Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 794 Senior Sisters’ Decision

After Dai Qisi and others left.

Murong Xisheng and Mao Wenqi stared at each other, and the atmosphere became a little awkward.

Senior sister, I... Mao Wenqi was about to speak, but was interrupted by Murong Xisheng.

Junior sister, this matter is over.

If master comes to his senses, he will never let you trade her innocence for her life.

Mao Wenqi blinked her beautiful eyes, thought of a plan, and said: Senior sister, I understand.

I will listen to you and not go to King Yan.

Murong Xisheng was startled. He didn't expect Mao Wenqi to be so obedient.

Okay, then you and I will take turns taking care of Master.

Outside the door.

Not long after stepping out of the room, Hui Yueshi suddenly said:

The saint is quite clever. She led these two sisters into a trap so easily.

I admire you…

Dai Qisi smiled proudly and said politely:

If you can use a strategy, sister Huiyue and I are still close.

Isn't that the day you used this trick to retreat and lure my mother and daughter into the water prison?

Huiyue made a smile and said:

Does the saint want to thank me?

Hmph, thank you for what?

Hui Yue Shi looked at Xiao Zhao and said:

Of course you thank me for letting you regain that feeling.

Otherwise, you wouldn't be so ecstatic, right?

Dai Qisi rolled her eyes charmingly and said: The eldest, not to mention the second, when it comes to ecstasy, my sister is no worse than me.

Huiyue envoy smiled and said: Okay, I won't quarrel with the saint.

Maybe there will be a good show tonight.

It's just that if you don't tell the prince about this, you won't be afraid. If he finds out, he will punish you?

Dai Qisi said indifferently: The enemy is right in front of us.

Your Majesty, I just need to recover slowly. I don't know how long it will take.

I did this as a favor, and I only got a few beatings from him at most.

It's just the fun of life.

Haha, I'll just wait and see. After a heated exchange of words with Dai Qisi, Huiyue Messenger turned around and returned to the house.

Xiao Zhao worriedly said: Mom, should we talk to the prince first?

Haha, don't worry, we are mother and daughter, even if we are the prince, we will punish you.

Welcome him along the way, just let him do whatever he wants.

Xiao Zhao felt that what Dai Qisi said made sense, and followed her to the island for a walk with a smile.

And Murong Fu is the leading actor in the whole incident.

Still kept in the dark.

During the entire day, I didn't notice anything unusual.

The moon is bright in the night sky.

Murong Fu went to Lingxian Mountain again to practice.

As soon as he took out the [Jin Ping Mei], there was a noise behind him.

He said calmly: Come out!

As soon as these words came out, Mao Wenqi, who was hiding behind Murong Fufu, was startled and immediately stiffened up.

The movement also stopped abruptly.

Murong Fu thought it was Murong Xisheng and joked:

Why, you were beaten by me last night. Do you still want to have fun tonight?

Being beaten? Mao Wenqi suddenly said: By the way, senior sister said that she seemed to have made a move with King Yan last night.

Now it seems that he was beaten badly.

She was about to take her left foot and walk out.

Suddenly, I saw a beautiful figure flying over not far from me.

After seeing the other party clearly, he couldn't help but be surprised.

The owner of that beautiful shadow is none other than Murong Xisheng.

Murong Fu glanced at her and joked:

Hey, if you don't go take care of your master Nanhai Shenni, why are you here here?

Murong Xisheng said with a serious face:

Murong Fu, I want you to swear by your ancestors and tell me whether you can save my master!

Murong Fu's face suddenly stiffened. What he hated most was being forced by others.

What I hate even more is making him swear.

Murong Xisheng, are you crazy?

Who gave you the courage to let me swear by my ancestors?

Pfft! Murong Xisheng was not as tough as imagined.

Instead, she knelt down directly in front of Murong Fu and cried with pear rain:

Please tell me whether I can save Master.

Murong Fu was still a little angry.

Seeing Murong Xisheng's posture, he couldn't help but feel a little soft-hearted and said truthfully:

I can indeed use [Jin Ping Mei] to get rid of the demonic energy in her body.

And now I am also a clay Buddha crossing the river.

You can only use this treasure and treat yourself first.

Murong Xisheng was overjoyed when he heard this, and stupidly bit his red lips without letting go.

Neither left nor spoke.

Murong Fu was confused by Murong Xisheng's inexplicable behavior.

Don't wait for him to speak.

The other party actually loosened his belt lightly.

Exposing both sides of the shoulders.

Murong Fu was startled and asked:

Miss Xisheng, what do you want to do?

Murong Xisheng said: I already know that dual cultivation will heal your injuries faster.

In that case, I will help you recover from your injuries, and you will help me save Master!

Fair trade, no one owes anyone anything.

Murong Fu immediately understood that this was what Dai Qisi, Xiao Zhao, and Hui Yueshi had told each other, and he said speechlessly:

You can't do this kind of thing randomly.

Miss Xisheng, you are still young. You may find your right husband in the future.

Murong Xisheng murmured:

I don't need a wishful man.

And King Yan is a great man in the world.

Cherish your life and accept your fate!

Murong Fu was stunned, what does it mean to accept one's fate? Advised again:

Then you think about it for one more night, if you decide.

I am here, waiting for you.

No! Murong Xisheng said decisively: I have made up my mind.

Besides, Xisheng feels that it is an honor to become King Yan's woman.

... Murong Fu's old face suddenly turned red.

It's normal to be complimented, but being complimented by a beautiful woman is definitely something to be happy about.

Looking at the body as white as jade, Murong Fu felt somewhat happy.

But at this time.

Mao Wenqi, who was hiding aside, couldn't hold back anymore and stood up:

No, let me do it!

Murong Fu looked at Mao Wenqi who suddenly appeared.

Then he looked at Murong Xisheng and wondered:

What are you two women doing?

Wen Qi? Murong Xisheng was also startled, as if he was a third party who had done something wrong.

He quickly put the green gauze clothes on the ground on his body and said shyly:

How did you come?

Mao Wenqi said: Senior sister, I know you feel wronged.

So let me do this.

Murong Xisheng blinked his beautiful eyes, looked at Murong Fu, and quickly explained:

Go back quickly. Senior sister is not aggrieved. She sincerely wants to ask King Yan to save the master.

Mao Wenqi shook her head and said, No, senior sister has always been arrogant.

You shouldn't sacrifice yourself to save Master.

Let me do this kind of thing.

Murong Fu was speechless. These two junior sisters really embarrassed him.

His consciousness moved and he wanted to find out where the culprit was.

Sure enough, they found Dai Qisi, Xiao Zhao, and Hui Yue Shi hiding not far away.

He raised the corners of his mouth, smiled very happily, and said angrily:

You three haven't come out yet, are you going to watch my jokes?

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