Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 721 Destroy a weak enemy with one hand

Murong Fu looked slightly embarrassed.

He stood here quietly watching the show.

Unexpectedly, Su Quan would come here by such a coincidence.

Haha, bitch! Want to run away?

Feng Xifan ducked out of the way and appeared in front of Murong Fu. He pointed at Su Quan and cursed angrily.

Su Quan dragged herself and crawled in front of Murong Fu with difficulty.

His clothes were worn to pieces on the ground.

Exquisite appearance and slim figure.

It can definitely make any man want to take possession of her and ravage her severely.

Sir, save me!

You saved the slave family, and the slave family will definitely repay you.

Su Quan was not sure who Murong Fu was.

The identity of the [Shenlong Cult] was not directly revealed.

He just wanted to delay her for a while and let her escape.

Feng Xifan glanced at Murong Fu and saw that although he had extraordinary momentum.

But there was no trace of true energy flowing.

He couldn't help but think of him as a noble son of some family, a rich second generation, and said contemptuously:

Boy, this matter is beyond your control.

I advise you to leave quickly and don't get into trouble.

Murong Fu smiled haha.

He stepped back and spread his hands, as if it was nothing to do with him.

They were given an unexpected answer.

You two, even if you are fighting, I will pretend you didn't see it.

You... Su Quan and Feng Xifan were startled at the same time.

The former is unhappy because his beauty has been rejected.

The latter was because Murong Fu answered too decisively.

No hesitation at all.

On the contrary, I felt a little disbelieving.

The more suspicious a person is, the less likely they are to believe that things can be handled simply.

Boy, is there something wrong with me here?

Murong Fu smiled and prepared to leave.

Wait! Feng Xifan asked cautiously: Who are you?

Why are you in this forest?

Haha, get out! Murong Fu's expression changed and he cursed, Don't be so shameless, old man.

I have stopped asking about the affairs of the two of you. How dare you ask about my whereabouts?

Feng Xifan was stunned by the scolding and laughed coldly:

Sure enough, you are this woman's concubine.

I want to lure me there so I can take action again.

Murong Fu glanced at Su Quan and then at Feng Xifan.

I have to admire him for being able to figure out such a conspiracy at such an age.

Boring! Murong Fu took a step forward.

Since Feng Xifan wanted to die, he was naturally too lazy to talk nonsense.

He raised his hand and grabbed Feng Xifan's head.

Feng Xifan laughed proudly and said:

Boy, I knew you two were having an affair.

However, the next moment, he found that his laughter had frozen in mid-air.

Even more so, he didn't even have the strength to lift his sword.

as if!

There was a big mountain around him, pressing down on him, making him unable to move.

Damn, how could this happen! How could this happen?

Feng Xifan looked at Murong Fu's white and tender jade hands that slowly fell, and his old face became distorted.

He didn't believe that anyone in the world could suppress him so easily.

Evil magic, evil magic!

Haha, it's not a magic spell, it's just that you are too weak. Murong Fu put his hand on Feng Xifan's forehead.

A powerful spiritual power gathered in the upper hand.

In the blink of an eye.

The arrogant Feng Xifan became a pile of mud.

He died where he stood.

[Heaven-Destroying Great Soul-Searching Hand]? Su Quan murmured.

Murong Fu turned around, looked at the wife of the leader of the [Shenlong Sect], and chuckled:

You have good knowledge, and you also recognize the [Heavenly Juediji Great Soul-Searching Hand].

Are you Gong Ziyu? Su Quan heard from Hong Antong about this magical skill called The Great Compassion of Yin and Yang.

In the entire world, only Gong Ziyu from the [Qinglong Club] has cultivated to the level where the world is astonishing and the gods are weeping.

Gong Ziyu? Murong Fu said calmly: I am not that consumption ghost.

Aren't you Gong Ziyu? Su Quan wanted to ask again, but the meridians all over her body suddenly hurt.

A mouthful of blood spat out from his mouth.

His whole body immediately curled up on the ground and cried out softly: It hurts, it hurts so much!

Murong Fu raised his hand and shot out a purple flame, burning Feng Xifan's body.

Slowly walked up to Su Quan, took a look at her graceful figure, and joked:

This king is also a person who cherishes flowers.

It's really unbearable to watch her die like this.

Su Quan endured the huge pain, but could still hear Murong Fu's words clearly.

He stretched out his jade hand, pulled Murong Fu's leg and said:

Save me, I don't want to die!

Murong Fu didn't say anything more, picked up Su Quan and glanced around.

His consciousness quickly found a cave.

He took a step forward and disappeared.

On the other side, Wei Xiaobao and others waited for a long time, but did not see Feng Xifan appear.

It's definitely a bit strange.

Hey, Zheng Keshuang, let me tell you, your master won't be killed.

Wei Xiaobao, you'd better be polite when you speak. Zheng Keshuang said unhappily.

Wei Xiaobao laughed haha, he was afraid of cults and rebels.

But I am not afraid of Zheng Keshuang and Feng Xifan:

Haha, I advise you to go look for it quickly.

Otherwise, your master might have been beaten to death by some outsider, and you wouldn't even know it.

Lama Sangjie guessed:

Then Su Quan is so beautiful, that old guy Feng Xifan won't go...

When Murong Fu heard this, he shook his head and said with disdain: What a good cabbage. If you give it to a pig, you will be blind!

After saying that, he walked away without feeling the embarrassment he felt when he was being chased before.

It perfectly interprets the look of a villain who succeeds.

Ah, it hurts so much, please be gentle... okay.

In a cave.

Su Quan couldn't help but cry out in pain.

Murong Fu curled his lips and said: Feng Xifan's sword energy has hit several fatal points on his body.

If it weren't for this soft armor guarding key parts, you would have died long ago.

With that said, Murong Fu took off Su Quan's soft armor and threw it on the ground.

Su Quan felt a sense of coolness and was immediately ashamed.

The reason is that the soft armor is already close to her body.

If not, she would have no choice but to disappear.

Murong Fu didn't think much and stroked Su Quan's sword wound with his hand.

From the mountains to the mountains, all the way down.

Until Su Quan's Dantian reached three inches, a hint of admiration gradually appeared on his face:

This Feng Xifan can be regarded as a genius in the field of swordsmanship.

With just these twelve acupoint-sealing swords, you can challenge the masters at a higher level.

Okay, I met this king.

My king? Su Quan endured the shyness and pain and tried to urge Murong Fu to hurry up.

But his words aroused his spirit.

Haha, it doesn't hurt to tell you, I am Murong Fu, the King of Yan of Song Dynasty.

Su Quan was startled and asked: Are you Murong Fu?

Murong Fu nodded: Yes, it is me.

When Su Quan heard this, a hint of gloom suddenly appeared on his face, and he smiled bitterly:

I didn't expect you to be so young and promising.

He even killed Feng Xifan, the bloodless sword with one move.

It would be great if my prince had half the strength as you did.

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