Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 760 Li Zicheng’s treasure map

Li Zicheng!

Murong Fu could clearly feel that Lang Xuici heard these three words.

His whole body couldn't help but tremble, and then he narrowed his eyes slightly and said:

Okay, okay, okay!

This matter is settled, you go back and get the [Ginseng Fruit].

Your Majesty... Lang Xuici wanted to persuade him a few more words not to cause more trouble.

Murong Fu grabbed Lang Xuici's jade hand and comforted him a few times to show that it was okay.

Luzhu and Yi Lanzhu had seen Murong Fu's ability.

Knowing that as long as he agrees, Ling Weifeng and the others will be fine.

Now I am worried about whether the conditions mentioned by Nalan Minghui can be realized.

Jianning was also very particular and said:

Princess E, I brought you here.

You can't change your mind on the terms you've negotiated!

Nalan Minghui nodded and said softly:

Princess, don't worry, my words will definitely count.

If I can't do it, I'm willing to compensate everything to King Yan!

Jianning said hmm and said to Murong Fu, Then let's leave first and prepare the treasure for King Yan.

Please! Murong Fu hugged Lang Xuici after seeing the others off: Sister-in-law, please don't be unhappy.

It's just Li Zicheng. If I crush him to death, it's like crushing an ant to death. Murong Fu said domineeringly.

Lang Xuici said: Everything is fate, nothing is up to you.

It seems that God has destined you to avenge Brother Hu.

Haha, sister-in-law is right. Murong Fu said with a smile.

Well, let me tell you something. Listen and see if you can operate it. Lang Xuici said seriously.

Murong Fu still rarely saw Lang Xuici's serious look, and asked curiously: What's the matter? Sister-in-law, just tell me.

Brother Hu helped Li Zicheng build a treasure before he died, Lang Xuici said.

Treasure? Murong Fu couldn't help but smile and said, Could it be the [Treasure of King Chuang]?

Huh? You know? Lang Xuici's face showed surprise. Murong Fu always knew some strange things.

It made her feel more and more that the other party was like a living god who could predict the future.

I know a little bit. Murong Fu replied: It's nothing more than a small treasure.

Not worth mentioning.

Lang Xuici shook his head quickly and said, Fu Lang, you are wrong.

Am I wrong? Murong Fu was stunned and asked in confusion: Where did I go wrong?

Lang Xuici said: [Chuangwang Treasure] is not as simple as you think.

This treasure contains all the belongings of him and the current prince.

Murong Fu asked in confusion: Why are you related to the prince again?

Lang Xuici organized his thoughts and told Murong Fu in detail about the Chuangwang Treasure.

At that time, Prince Yinfeng took Li Zicheng and was ordered to go to the Goryeo Kingdom.

Dozens of small tribal countries were wiped out in succession.

Store all the gold, silver and jewelry stolen in Shanhaiguan, a nearby place.

That is, what everyone calls the Treasure of King Chuang.

It is said that the treasures inside can be compared to the tax money of the [Qing Dynasty] for ten years.

That's it! It seems that I have underestimated Yinfeng and Li Zicheng. Murong Fu said suddenly.

Lang Xuici nodded and said: I think since you have decided on the other party, it is better to take the treasure directly back to Gusu.

Murong Fu thought for a moment, and then took off this piece of fat when dealing with Li Zicheng.

It is definitely a good thing to use it to expand armaments.

Okay, it's decided.

It just so happens that I have brought an army of ten thousand, which is perfect for moving things.

After saying that, he comforted Lang Xuici for a few words.

He quietly slipped out of the camp and headed to Li Zicheng's mansion.

Li Zicheng is considered a close confidant of the prince and has a high status in [Shengjing].

Naturally, the place where I live is also very close to the palace.

Murong Fu found his mansion easily.

As soon as his consciousness was revealed, he saw where Ling Weifeng and others were being held.

Several women were assigned to different rooms.

Zhuo Yihang, Ling Weifeng and other men were ruthlessly detained in the dungeon.

Judging from his haggard appearance, he was most likely abused.

He didn't try to save anyone, but looked around for Li Zicheng.

After searching around, I couldn't find the whereabouts of the other party.

It's strange. If this guy doesn't stay in the palace, where can he go?

Go to his study first, maybe the [treasure map] is there.

As soon as he finished speaking, he set off to Li Zicheng's study.

Unexpectedly, on the way, he saw the back of a woman sneaking towards Li Zicheng's study.


The woman secretly opened the door to the study and ducked in.

Then, he quickly closed the door to the study room.

Just that inadvertent look back made people jump and speed up.

So beautiful! Murong Fu praised without hesitation.

So he quickly moved closer to the study room.

I want to see what this beautiful woman wants to do.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, as soon as you look at him, you will be even more confused.

After the other party entered the study, he seemed to be looking for something.

Constantly rummaging through boxes and cabinets.

She searched almost all over the study, but couldn't seem to find what she wanted.

Strange, why I still haven't found it.

I saw with my own eyes that he put the treasure map here.

Just when the woman was talking to herself.

A sudden voice came from behind, startling her:

What [treasure map]

Who are you? The woman asked after she came to her senses and saw the man who suddenly appeared.

Haha, my name is Murong Fu! Murong Fu replied calmly.

Are you Murong Fu? The woman couldn't help but be surprised.

Murong Fu looked at the woman with icy muscles and jade bones, and said with a smile: Do you know me?

The woman shook her head: I heard Li Zicheng and the prince mentioned you.

Oh? Murong Fu looked at the other person up and down and guessed: Aren't you the Chen Yuanyuan who is the most powerful person in the country?

I don't deserve to be a slave to a beautiful country. I just want to be pretty. Chen Yuanyuan replied.

Haha, why are you looking for Li Zicheng's [treasure map]? Murong Fu looked at the entire study and asked curiously.

Chen Yuanyuan gritted her teeth. She was caught and it was useless to hide it. She said bluntly:

I want to leave Li Zicheng.

He is crazy and wants to rebel against the prince!

Murong Fu was stunned: Is he going to rebel?

Chen Yuanyuan said truthfully: That's right! He, the prince and a group of strange people in the world.

I plan to take advantage of His Majesty's eightieth birthday to enter the palace to seize power and force His Majesty to abdicate!

Murong Fu was stunned and said, You told me so easily?

Aren't you afraid, am I on the same side as them?

Chen Yuanyuan shook her head: Don't be afraid. I heard the prince say with my own ears that you will be eliminated after your majesty's sixtieth birthday.

So, you are much more dangerous than me.

Murong Fu curled his lips and said awkwardly:

That's true according to what you said.

But you, a female prostitute, what can you do even if you find King Chuang's treasure?

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