Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 724 Eight Scenes of Shengjing

Haha, this immortal skill has a good name. Murong Fu was stunned for a breath.

The name of Hong Antong's Immortal Skill is really domineering.

[Going to heaven and earth, killing gods with one move] can only be described with two words: awesome!

However, the so-called immortal skills are no different from martial arts.

It seemed like this group of people had deliberately created a stunt.

Talking about the power of the technique alone, Murong Fu dared to pat his chest and say, [Ninth Grade Xinglong Xuan Gong] absolutely crushes other immortal techniques.


Murong Fu's heart moved.

In an instant, he realized the so-called immortal power.

Most likely, it does not refer to the level of the skill.

But to be able to cultivate spiritual power!

Such an explanation.

Murong Fu suddenly felt enlightened and said with a smile:

You and I will separate here. When nothing happens, I will go find you.

Su Quan nodded without any hesitation:

Don't worry, Your Majesty, the slave family understands, but how will we contact you in the future?

Murong Fu said calmly: I have left a trace of spiritual consciousness in your heart.

As long as you say three times silently in your heart, 'My lord, you are awesome'.

This king will appear in your mind.

When Su Quan heard this, his face was so ashamed that he spat, My lord, you are so evil.

You have been shouting this sentence in the spiritual world for several days.

Murong Fu smiled and slapped Su Quan hard on the ground:

Okay, if you walk twelve miles east, you will meet your men. I, the king, go first.

With that said, Murong Fu disappeared, leaving Beauty Su alone.

Su Quan adjusted her clothes and rolled her eyes charmingly towards the direction Murong Fu was leaving.

Then they left, this small cave that made them warm and happy.

After Murong Fu left the cave, he arrived at [Shuntian Mansion] within a few breaths.

As agreed with Lang Xuici, we came to the most luxurious restaurant in the city.

When the waiter saw Murong Fu's arrogance, he was not angry but felt proud.

Then you know he is no ordinary person.

So he immediately stepped forward and greeted:

Sir, would you like to stay in a hotel or stay in a hotel?

Murong Fu glanced around and asked, Let me ask you, is there a woman who came to the shop holding a three-year-old girl?

A three-year-old girl? The waiter patted his head and immediately shouted:

Yes, yes, yes, it's in the [Dizi No. 7] room.

Guest sir, are you together?

Well, we are together, she is my wife. Murong Fu said with a smile.

Please, I will take you there. The waiter said politely.

Murong Fu was very satisfied with the other party's attitude, took out five taels of silver and said, Let's go.

Thank you, sir. The waiter was overjoyed.

Although the guests here are either rich or expensive.

But there are very few customers who reward me for just one word.

No need to think about it, this is a distinguished guest!

Is there any place to play in Shengjing? Murong Fu planned to take Lang Xuici for a walk to relax.

After all, she was newly pregnant and easily bored in the house all the time.

Hey, sir, you have asked the right person about this. Xiao Er'er said, We have eight scenic spots in Shengjing.

They are Tianzhu Paiqing, Huishan Qingxue, Hunhe River Wandu...

It's summer now. You can go to see the sunset at Tawan or watch the lotuses at Huabo. If you get up early, you can also go to the Huangsi Temple to listen to the bells.

Murong Fu listened to the waiter's introduction and quickly arrived at the door of [Di Zi No. 7].

Before the door opened, Lang Xuici came out and shouted in surprise: Fu Lang, you're here.

Haha, you missed me. Murong Fu hugged the beauty into his arms, and kissed her hard regardless of the waiter's reaction.

Fu Lang. Lang Xuici lowered his head shyly.

What are you afraid of? Murong Fu took another mouthful nonchalantly.

Seeing this, the waiter said politely: Sir, if nothing happens, I'll take my leave.

Well, go ahead. Murong Fu waved his hand, letting the other party leave, then turned around and carried Lang Xuici into the room.

He saw Xiao Ruolan hiding behind the door with her bare feet peeking at her with a scared look on her face.

Murong Fu glanced at him, said nothing, and gave the other party a gentle smile.

A little girl has just experienced the shock of losing her parents.

Some feelings of wariness are normal.

Your Majesty, Xiao Ruolan hasn't spoken to me since she was with me. Is there any problem? Liang Xuici asked worriedly.

Murong Fu smiled bitterly. There seems to be a term for this in psychology, called post-traumatic stress syndrome.

It's a mental illness, but unfortunately, he doesn't know how to cure it.

Children can't bear the stimulation. They should be fine after waiting for a while.

Huh? Let's find some more kids for her to play with.

It's not a big problem.

Lang Xuici nodded and said sheepishly:

Fulang, I want to take her to make some clothes.

Will you come with me?

Murong Fu laughed haha and said: Okay, just in time, I will show you the [Eight Scenes of Shengjing].

[Eight Scenes of Shengjing]? Lang Xuici smiled elegantly: Fu Lang, you may have forgotten that I am from the [Qing Dynasty].

I have seen these eight scenes a long time ago.

Murong Fu slapped his forehead and laughed: Haha, look at my memory, how could I forget that you were born outside Guanwai?

Okay, okay, then you can show me the Eight Great Scenes of Shengjing.

The two of them tidied up and took action with the little girl.

During this period, Lang Xuici asked curiously: Fu Lang, why don't you go and meet Brother Bao San and the others first?

No need. Murong Fufu said, Third brother and the others are at the inn.

We'll go there in a few days, and we'll catch up.

The arrangement of [Qing Dynasty] is simple.

Some important people will be arranged into a unified inn.

As for the troops and horses brought by all parties.

After sending the congratulatory gifts, they will be driven out of the city.

I will arrange a place with mountains and water for you and monitor it.

Lao Kang was not as good as the God of War in this regard. At least, the God of War did not let himself be separated from the soldiers and horses.

With Lang Xueqin as a guide.

Murong Fu and Xiao Ruolan were really relaxed.

The three of them first went to a tailor shop and bought some ready-made clothes for the little guy.

According to Murong Fu's request, the boss ordered some small clothes for Lang Xueci to enhance the relationship between husband and wife, and then took a small car to the [Innocent Pure Light Relic Pagoda].

This place is one of the eight scenic spots in Shengjing [Tawan Sunset].

According to legend, this pagoda contains 1,548 [relics], which is an important treasure of Buddhism.

Every year, many eminent monks come to pay homage.

Lang Xuici looked at the setting sun and the shadow of the tower reflected in the water waves, and introduced Murong Fu.

Murong Fu said curiously: I didn't expect that there are so many [relics] here.

Why don't you invite them back to the Buddhist holy places?

Lang Xuici said seriously: I heard that there is a [Well of Gods and Demons] under this tower, and the [Relics] in the tower are used for suppression.

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