Just what? Huiyue Shi asked with concern.

Murong Fu contains dragon blood in his body, and the woman he touched.

Naturally, my heart is happy to surrender, but I love you so much.

At this time, Huiyue Shi could be said to sincerely want to save his sweetheart.

It's just that I need to find three women who know martial arts and will sincerely practice martial arts with me.

After three days and three nights like this, the demonic energy in my body was repeatedly tempered.

Only in this way can I regain most of my strength.

Huiyue suddenly realized what was written in the book, and shyly asked in a low voice:

Are the three of us together?

Murong Fu was stunned for a moment, pondered for two breaths, and said proudly:

Your bodies are too fragile. I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it together.

It's best to take turns.

Huiyue showed a hint of seriousness on her delicate cheeks and said, Don't worry, I already have a candidate.

Murong Fu was overjoyed and said: Your subordinates? Are they loyal?

Hui Yue Shi shook his head and said: No!

Murong Fu was stunned: If they are not your subordinates, where can you find two people who know martial arts and are willing to help me?

Huiyue envoy smiled and said: Have you forgotten Dai Qisi and her baby daughter?

Purple Shirt Dragon King Dai Qisi? Murong Fu said silently: Although they are old friends, they may not be able to help me with this kind of thing.

Let's not talk about them being mother and daughter.

Xiao Zhao is a woman who has not left the court, and Dai Qisi loves her husband deeply.

How can you agree?

Huiyue envoy insisted: Don't worry, I will definitely be able to convince them.

I can tell that that little girl is completely devoted to you.

As long as she agrees, her mother should not refuse.

Murong Fu sighed at this time. I can only treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor. I have no choice but to say:

That's all it can do now.

Hui Yueshi wiped his mouth, stood up and walked out: Wait for me.

Murong Fu smiled bitterly and nodded, now he only had to wait for Huiyue Envoy to come back.

It seems that there is no good way.

After watching the other party leave, he sat cross-legged.

Think about your retreat.

After Hui Yue Shi left the water prison, he went directly to Dai Qisi and Xiao Zhao's room.

He habitually kicked the door with his feet, startling the two women in the house.

Dai Qisi said angrily: Brother Huiyue, don't you have any hands?

I wonder what the word 'etiquette' is?

Hui Yue Shi shrugged and said, What does the etiquette of the Central Plains people have to do with me?

You care so much about etiquette, why don't you become a prisoner?

Dai Qisi mocked: Yes, it is indeed my fault to tell you about etiquette.

It's not too late to talk about the intersection of yin and yang when you understand what Luan Feng and Ming are.

This is said before being guided.

When Huiyue envoy heard this taunt, he would definitely feel sad secretly.

But it was different now. She and Murong Fu had been having fun in the spiritual world for several months. What kind of gestures had they not done?

The duration of nucleic acid alone is hundreds of hours.

In terms of experience, she is no worse than Dai Qisi. She said calmly: Haha, it's just Luan Feng and Ming, what's so big about it?

[Av's Thirty-six Postures], I'm all familiar with them.

Dai Qisi was stunned and asked in confusion: What is [Av's Thirty-six Postures]?

The Huiyue messenger laughed and said, Haha, he really didn't lie to me. He just said you didn't know.

What are you talking about? Dai Qisi was confused by Huiyue Shi's words.

Don't worry about these things. Huiyue envoy said: I am here this time to inform you of something.

Humph, what's the matter? Just say no. Why bother beating around the bush here? Dai Qisi asked.

Huiyue turned her beautiful eyes and did not explain her relationship with Murong Fu clearly, but with a sense of gloating:

[Qing's] pursuers are already behind us.

I'm here to inform you two.

I, Liuyunshi and Miaofengshi have decided to send the man in the water prison out.

Dai Qisi said anxiously: You are crazy, knowing how scary his background is. If something unexpected happens, the entire [Persian Ming Cult] will never have peace.

Oh? What's his background? He's just a pretty boy. Huiyue said.

Dai Qisi said: He is a big shot who can destroy a country....

[Japan] is now under his control.

Believe it or not, he can destroy the entire [Persia] with just one sentence.

Huiyue Shi was startled when he heard this, thinking that recently he had only been talking about actions with his friend Murong Fu and had forgotten to ask him what he did.

Subconsciously replied: Is he so strong?

Dai Qisi continued: Haha, he is the number one genius in Middle-earth. He once forced everyone from the Demon Sect back with his own power.

Even our [Zhongtu Mingjiao] leader Zhang Wuji was defeated by him.

This... Huiyue made him even more surprised, and he had a new understanding of Murong Fu.

Humph, now do you know how powerful he is? Dai Qisi asked.

Huiyue Shi nodded and said: I know, I know.

The problem is, even if I can persuade Liuyunshi and Miaofengshi to resist the [Qing Dynasty's] pursuing troops.

That's just a drop in the bucket and it won't help.

You also know what their strength is.

Dai Qisi also became silent after hearing this. Even if she was added, she could not resist the well-trained Ouchi guards.

Mom, what should I do? Xiao Zhao asked anxiously. She didn't want Murong Fu to be killed like this.

Dai Qisi shook her head helplessly. She had no choice but to obey orders here. She smiled bitterly and said: What if Murong Fu is still the same Murong Fu.

The pursuers behind us are just ants.

Oh? Huiyue Shi asked, Was he very powerful before?

Of course. Dai Qisi rolled her eyes at Huiyue Shi: Didn't I tell you everything?

He is the top young genius in the martial arts world of the Central Plains. He is almost comparable to Zhang Sanfeng and Zhang Zhenren, the number one person in our generation.

The Huiyue user pretended to be suddenly enlightened: So that's it. It seems he didn't lie to me.

What did he say? Daisy asked.

Huiyueshi hesitated for a few seconds, wondering: He said that as long as he finds three female warriors and voluntarily practices with them for three days, he can regain the five powers.

I thought it was fake at first, so I ignored him.

Now it seems…

Having said this, the Huiyue Messenger deliberately paused for a moment and glanced at the expressions of Dai Qisi and her daughter: Now it seems that he is telling the truth.

With three children practicing double cultivation for three days, can he do it? Dai Qisi, as someone who has experienced this, still has some understanding of the man.

The words were full of doubts.

Huiyue smiled hehe and didn't answer, but couldn't help but reply in his heart: He can do it, he can definitely do it.

Not to mention three days, even half a month without stopping, he can do it.

Xiao Zhao heard this and said extremely seriously: I am willing to save King Yan!

Dai Qisi was shocked and said: You don't really want to sacrifice yourself to save him, do you?

Huiyueshi looked at Xiao Zhao and said:

Haha, you alone are not enough, so give up!

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