The next day's clear sky was filled with a ray of setting sun.

Shining on the [Pure Light Relic Pagoda], the tower slowly glowed. Murong Fu slowly woke up and caressed the two delicate bodies next to him that were as delicate as white jade.

With a gentle squeeze, two touching and shy sounds came out of the ear. ..

My lord... be gentle. They've all been bruised and bruised by you, but you still don't know how to show mercy.

Princess Zhao Zhao is like a newly conquered pet, complaining and not forgetting to act coquettishly at the same time.

Murong Fu sat up, glanced around, and saw Chen Shimei hiding aside knowingly, secretly thinking, this person is worthy of being a dragon or a phoenix among people, his forbearance alone is incomparable to ordinary people.

Okay, get dressed, it's time for us to get out of here.

Princess Zhao Zhao wanted to stay in bed one more time, but her stomach growled unsatisfactorily. She curled her lips and said, Okay, I'm hungry too, let's go out to eat something.

Yang Bamei bit her teeth lightly and forced herself to sit up. She felt that the three days with Murong Fu were more tiring than a week of fighting to kill the enemy. She said shyly:

Your Majesty, my legs...have no strength at all, what should I do?

Murong Fu smiled haha, gave each of them a [Small Return Pill], and said: Take this, it will be fine in a while!

What is this? Princess Zhao Zhao asked curiously.

This thing is [Small Returning Pill], which can quickly restore physical and internal strength. Murong Fu explained casually.

Put your knees in front of you and sit cross-legged on the ground.

His consciousness returned to the sea of ​​​​consciousness, looking at Luo Tianxi who was still sleeping, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but raise.

It seems that I made the right bet, [Beauty Heart Secret Xu Dan] is really useful.

Her favorability level has reached 70%.

Two more times will make it 100 percent.

At that time, I will have a super thug. Even in other worlds, I can walk sideways.

Thinking of this, he grinned silently and patted Luo Tianxi's delicate smile to wake him up.

Luo Tianxi slowly opened his hazy eyes, scanning the mortal world like a fairy from heaven.

I hate it, I haven't woken up yet, why did you wake me up!

Ahem, Tianxi, I am leaving the [Jinguang Relic Pagoda]. Do you have anything to explain? Murong Fu cleared his throat and pretended to be serious.

What's the explanation? Luo Tianxi rolled his eyes at Murong Fu: I can't wait to leave this damn broken tower right away.

Oh, by the way, remember to take my [relic] with you. Whether I can rebuild my physical body in the future depends on it.

Murong Fu pretended to be gentle and replied: Don't worry, I will definitely help you rebuild your body as long as I am here.

When Luo Tianxi heard this, her beautiful eyes flashed, she nodded desperately and said, Little guy, you are the best.

Murong Fu was secretly proud that he was also a master of flowers, and he would have no problem dealing with a little girl.

The voice of the system also came to my mind appropriately.

Ding, congratulations to the host, Luo Tianxi's favorability towards you has increased by one, reaching 71%. Please keep up your efforts.

Murong Fu was overjoyed and wanted to attack another city, but saw that Luo Tianxi's face turned unkind.

It dawned on me in an instant that she was probably going to get out of bed.

If I keep nagging a few words, I'm afraid my favorability level will drop.

The lost one exited the sea of ​​consciousness, took the [Demon Lord's Relic] into the system space, and led Zhao Zhao and the others out of the bottom of the tower.

I casually had a bite to eat on the street and returned to the inn under the reluctant eyes of the two women.

As soon as he entered the street of the inn, he saw Lang Xuici and Xiao Ruolan standing at the door, looking left and right, as if waiting for him.

Sister-in-law, why are you standing here? Murong Fu walked up to Lang Xuici and asked with concern.

Fu Lang, where have you been? Lang Xuici was really surprised and happy after seeing Murong Fu.

Haha, it's okay, let's talk after we go in. Murong Fu put his arms around Lang Xuici's waist and walked into the inn.

When the waiter saw that it was Murong Fu who had returned, he immediately came forward to say hello enthusiastically: Sir, are you back?

It's terrible that Madam and Miss are waiting for you these days.

Oh? Murong Fu looked at Lang Xuici with a smile, with a hint of reproach in his eyes, as if to say, you are pregnant and don't get a good rest.

I'm just bored after dinner, so I stood outside and waited. Lang Xuici said with a low forehead.

Murong Fu looked at her beautifully carved silhouette, how could he bear to blame her, and said softly: Okay, sister-in-law, let's go up first.

So that I can tell you where I've been.

Lang Xuici nodded and suddenly said: By the way, Princess Jianning has sent people here several times, saying that her mother-in-law is seriously ill. I hope you can go and see her soon.

Murong Fu was stunned and said in astonishment: Didn't Mr. Lie go?

Probably not. Lang Xuici guessed: They should be worried that Mr. Lie won't give him face, so they don't dare to speak easily for fear of hurting their friendship.

Haha, okay, let's go to the inn first and go directly to the palace to have a look. Murong Fu stopped, looked at the waiter and said, Brother, please hire a carriage for me.

The waiter stood aside, listening to the conversation between the couple, his legs were shaking with fear.

Princess Jianning is the most beloved princess of the Holy Emperor today.

There is no one in the entire [Qing Dynasty] who does not know!

And the person in front of him is actually a nobleman that Princess Jianning wants to beg for.

Fortunately, I usually keep my tail between my legs, otherwise, I would offend the other person with a bad word.

The consequences are terrifying just thinking about it. He stuttered and said:

Master... I will call you a car right now.

Lang Xuici looked at the waiter who rushed out and said with a smile: Fu Lang, I'm afraid this young man won't dare to talk in front of you anymore.

Murong Fu said helplessly: There is no way. With your current status, the people around you are destined to become more and more cautious.

After a while, the waiter hurried back and said respectfully: Sir, I've called for the car you want. It's right outside.

Murong Fu glanced at the panting waiter and said, Thank you.

With that said, he took Lang Xuici to find Lie Zhenbei and headed to the palace together.

Princess, princess, King Yan and Mr. Lie have arrived at the palace gate. Let's go and pick them up quickly.

Outside Princess Jianning's palace, Wei Xiaobao's excited cry suddenly came.

Jian Ning, who originally had a worried look on his face, jumped up when he heard this, pushed open the palace door and said excitedly: Is King Yan here?

Yes, right at the entrance of the palace. Wei Xiaobao replied.

Let's go, take me to pick them up quickly. I'm afraid the mother-in-law's body won't last a few days. Jianning said anxiously.

Wei Xiaobao nodded repeatedly, waved his hand, and a row of imperial guards immediately followed him.

They surrounded Princess Jianning and rushed to the palace gate.

However, when they arrived at the palace gate, there was no trace of Murong Fu and others.

When he was wondering, the guard guarding the door said respectfully:

Princess, Vice Commander, the person you are looking for has been picked up by Your Majesty.

Your Majesty has something to say. If you are in a hurry, you can go to the Imperial Study Room to pick someone up.

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