Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 789 Crossing the sea with beauty

[Lingxian Island] On the island, the four seasons are like spring.

Although the island is not big, there is a mountain above it.

There is a sect in the mountains, the [Nanhai Sect] founded by the Dragon-Slaying Fairy Nanhai Shenni.

The life of Nanhai Shenni is extremely mysterious. Some people say that she is as old as 200 years old.

Others say that he is only sixty years old.

There are countless legends, but there is no way to verify them.

The only real thing is that she has two beautiful apprentices.

One is the eldest disciple Murong Xisheng, and the other is the second disciple Mao Wenqi.

The two girls have lived on [Lingxian Island] since childhood and have almost never traveled far away from the island.

He has little contact with people and things from the outside world.

Sister, Master has been away from the island for about three months.

She hasn't come back yet? Is something going to happen?

Mao Wenqi took Murong Xisheng and stood on the beach, constantly looking into the distance. .

As soon as Nanhai Shenni left, she felt empty all day long.

As a senior sister, Murong Xisheng was naturally more calm than Mao Wenqi and comforted:

It will definitely take some time for Master to go out to sea to slay demons.

But... Mao Wenqi said worriedly: Master said that the demonic energy in [Qing Kingdom] is too strong this time.

Even she is not completely sure that she can get rid of the devil inside.

This... Murong Xisheng was speechless for a moment. She was not sure what kind of character Nanhai Shenni met, so she said seriously:

No matter how powerful the enemy is, we have to believe in Master, she will definitely be able to do it.

Even...even if he can't be beaten, he will definitely be able to escape unscathed.

Mao Wenqi nodded and was about to speak.

But he saw a large ship in the sea approaching [Lingxian Island], and said excitedly:

Senior sister, you see a ship is coming.

Murong Xisheng was also overjoyed and guessed: Could it be that Master is back?

Mao Wenqi smiled and said: Hehe, you are indeed my good senior sister, you want to go with me.

After the two women finished speaking, they quickly ran to the ferry to wait for the people in the boat to get off.

Your Majesty, the [Lingxian Island] is ahead, Dai Qisi said.

Murong Fu spread out his spiritual consciousness and enveloped the entire island.

A hint of joy immediately appeared on his face:

Haha, I never expected that an island on the sea could have such aura.

It is indeed much stronger than our famous mountains in the Central Plains.

Although Dai Qisi was not sure about the specific function of spiritual energy, she smiled and said:

The inland areas are densely populated, the smell of fireworks is heavy, and the natural aura is much less.

There are only three women living on this island.

Not only is she full of spiritual energy, but she is also beautiful.

Murong Fu's consciousness had already discovered Murong Xisheng and Mao Wenqi.

Haha smiled: Beauty is indeed beautiful!

However, compared with the three beauties, they are also in the same league.

No worse than the other party.

Dai Qisi smiled, naturally understanding the meaning of Murong Fu's words.

With a high weight on the position, the beauties seen are naturally not bad.

It is not easy to rank first in his heart.

Then he asked: Shall we let the ship pull over now?

No, let it keep moving forward, let's fly down.

Fly down? Dai Qisi and the three envoys both looked at Murong Fu in astonishment.

As far as the eye can see, [Lingxian Island] is not far away.

There is a distance of a hundred feet at least.

It is simply impossible to fly over with Qinggong.

Murong Fu glanced at a few people and said with a smile:

In ancient times, Bodhidharma crossed the river with one tail.

Now I, Murong Fu, am carrying the beauty across the sea.

It will definitely become a good story from now on.

As he said this, he thought about three small swords, which were suspended in front of Sanmei, and said with a smile:

Three beauties, just stand up.

Dai Qisi was slightly worried and said:

Your Majesty, just go up. You won't let us fall into the sea, right?

Murong Fu said: Please!

Xiao Zhao was the youngest, the most innocent, and the most convinced of Murong Fu's words.

Tap your toes and jump onto the sword.

A small foot stands just on the sword.

The other two women didn't waste any more time and jumped on the sword.

Murong Fu chuckled and jumped directly into the sea.

Stand firmly on the sea water and fly forward as if walking on flat ground.

The three women were also galloping beside him, led by Xiao Jian.

The four of them together seemed to be alive, shocking everyone.

Everyone on the boat was so frightened that they were dumbfounded. Their mouths were wide enough to fit a duck egg in.

Is this...still a human?

Senior sister...I think I saw someone flying down from the boat.

The shore of [Lingxian Island].

Mao Wenqi witnessed with her own eyes the scene where Murong Fu took Dai Qisi, Xiao Zhao and Hui Yue to jump off the ship.

Also shocked and speechless.

No, it wasn’t that I was speechless, but my words became stuttered.

Murong Xisheng suppressed the shock, nodded and said, I saw it.

Those three women seemed to have a small sword under their feet.

Only that man relied on his true ability.

Mao Wenqi asked: Aren't they doing tricks?

No! Murong Xisheng shook his head firmly and said, If my guess is correct, this should be some kind of wonderful light skill.

Qinggong? Mao Wenqi said speechlessly, how can Qinggong be so strong as to fly in the sea?

The two senior sisters were in doubt.

Murong Fu, along with Dai Qisi, Xiao Zhao and Hui Yue Shi, had already landed in front of them.

As soon as Xiao Zhao landed, he hugged Murong Fu excitedly and said softly:

Fulang, how did you do it? It's so interesting.

This is my first time flying on the sea.

Hui Yue Shi glanced at Xiao Zhao and said secretly: Who is this for the first time?

Murong Fu smiled and looked around.

Finally, he set his sights on Mao Wenqi and Murong Xisheng.

He walked forward and saluted, You two must be the disciples of the Dragon-Slaying Fairy Nanhai Shenni.

Dai Qisi's eyes lit up when she saw this, and she confirmed: That's right, Your Majesty.

You two are the apprentices of Nanhai Shenni.

Mao Wenqi was shocked by the way Murong Fu appeared and was full of curiosity about Murong Fu.

He subconsciously replied: Yes, that's right, I am Mao Wenqi, the second disciple of Dragon Slayer Fairy.

Then she introduced her senior sister:

This is my senior sister, Murong Xisheng.

Xiao Zhao smiled when he heard this and said, Fu Lang, what a coincidence, her surname is also Murong.

Mao Wenqi looked at Murong Fu in surprise and said, Hey, is your surname Murong too?

Murong Fu saluted and said: I am Murong Fu of the Murong family in Gusu!

Murong Xisheng was also surprised and said:

Are you from the Murong family in Gusu?

Murong Fu was startled. Judging from Murong Xisheng's expression, he felt that things were not simple.

He thought to himself, it couldn't be his cheap father who caused some trouble, right?

He said awkwardly: Is this girl also from our Murong family?

Murong Xisheng shook his head and said:

That's not true. Although my family belongs to the royal family.

But due to the war that year, he separated from his family early and formed his own lineage.

When Murong Fu heard this, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and his excited heart softened a lot, and he muttered:

Thank you dad for not hurting me again!

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