Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 784 The arrogant Qing pursuers

In the water prison, the beauty is infinite.

The spring scenery is sultry and beautiful.

Huiyue Shi, Dai Qisi, and Xiao Zhao each have their own advantages.

One is gorgeous, the other is charming, and the other has a body that is extremely hot in the world.

Xiao Zhao is the youngest and naturally the last one.

He closed his eyes, his eyelashes trembled, his shoulders twitched slightly, he hugged Murong Fu and kissed him gently.

Murong Fu responded skillfully to this dull feeling.

The energy of yin and yang lingers repeatedly in the body.

Murong Fu ran the improved Double Cultivation Method.

Absorbing Yuan Yin is like absorbing an immortal elixir. The spiritual power in the body gradually recovers, and he secretly said:

This [Double Cultivation Technique] is indeed very effective in treating injuries within the body.

Demonic energy also circulated back and forth on the three of them.


Once the demonic energy entered the bodies of the three women, their character immediately became different and they became much more proactive.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

[Qing Dynasty] The pursuing troops have already surrounded the Persian ships.

Miaofengshi asked anxiously: Liuyunshi, what should we do now? Hand over that King Yan?

Liuyunshi did not rush to answer the other party's words, but asked: Have you seen Huiyueshi in the past few days?

Brilliant Moon Envoy? Miao Feng Envoy shook his head and replied, Isn't she in retreat?

Retreat? Liu Yunshi said: I went to find her this morning, but she was not in the room.

So what? Miaofengshi didn't understand. At such a critical time, Liuyunshi asked what he was doing with such a boring thing.

Liuyunshi glanced at Miaofengshi. He was so simple-minded that he wouldn't even know he was betrayed in the future.


While the two envoys were communicating, a sharp arrow was shot from behind the ship.

Liuyun frowned, stretched out his two fingers to hold the sharp arrow, and saw a piece of letter tied above.

He looked at Miao Fengshi and wanted to open it.

Wait! Miao Fengshi suddenly stopped him: I heard that Zhongyuan is cunning and likes to put poison in letters.


Although Liuyunshi is highly skilled in martial arts, he cares deeply about his own life.

After thinking about it, I called a member of the congregation to do it for him.

The congregants didn't know what was going on, so they obediently opened the letter for the second envoy and read out the contents:

I [Qing State] have no enmity or enmity with your faction. As long as you hand over Murong Fu, you can leave.

Your Majesty, Mr. Qi Zhen.

Liuyunshi looked at the content of the letter and thought about it carefully, discussed it with Miaofengshi, and decided to agree to the other party's request.

Hand over Murong Fu to avoid war.

But they don't know that they are in the water prison at this time.

Murong Fu has reached the critical moment and is holding Xiao Zhao tightly in harmony with yin and yang.

No, the horn sounded outside. It seems that the pursuers of the [Qing Kingdom] are catching up. Huiyue envoy said in surprise.

Dai Qisi looked at the panting Xiao Zhao and said: This is a critical moment. You must not be disturbed, otherwise all your efforts will be wasted.

I know. Huiyue said: Your acupuncture points should have been opened by him.

There should be no problem staying here.

I went out to block first to buy him some time. I didn't know when it would be time for him to regain his former glory.

When Dai Qisi heard this, she didn't know whether Huiyue Shi did it intentionally or not. She looked ashamed and said, Okay, you go ahead.

Pay attention to safety. He also said it before. With his current strength, there should be no problem in escaping.

Haha, there is nowhere to run on the sea, just listen to his bragging. Hui Yueshi rolled his eyes at someone who was exercising intensely in the distance and said with disdain.

Dai Qisi was stunned and wanted to explain to Huiyue Envoy that Murong Fu never told lies.

Unexpectedly, the other party hurried out before she could speak, shook her head, and sighed: The religious people are still too young after all. ..

Fulang...can I call you Fulang? Xiao Zhao said softly.

Murong Fu smiled and said, Of course, sister Xiao Zhao.

Xiao Zhao felt Murong Fu's surging masculine charm and asked, Will you be kind to me and my mother after you are resurrected?

Murong Fu said with a haha smile: Of course, don't worry, I, Murong Fu, will stick to my word.

Xiao Zhao said shyly: Then I'll be relieved.

Murong Fu smiled and said no more, feeling a strange electric energy in his body.

The demonic energy is surging back and forth in the body, and it is getting weaker and weaker.

Then, I felt a wonderful and beautiful feeling.

A surge of enlightenment surged into Murong Fu's heart, causing him to integrate the spiritual energy and demonic energy in his body.

The strange function of [Double Cultivation Dafa] allows two energies that repel each other to achieve a short-term fusion.

Let him enter a mysterious, mysterious, wonderful and wonderful realm.

On top of the ship's armor.

Qi Zhenjun brought his three apprentices and a small group of Ouchi guards.

Boarded the Persian ship.

He glanced at the group of people from the [Persian Ming Cult] arrogantly, feeling disdainful.

The aliens from other countries are nothing more than that.

He actually dares to come to our Middle-earth country to ask for help. He really doesn’t know whether to live or die.

Where's Murong Fu? Bring him out to us. Niu Hulu shouted with a loud voice.

Miao Feng frowned into the word Chuan between her brows. Although it was their first time in Middle-earth, they still knew some etiquette. By doing this, the other party obviously didn't take them seriously and reminded them:

Sir, it's very rude of you to yell like this!

Niu Hulu glanced at Miao Feng Envoy and said, Haha, is this a small tribe from a small country worthy of discussing etiquette with us?

If you can't say it, isn't it a joke?

Liu Yunshi knew that Qi Zhenjun was the leader of the [Qing Dynasty] pursuers, so he directly crossed Niuhulu and said:

This swordsman from the Central Plains, we only promised you to hand over Murong Fu, not your surrender.

It's so rude, don't blame us for fulfilling our agreement.

Although Qi Zhenjun is aloof and arrogant, he is not a brainless person.

Knowing that Murong Fu was the boss, he didn't want to cause more trouble, so he said coldly: Niuhulu apologize to them!

Niu Hulu was stunned for a moment and said unconvinced: Master, what's my fault? Isn't it just that I spoke louder?

Qi Zhenjun said coldly: Apologise!

How could Niu Hulu dare to disobey his master? He gritted his teeth and glanced at Liuyunshi, and deliberately said loudly:

Sorry, everyone, I'll keep my voice down from now on.

This sound contains the powerful [Lion's Roar Skill], and wherever the sound passes, the members of the [Persian Ming Cult] are dizzy and miserable.

You... Miao Feng user was slightly angry.

However, before he could speak clearly, a [Bone Penetrating Needle] rubbed his neck and pierced Niu Hulu's forehead.

The speed was so fast that almost no one in the field could see it.

Niu Hulu was even more frightened and shouted: Master, save me!

Qi Zhenjun snorted coldly, and his body turned into an afterimage and a white light flashed, instantly cutting off the flying [Bone Penetrating Needle].

After a dang sound, he stood in Niuhulu, looked coldly at Huiyue Messenger behind Miaofeng User and said: Bitch, what do you mean?

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