Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 812 Who is kind and who is ruthless?

Murong Fu allowed Zhu Wuxia and Shan Yuru to run out of the city without any intention of chasing them.

The location of the next bombardment, just as he said.

It is the city gate of [Tokyo].

The sound of Whoosh~ Whoosh~ sounded again, and there was another round of bombing, this time an indiscriminate attack.

Let those soldiers and civilians who want to escape [Tokyo] die more and more miserably.

Why? Why? Toyotomi Hideyoshi asked Murong Fu angrily: Why do you treat us like this?

Are you a devil?

Murong Fu walked towards Toyotomi Hideyoshi and gently touched his eyebrows with his fingers.

The 300,000 in [Nanjing], the 731 in [Northeast], Mr. Zhang's Nanjing Massacre, and so on are all things that only Murong Fu knew.

It suddenly appeared in his mind.

After half a breath, Toyotomi Hideyoshi sat down on the ground, unable to believe that this was done by Japanese people.

Beast! Beast!

I didn't expect that my descendants would be such disgusting beasts.

At this moment, he discovered that what Murong Fu did was simply a kind act of Buddha.

He only massacred his enemies, but did not abuse the Japanese people. .

He can understand such great hatred.

Haha, now you should understand that I would rather give up the struggle for hegemony in the Central Plains than destroy you bunch of beasts with bastard genes first.

Unless you die, I will have trouble sleeping and eating.

Murong Fu looked at the broken limbs and broken arms all over the ground, feeling extremely relaxed and enlightened.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi begged: Can you leave us a trace of blood?

Don't exterminate our race?

Murong Fu smiled flatly and said: Don't worry, I will leave you an island where you can get married and have children.

Really? Toyotomi Hideyoshi couldn't believe that Murong Fu would be so generous and allow them to reproduce in the face of such hatred.

Murong Fu nodded and said, Let your descendants pass.

The entire island is filled with descendants of your Toyotomi family, how about that?

Toyotomi Hideyoshi quickly knelt at Murong Fu's feet and kowtowed repeatedly: Thank you, thank you for your generosity.

Murong Fu stood with his hands folded and said, Now you should encourage your soldiers not to put down their weapons.

Otherwise, my soldiers will feel burdened when they kill people.

After all, we descendants of China are all human beings and cannot be compared with you bunch of bastards who massacre the common people.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi's face froze and he swallowed. He knew that Chinese people rarely massacre prisoners.

But to survive for future generations.

He endured it and echoed: Don't worry Murong Sang, I will let my soldiers persist until the last moment.

Very good. Murong Fu laughed and said, As expected, you Japanese people have always looked like dogs since ancient times.

After saying that, he walked out of the city without looking back. This scourge of the [Destiny Sect] must be dealt with.

At this time, outside the city of [Tokyo], outside the four gates, Murong Fu's army was waiting in strict formation.

The cold light of the armor is bone-piercing.

Each one was solemn and solemn, with incomparable murderous intent.

Fengbo Evil, Iron Hand, Lengxue and others each lead an army.

Seeing the enemies escaping from [Tokyo], he ordered without any hesitation: Fire arrows.

Cannonballs, plus rain of arrows.

The stumps fell to the ground, heads flew everywhere, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and brains were spread on the ground.

No extra words, no extra actions.

Feng BoE remained motionless, holding down the sword in his hand.

Watch the situation in front of you.

Although the tenacity and tenacity shown by the Japanese army were expected.

But he was still shocked when he actually witnessed this cruel scene.

Because of the density of people.

Almost every shell dropped killed seven or eight people.

Every arrow is a life.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of lives were harvested.

Soon, all the cannonballs were fired and all the sharp arrows were shot.

The bloody hand-to-hand combat officially begins.

[Orca Army] and [Beiliang Iron Cavalry] launched a coordinated operation.

Cut, hack, chop, stab.

The simple and unpretentious movement is like the scythe of death.

Cutting wheat one crop after another.

The sword flashes, the sword rises and falls.

Every corner is full of bloody fighting.

Round after round, the Japanese army was swept out repeatedly.

Although the Japanese army was large in number, it was disorganized and had no morale.

There is no difference at all from a bunch of farmers holding forks.

Roaring, he rushed towards the [Orca Army] who wanted to attack.

But he was hit head-on mercilessly.

In the blink of an eye, the body became a hill.

Everyone in the field can swear with their hearts.

They had never seen such a brutal fight.

With almost every breath someone takes, someone dies under their knife.

This method of killing is combined with long-distance bombardment and arrow attacks.

There is a fundamental difference.

Finally, under tremendous psychological pressure.

A veteran of the [Orca Army] couldn't help but vomited.

But he didn't hesitate at all and continued to swing the sword.

No one else, just because this was Murong Fu's order.

Because among all the soldiers, Murong Fu is the god.

That's their belief.

God told them to kill, so they killed.

They would be wrong, God would be wrong, but Murong Fu would not be wrong!

Kill! Kill! Feng Bo evil roared angrily.

An army of hundreds of thousands faced tens of millions of enemies.

From noon, the fight continued until the next morning.

No matter how strong they are, it's impossible to kill them all.

Almost two-thirds of the troops were missed.

However, this did not go beyond Murong Fu's expectations.

Therefore, he had already started the war on the city and organized a group of refugees.

A strangulation team was set up to hunt down all Japanese who escaped.

Crazy, crazy! This Murong Fu is a madman.

More than 10 million Japanese people were chopped into watermelons by his army. Shan Yuru did not forget to complain while running away.

Haha, I, Zhu Xiawu, consider myself a peerless hero, and now I am competing with Murong Fu.

I am as innocent as a child. Zhu Xiawu laughed at himself.

Murong Fu was so ruthless that he might never be able to do it in his life.

Even in other worlds, there are only a few bosses who kill tens of millions of people at every turn.

Shan Yuru showed a hint of worry and said:

Murong Fu is a man who is determined to retaliate. I'm afraid he won't let him go easily.

Zhu Xiawu said disdainfully: The world is big and the earth is big, just hide.

I don't believe that Murong Fu would be idle and cause trouble for us.

I hope so. Shan Yuru nodded and said helplessly.

Haha, I'm afraid this matter won't go as Leader Shan wishes.

I feel that you should not live any longer.

An unexpected figure suddenly stood in front of them.

When Shan Yuru and Zhu Xiawu saw this, they saw the person clearly.

At the same time, my heart trembled, and I called out the name of the person in shock: Murong Fu!

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