Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 805 Named Murong Taiyi

Hey, I didn't expect that Your Majesty would have the leisure to visit our mother and son. Zhao Min held her son in her arms and taunted Murong Fu while breastfeeding.

Murong Fu was not angry after hearing this, and looked at Zhao Min breastfeeding his son with a smile.

Seeing Murong Fu's appearance, Zhao Min was too embarrassed to say anything. After a while, he handed his son to Murong Fu:

Look at your biological son.

I haven't named him yet.

Murong Fu took his son, looked at the handsome little guy, and said, It really looks like you.

Zhao Min asked angrily: Huh, why, doesn't it look like you?

Murong Fu took a careful look at the little guy in his arms: The ears are like this king's.

He glanced at Zhao Min and continued: As for the name, I have already thought of it.

Zhao Min's beautiful eyes flashed and she asked curiously: What?

Taiyi! Murong Fu explained: In ancient times, there was a king named Donghuang Taiyi.

Take charge of the [Sun Star] for hundreds of millions of years and then become a god.

Our son is destined to be the king, and he will be in charge of the entire [Japan] in the future. Let's call him Murong Taiyi.

Taiyi? Zhao Min naturally knew who Donghuang Taiyi was, and asked cautiously: Isn't it a little too disrespectful?

Haha, how can it be disrespectful? Murong Fu asked again: I must be the emperor of this world, and my own son is named after him, how can it be disrespectful?

Hearing this, Zhao Min also felt that it made sense and muttered: In the worst case, I'll just order people to build more Taiyi Temples.

Haha, remember to take Shenjun with you. We are brothers and will never leave each other wherever we go. Murong Fu smiled and handed Murong Taiyi to the nanny, waving his hand to let her leave.

Zhao Min looked at Murong Fu warily and said, What do you want to do?

Haha, what do I want to do? You don't know yet? Murong Fu said and hugged Zhao Min to his chest.

A breakup is better than a wedding, so a heated discussion is inevitable.

From time to time, milk rain sprayed in the room.

The sound was so loud that all the surrounding maids blushed.

Murong Fu felt that it was not enough, so after a while he called Dongfang Bubai, Gongsun Lan, Beef Soup, and Qingwu to hold a milk tasting conference.

Until three days later.

The girls stopped because they couldn't stand Murong Fu's harassment.

Murong Fu held the nephrite in his hand and asked: Little bastards, what's going on recently?

Zhao Min said: Their intention is very obvious, to focus on attacking [Tokyo].

Oh? Murong Fu's eyes flashed: Now that we know why they want to attack [Tokyo], I think the guards in the city are still lax.

Have you no plans to fight at all?

Zhao Min chuckled and said: Haha, the people in the city are all Japanese, I can't expect them to help me defend the city, right?

Murong Fu nodded and thought it made sense: Did Madam have a plan?

Of course! Zhao Min said confidently: Since they want to hit something, then I will let them hit as much as they can.

Wait until they all enter the city. At this point, Zhao Minyu swiped her finger in the air and said with a hint of coldness in her domineering air: I have already deployed tens of thousands of [red cannons] on the surrounding mountains.

When the time comes, we will bombard [Tokyo], shaking the sky and shaking the earth.

Completely solve it, [Japan]'s vital force.

One battle will determine the outcome!

Murong Fu looked at Zhao Min dumbfounded and couldn't help but give a thumbs up and said: That's cruel!

After this battle, [Japan] was completely removed from the list.

There is no poison and no husband. The two children are not gentlemen. As a mother, I will not help the children solve the problem at the root.

Should we leave it to them? Zhao Min said with a proud smile.

Murong Fu replied: To do something like this, you should need a bait, right?

Of course. Zhao Min said: Originally, I and Taiyi should be the bait.

Now that the prince is here, it should be replaced by the prince.

Murong Fu slapped Zhao Min's enchanting waist hard and said:

Aren't you afraid of bringing me to this place?

Hmph, with your current strength, if you want to escape, no matter how many people you have, it will be useless. Dongfang Bubai exposed Murong Fu's background without mercy.

Murong Fu curled his lips, Dongfang Bubai was indeed still so ruthless, he slapped his forehead and replied: By the way, Fang Shisan is dead.

Is he dead? Dongfang Bubai asked emotionlessly, Did you kill him?

Murong Fu nodded: He failed to pursue me, but I killed him instead.

Oh, if you die, just die. Dongfang Bubai stood up, paused for a moment, turned around and walked out.

Seeing this, Zhao Min pushed Murong Fu and said, Stop just watching. Go over and say a few words of comfort.

Murong Fu wanted to refuse.

However, when he thought that no matter how strong a woman was, she had a fragile side, she felt pity for her, kissed Zhao Min, and hurriedly chased her out.

Gongsun Lan and others joked: Sister Min is really generous.

Zhao Min rolled his eyes at the women and said proudly: Huh, men can't be controlled by stalking them.

Hearing this, the girls couldn't help but burst into laughter.

When Murong Fu caught up with Dongfang Bubai, he saw her looking up at the moonlight.

When I heard someone coming, I quickly wiped my cheeks twice. When I looked back, I saw it was Murong Fu and said angrily: You are not in the house with those little goblins.

What are you doing running out?

Murong Fu came close to Dongfang Bubai and said, I have come to see how my beloved concubine Dongfang is doing.

Did you cry?

Dongfang Bubai glared at Murong Fu fiercely and said, Die, don't bother people.

Murong Fu smiled and took out two jugs of good wine in the system space and handed them to the other party: If you blame me, you can give me a few punches to vent your anger.

I will never fight back.

Dongfang Bubai was suddenly stunned, took the wine bottle and sighed: I know, he wants to use me.

Save Godmother.

Murong Fu was slightly startled: Since you know, why don't you leave the [Sun and Moon God Sect]?

Dongfang Bubai chuckled and said: First, his idea is very good, but it is difficult to implement it.

That's why I can get wind and rain in teaching.

Second, even if all the conditions are met, as long as he doesn't take action, there is nothing he can do against me.

Tell me, why should I run away from such a good place?

Murong Fu's eyes widened and he laughed loudly: To think that you are such an invincible figure from the East.

Dongfang Bubai glanced sideways at Murong Fu and drank the wine in the pot: What are your plans after coming here this time?

I'm going to the outside world for a visit, Murong Fu said.

Going to the outside world? Dongfang Bubai looked at Murong Fu in surprise: You mean going to another world?

Yes. Murong Fu truthfully told what happened in the Qing Dynasty again: Time is pressing, I must go there first.

I'll go too. Seeing Murong Fu's confusion, Dongfang Bubai said firmly, I'm different from the beauty in your room.

My pursuit of martial arts is higher than yours.

So, if I have the chance, I'll go too!

Murong Fu thought for a moment and said Okay seriously.

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