Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 718 Innocent and Not-Innocent People

Renfeng...are you okay? Nan Lan asked with concern.

Nanlan, I'm dying. From now on, Ruolan will rely on you.

Miao Renfeng reluctantly finished the last sentence.

His breath suddenly froze, his head tilted to the left, and he died on the spot.

Human Phoenix! Human Phoenix!

Nanlan didn't want to believe that the other party was dead, so she cried and wanted to wake her up.

Using his inner strength, he smashed the jar containing Miao Renfeng into pieces with one palm.

There was a crash sound.

In an instant, a stream of fishy liquid flowed to the ground, and Miao Renfeng, who had lost all his limbs, appeared in front of several people.

A wow sound.

Seeing this scene, Lang Xuici vomited again.

Nanlan couldn't stand the stimulation anymore and collapsed and screamed.

Lang Xuici originally wanted to go up and persuade him.

Suddenly, Nan Lan turned around and glanced at her daughter who had been frightened to the ground, and said with a sigh:

Mrs. Hu, please help me take good care of Ruolan because of the familiarity between the Hu and Tian families.

He picked up the tiles on the ground and slashed his carotid artery hard.

Pfft~ Blood flew up.

It turned into an arc and shot onto the wall of the cell.

Immediately, his body went limp and collapsed on Miao Renfeng's body.

The couple died in front of Murong Fu and Lang Xuici in the blink of an eye.


Lang Xuici was speechless. Everything happened so fast that she couldn't react at all.

Murong Fu watched the whole process calmly, showing no intention of stopping anything Nan Lan did.

This woman is so selfish!

Abandoning your husband and daughter for an unnecessary relationship is the greatest insult to etiquette in life.

As for Miao Renfeng.

To say it's pitiful is actually not the case.

If you don't love it, let it go. It's meaningless to persist.

Moreover, as a master in the arena.

I don’t know that once a woman changes her mind, she must be careful.

Even if Nanlan didn't mean to harm him, if he had been more cautious, he wouldn't have ended up like this.

Fu Lang, what should we do now? Lang Xuici picked up Miao Ruolan and asked.

Find a place to bury it. Murong Fu said calmly.

It...can only be like this. Lang Xuici said.

Murong Fu showed his consciousness and originally wanted to find a few passing coolies.

Unexpectedly, I found several Tianlongmen disciples who had left and returned, and secretly killed them with carbine.

Murong Fu, who knew the darkness of people's hearts, naturally would not believe that they came to avenge the return of farmland to farmers.

Eighty percent of them are treasures collected over the years for the purpose of returning the land to farmers.

After some contempt, he said: Sister-in-law, let's go out first, I will handle the things here.


Lang Xuici stroked Miao Ruolan's little head.

After a few words of comfort, he took him out ruthlessly.

The little girl shouted Daddy and Daddy desperately, her voice full of sadness.

After Murong Fu went out, he captured several [Tianlongmen] disciples.

He asked him to carry out the bodies of Miao Renfeng and Nan Lan, and held a simple cremation for them.

He also plundered the wealth Tian Guinong had accumulated over the years and hired a carriage to go to Shengjing.

And the news that he killed Tian Guinong spread quickly.

I heard that Tian Guinong of [Tianlongmen] was killed. The other party's methods were cruel and cruel.

Hmph! What do you know? Tian Guinong is not a good person either. He should be killed for colluding with his brother's wife!

Right or wrong! He deserves to be killed!

Inside [Shengjing].

Li Zicheng came to celebrate his birthday.

Hearing that one of his men was killed naturally made him feel uncomfortable.

However, his message system is still very sensitive, and he said in a deep voice:

Have you found out? Who killed Gui Nong?

The subordinate said respectfully: Reply, Your Majesty, we have found it.

It's a woman named Lang Xuici.

Lang Xuici? Li Zicheng was shocked when he heard this and said, Is it her?

Did she have some strange encounter that actually killed Tian Guinong?

The subordinate asked doubtfully: My lord, do you know her?

That's right! Li Zicheng pretended to be calm: She is a woman with a sword.

The subordinate's eyes lit up and he said, You mean, she is Commander Hu Yidao's wife?

Li Zicheng looked at his subordinates and nodded. Hu Yidao was among his group.

He has always been eager for justice and has a very good reputation.

It's a pity that the other party is too fair and doesn't understand his painstaking efforts at all.

Just in case, he had to be silenced.

Thinking of this, Li Zicheng's mood became unhappy and he waved his hand:

Go, I want to rest.

By the way, Your Majesty! The subordinate just received the message: Wu Sangui is on his way here.

It seems to have been attacked by people from the [Red Flower Club]. Now, the situation is unknown.

Li Zicheng was delighted when he heard this and said mockingly:

Haha, this is good news.

I hope I can kill that old dog Wu Sangui.

Don't hurt his beautiful wife.

The subordinate was stunned and said: Your Majesty, do you need me to take the opportunity to snatch her from you?

Li Zicheng waved his hand and said: No need, I am not that kind.

You can't move when you see a woman, you stupid man.

The subordinate was stunned, said a word of respect quickly, and exited Li Zicheng's room.

Li Zicheng was alone, looking at the sky outside the window, thinking about things quietly.

Haha, this world is too rotten, and it's time for a change.

Fulang, am I sick?

Since Lang Xuici left [Tianlongmen], he has been vomiting all day long.

Murong Fu felt something was wrong, so he checked her pulse.

Unexpectedly, he was surprised to find out.

Lang Xuici is happy!

Moreover, judging from the pulse, it should be a girl.

Haha, sister-in-law, don't worry. Not only are you not sick, you are in fact happy. Murong Fu laughed.

Lang Xuici was stunned, surprised and happy, and said: I have it too!

Well, very healthy. Murong Fu said happily.

But... Lang Xuici was a little shy and embarrassed to mention her current embarrassing status.

Don't worry, I will officially issue a decree to make you a loving concubine after I return. Murong Fu held Lang Xuici in his arms and said.

As, besides Wang Yuyan, she is one of the earliest women to follow her.

It is a reasonable thing to grant the other party a concubine position.

The reason why he never mentioned it was that the other party didn't want to be too ostentatious.

Second, Lang Xuici's identity is a bit embarrassing.

Now that the other party has a child of his own, others will no longer object.

Of course, with Murong Fu's current status.

In the entire Yan Palace, except for one person who can object, he will not pay attention to anyone else.

Lang Xuici knew what Murong Fu had decided, and it was useless for her to object, so she shyly agreed.

Just as he was about to speak, he looked through the horse window.

Suddenly, I saw two familiar figures running wildly in the forest. They raised their jade fingers and said:.

My lord, look, it seems that Wei Xiaobao and Shuang'er are being hunted!

Murong Fu was stunned and looked in the direction Lang Xuici pointed.

Sure enough, we saw Wei Xiaobao and Shuang'er.

He was chased by a weirdo who was as fat as a vat and as skinny as a bamboo pole.

Two names instantly came to mind.

Fat Toutuo? Thin Toutuo?

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