Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 776 The dust has settled

In the [Qing Palace], three devil eggs finally fell to the ground.

The giant face in the sky disappeared.

Kangxi returned to his youthful appearance, looking domineeringly at the ministers on his left and right, and said with satisfaction:

Very good, very good. My dear friends, today's birthday banquet is very good.

Send the order to compile the Sacred Scripture of Longevity.

I will personally supervise it.

The ministers quickly replied: I obey your orders.

Kangxi waved his hand, said tired, and left the garden.

Fang Shisan said: Your Majesty, Zhao Wuji has not come back yet.

Kangxi said indifferently: Haha, I know Zhao Wuji's strength.

There shouldn't be any problems, just go back first.

I'm tired.

Fang Shisan nodded. He had been an emperor for a while.

Still not too flattering to Kangxi, he cupped his hands and said goodbye.

Kangxi glanced at Fang Shisan's leaving figure, then looked at Wei Tuo beside him, and said with concern:.

Old man, are you okay?

Wei Tuo shook his head: It's just a minor injury.

Kangxi said: The previous envoy left several exercises in my mind.

I will pass it on to you later.

Wei Tuo asked: Your Majesty, would it be bad if Zhao Wuji had an accident?

Kangxi said disdainfully: He is from [Chi Mo World].

Wouldn't it be better if he really died?

Wei Tuo smiled slightly and said: Your Majesty, you are still your Majesty.

Old slave, I can never compare with you.

Kangxi said disdainfully: Those people in [Chi Demon World] still want me to open the space tunnel.

It's just a crazy dream.

Wei Tuo said: Your Majesty, that Fang Thirteen is also from [Chi Mo World].

Do you want me to go and get rid of him?

Kangxi decisively refused and said, No!

There is a demon in him, and he is much stronger than you in the [Qing Kingdom].

And we are now in a cooperative relationship.

If you act too early, you will only alert the enemy.

Wei Tuo said he understood and prepared to leave the room.

Kangxi saw this and said, Wait a minute, I... have a question for you.

Wei Tuo was startled. Kangxi always acted arbitrarily, so how could he ask himself this question?

Your Majesty, please speak.

Kangxi hesitated and said, Tell me, how should we deal with the Yinfeng and Yinhu matters?

Hearing this, Wei Tuo couldn't help but relax and said:

Your Majesty, this matter is due to your current prestige.

You can do whatever you want, no one dares to say no.

Kangxi laughed haha and said:

Okay, I understand. You have been busy all day, so go and rest.

Yes! Veda saluted and left.

Kangxi was left alone to look at the bright moon in the sky, secretly feeling sad.

Maybe, everything in this world will change soon.

Even the moon disk, which is as white as gelatin in the sky, will turn scarlet.

A few days later.

In a simple wooden room, Murong Fu was unconscious.

Finally, he was awakened by a dazzling light.

Uh, it hurts! Murong Fu touched the wound and opened his eyes with force.

Looking at everything unfamiliar around him, he wondered where he was.

Feeling the emptiness of your Dantian, you can't help but feel depressed.

Comfort yourself.

If one survives, there will be future fortunes.

It seems that this time, he escaped from death again.

Hero, are you awake?

Suddenly, a crisp voice came into Murong Fu's ears.

Murong Fu followed the voice

Yin looked at a pure and beautiful little girl and asked curiously: Do you know me?

Yes, of course I do. The little girl smiled and said, Don't you know me?

Ahem~ Murong Fu covered his painful chest and said curiously: Haha, forgive me for my blindness, I really didn't recognize who you are.

The little girl pouted, looking extremely cute, and rolled her eyes and said:

That day, I was captured by a group of people in a strange cave.

They cut my wrists and kept bleeding me.

Later, you defeated their leader.

You saved a group of us girls, have you forgotten?

Murong Fu raised his brows and suddenly realized, Are you one of the women who was kidnapped by Zhu Yiyi?

Of course! the little girl nodded: Of course I saw you practicing in the blood pool.

Murong Fu smiled and had no strength to discuss the previous incident, so he asked, Did you save me?

No! said the little girl, it's my mother.

Your mother? Murong Fu couldn't help but think about it.

How could such a weak and weak girl be the one who saved her?

What about your mother? Murong Fu asked.

Haha, King Yan is calling the slave family.

At this time, another person walked in from the door.

A woman with flowing hair and a peerless appearance who looks exactly like a little girl.

Murong Fu saw that the other party's face was radiant and beautiful.

He immediately felt a sense of vigilance.

As we all know, any good-looking woman.

His personality is somewhat eccentric.

This is especially true for older women.

Moreover, the woman's eyes were bright and her internal intake was even. She looked like a master of martial arts. She said bluntly:

May I ask this girl's name?

The woman didn't hide anything. Introduction:

Haha, I am Dai Qisi, one of the four great Dharma kings of the Ming Cult, the Purple Shirt Dragon King.

This is my girl called Xiao Zhao.

Dragon King in Purple Shirt Dai Qisi?

The name Murong Fu is quite familiar, but this is the first time I have seen him.

She was indeed the most beautiful woman in the world. She was indeed quite pretty. She said politely:

Thank you two girls for saving me.

After Murong's resurrection, he will be grateful.

Dai Qisi said: Thank you very much, there is no need.

You saved Xiao Zhao once, and it's even if I save you once.

Murong Fu glanced at Xiao Zhao who was standing aside and nodded: Since Madam has decided this way, it is naturally excellent.

Dai Qisi brought a bowl of soup, sat on Murong Fu's bedside, and carefully fed him the soup.

Murong Fu was a little embarrassed, but it was great to have a beautiful woman waiting for him.

Dai Qisi finished feeding a bowl of soup and said gently: King Yan, how do you feel now?

Murong Fu shook his head and laughed at himself:

I have no strength at all, as if I'm paralyzed.

Dai Qisi frowned and said:

It seems that it will take a long time for you to return to the way you were before.

Murong Fu was not afraid. He had dragon essence to protect his body, so he was naturally not afraid.

However, this time the physical injury was too severe.

It may be difficult to repair it without taking more than half a year.

Suddenly, as if he thought of something, he said:

By the way, madam, where are we now? But have we left [Qing Country]?

Dai Qisi nodded and said: Now we are on a hill next to [Shanhai Pass].

Don't worry, you can stay here and rest for a few days.

When you feel better, I will take you to the nearest city.

Murong Fu said gratefully, Thank you very much.

Dai Qisi smiled and said:

Prince Yan, please rest first. I will ask Xiao Zhao to stay here and take care of you.

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