a hurry.

When I first saw the ancient three links, I was so shocked that my jaw almost dropped.

Dad...why are you so young?

Gu Santong laughed and wanted to tell Cheng Shifei about [Zhu Yan Dan].

But he was interrupted by Murong Fu:

Brother Gu became younger because he ate a strange fruit in his early years.

Now that I have neutralized the blood poison, I have become so young.

Cheng Shifei was stunned for a moment, his eyes full of doubt and he said:

My lord, you won't lie to me, will you?

Murong Fu smiled: I never lie to others.

Oh! Cheng Shifei looked at his father dubiously and said with a silly smile, Dad, what did you eat?

Can you give me some for Xiao Feifei?

Gu Santong's face turned cold and he said angrily:

Xiao Feifei, Xiao Feifei, you grown-up man, your mother-in-law's chirping makes me sick!

If you dare to call me Xiao Feifei or Xiao Feifei again, believe it or not, I will break your legs.

Neither male nor female, more disgusting than eunuchs.

Cheng Shifei quickly apologized and said with a smile:

Dad, I was wrong!

I promise to change it in the future!

Gu Santong snorted and didn't blame him.

After all, Xiao Feifei has been without his father for so long, so he can't be entirely blamed.

Haha, brother, today is a happy day.

Stop scolding him.

It's better to go out and see Miss Su Xin first. Murong Fu said with a smile.

Cheng Shifei nodded and said: King Yan is right, you should go see my mother first.

Upon hearing about Cheng Suxin, Gu Santong was so excited that he felt at a loss.

He bowed his hands to everyone and rushed out immediately.

Cheng Shifei looked at his father running away and said seriously:

Hey, I believe in love again.

Murong Fu looked at this boy who had no memory.

He shook his head and walked towards the outside of the cave with Lie Zhenbei.

Lie Zhenbei said: Your Majesty, something big happened outside recently.

It has already caused a storm in the city.

A big event? Murong Fu asked curiously: What big event can cause a storm in the city?

No way, Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng started a war in advance, right?

Lie Zhenbei shook his head and said: No, I heard that the two of them are practicing in seclusion, and no outsiders can see them at all.

Murong Fu smiled and said, Haha, what is that?

Lie Zhenbei said seriously: Many girls have disappeared in Kyoto and several nearby towns.

Based on the current clues.

These girls seem to have been born as virgins in the yin time, yin day, yin month, yin year.

Yin time, yin day, yin month, yin year? Murong Fu immediately reacted: You are saying that someone is practicing evil magic and what do you want to do with it?

Lie Zhenbei nodded and said: Yes, there have been people since ancient times who have made good use of Yin women to practice.

Taking yin and replenishing yang is a great tonic.

Murong Fu smiled nonchalantly, there was no virgin around him, and said:

I think this matter will give Zhu Qizhen a headache for a few days.

Haha, he has already killed several people. Lie Zhenbei replied: Unfortunately, the effect is very little.

There's no way to find out who did it.

Murong Fu asked curiously: Is there no news from [Hulong Villa]?

No! Lie Zhenbei shook his head: I heard that Zhu Wuwu even sent Shangguan Haitang out.

But we still haven't gotten any news.

Murong Fu smiled and didn't care, it was none of his business and he just ignored it.

Now he wants to have a heart-to-heart talk with his good sister-in-law and talk about love.

After walking only a few steps, a servant came over and said:

Your Majesty, there is a person outside who calls himself Shangguan Xiaoxian and wants to see you.

Shangguan Xiaoxian? Murong Fu was stunned and asked, Why is she here?

Lie Zhenbei was surprised: Is Shangguan Xiaoxian the famous leader of the [Money Gang]?

Yes, it's her! Murong Fu didn't think much and asked his servants to lead the way.

When I came to the hall, I saw Shangguan Xiaoxian sitting on a chair, drinking tea and eating fruit snacks.

She looked like a hostess and couldn't help but smile:

Haha, Miss Shangguan, why do you have time to come to this king today?

Haha, isn't it okay for my fiancée to come to my fiancé's place as a guest? Shangguan Xiaoxian asked.

Murong Fu was speechless and said with a slight smile: How is your mother lately?

Shangguan Xiaoxian stood up and came to Murong Fu. He put his hand on Murong Fu and said with a hint of jealousy:

Mother naturally misses King Yan every night.

I wish I could stay with you forever and play songs every day.

Ahem... Murong Fu coughed a few times and said, Haha, I will definitely pay you a visit one day and meet your mother.

Shangguan Xiaoxian was dissatisfied and said angrily: Why, you don't even eat what is delivered to my door.

You do like my mother?

Murong Fu blushed, glanced around, and reminded:

Shh, there are people around here. Don't talk nonsense to avoid bad influence.

Upon hearing this, Shangguan Xiaoxian couldn't help but cover her mouth and said happily:

I didn't expect that the dignified King Yan could be so timid.

Are you afraid that others will find out about your romantic affair?

Murong Fu was speechless and said bluntly: Tell me, my Shangguan Chief, why are you here today?

Shangguan Xiaoxian stopped talking nonsense and said:

I have a cousin named Shangguan Feiyan. She suddenly disappeared a few days ago.

I suspect that she is related to the recent controversial case of missing persons.

So I want to ask you to help me find her.

Murong Fu joked: You really have many cousins.

If I remember correctly, Shangguan Haitang is also your cousin, right?

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