Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 814 Emperor Murong Fu of Kyushu

Zhao Min and the other generals all nodded. They could hear the firmness and determination in Murong Fu's tone.

Murong Fu knew that the sequelae of this war would take a long time to resolve, so he suggested: Okay, the war is over. In half a month, we will have a celebration banquet in [Mito].

I want to proclaim myself emperor in [Japan].

Proclaim yourself emperor? After hearing this, Zhao Min pondered for a moment and said with a smile: Your Majesty, this is a clever move. Proclaiming yourself emperor is not about building a country.

Even if it is passed back to the Central Plains, the two Emperors of Song Dynasty will have nothing to do with you.

Murong Fu laughed haha and said, Those who know me are smart.

Night fell and everything was pitch black.

Only the high hall was brightly lit and there was singing and dancing.

The generals inside the palace exchange cups for cups, while the soldiers outside the palace are full of pride.

As the sound of strings and bamboos sounded, dozens of graceful maids filed in. They were all tall, with long legs, small waists, and bulging fronts and backs.


A group of young and energetic soldiers had never seen such a big scene before and became excited.

The strings and bamboos suddenly rose, and Dongfang Bubai was seen wearing a light cyan long dress, with a few plum blossoms embroidered on the cuffs, and silver threads outlined an image of auspicious snow.

The chest is wrapped in a wide piece of light yellow brocade, and her movements are as graceful as a willow blowing in the wind. She is dressed plainly and elegantly, but without losing her femininity.

With a smile like the spring breeze, a flick of silk, and brisk dance steps, the surrounding dancers swarmed up.

One by one, they stretched their long sleeves and rotated their delicate bodies faster and faster. They gently turned their long skirts to spread out, and folded their slender waists to take small steps.

Looking back and smiling, countless silks and satins cover her face like silk, revealing the infinite spring.

Murong Fu didn't expect that there was such a program, so he was fascinated by it for a while.

Unexpectedly, there are unexpected surprises!

Dongfang Bubai's eyebrows are full of spring, his skin is as smooth as warm jade, and his small cherry mouth is red without any spots, as delicate as drops of beauty.

A pair of jade hands waved, and countless strands of red silk burst out instantly. Dozens of girls flew up to the ribbon, their clothes fluttering, like feathered fairies.

Everyone turned over on the ground, opened their red lips slightly, and exhaled like a blue breath: I have seen the Emperor of Nine Provinces!

When everyone else heard this, they were stunned for a moment and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Afterwards, there were still many smart people who stood up and knelt on the ground: I have seen the Emperor of Nine Provinces!

With this beginning, everyone else also stood up and knelt down: Long live the Emperor of Nine Provinces!

Murong Fu stood above him, with a slight smile on his face, and picked up the wine glass in his hand: Soldiers, please stand up, we will not return until we are drunk tonight!

Thank you Emperor Jiuzhou, I won't come back until you're drunk!

Murong Fu briefly exchanged greetings with the soldiers and drank one glass after another of fine wine.

But what I was thinking about was that the figure of Dongfang Bubai dancing in the center of the hall just now was simply...

It makes people so horny that they can't stop. It tastes like something they can see but not eat. It's simply not that satisfying.

By the time everyone in the room was enjoying themselves, it was already close to midnight.

Murong Fu was already a little over the top, and walked quickly behind Dongfang Bubai, and when he wasn't paying attention, he grabbed him and carried him away.

The Emperor of Kyushu is domineering and mighty...

Inside the house, the red candles reflected the red gauze, making the person in her arms even more charming.

Little fairy, you've got it just right. It's time for me to have a taste of this beauty.

A night of carnival, what a joyful testimony it is, what a joyful life it is, let yourself release everything!

The two had a sweet dream all night.

The next day, Murong Fu simply told Zhao Min a few words, took the three keys, and looked into the distance: I'll leave this place to you. It's time to set off.

After that, he led Dongfang Bubai and several others into the teleportation array and headed for Suzhou.

At this time, in Gusu, a vision came from the sky.

For some unknown reason, a red light glowed in the sky, continuously hovering in the sky, and finally condensed into a fire dragon.

In an instant, a red light fell from the sky and rushed directly into the room where Wang Yuyan was.


The red light directly entered Wang Yuyan's abdomen.

In an instant, a powerful energy shook all the midwives and maids around.


With her shout, the child that had been unable to be born for a long time was finally born at this moment.

Wow wow wow...

Murong Fugang had just witnessed this strange light and was amazed in his heart. When he heard the baby's cry, he could no longer suppress the joy in his heart.

He rushed into the room with a single stride, unable to stop him.

At this time, Wang Yuyan felt that she was exhausted, and she forced herself to take a look at the child she had just given birth to.

At this time, Murong Fu also rushed over immediately and hugged her: Thank you for your hard work, are you okay?

Leave me alone and look at the child.

Just as Murong Fu picked up the crying child, suddenly, the son in his arms suddenly opened his eyes.

A golden light burst out from his eyes and shot straight into the sky.

After the golden light rushed into the sky, it dispersed all the red light in the sky, and finally condensed into the eyes of the fire dragon.

Hahaha, he is worthy of being my son, Murong Fu. He has caused such a big fight despite his simple birth. He will definitely be extraordinary in the future!

In the next few days, Murong Fu hugged his son and refused to let go, fearing that someone would snatch his precious son away, which made everyone laugh and cry.

A few days later, Murong Fu summoned several close ministers, and Wang Yuyan was mostly recovered by this time.

I'm going out on a trip soon. You must assist my wife and guard Gusu!

Don't worry, Your Majesty, we will be loyal and loyal without any second thoughts!

Wang Yuyan was silent for a while and then said: I always feel that there is some unrest recently. What if the Yuan people attack the Song Dynasty?

Don't worry, now that winter is coming and natural disasters are coming, they will only kill people and not seize the city, so don't pay attention!

At this moment, Su Ying jumped out immediately: I want to go with you too!

Murong Fu pondered for a while and nodded: Okay! Let's simply organize it and set off immediately!

Dongfang Bubai, Jing Yuqian and Su Ying set off with him.

As soon as they arrived in front of the Immortal Gate, they saw the Evil Emperor Xiang Yutian.

Murong Fu walked up to him and exchanged a few words with him.

What, are you going to [Da Ru Realm]? Xiang Yutian already guessed the purpose of their visit as soon as he saw the four of them.

Oh? Evil Emperor knows about [Da Ru Realm]? Murong Fu asked again.

Hundreds of years ago, I also relied on the [Immortal Sect] to go there once. Unfortunately, not only did I not create a career, I also ended up seriously injured.

When Murong Fu heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned. He didn't expect that even a figure like the Evil Emperor...

Just when he was in a daze, Xiang Yutian came forward again and added: Listen to my advice. When you go there, you must not reveal that you are from the [Original Realm], otherwise it will definitely lead to death.

Thank you for telling me, I'll take note of it! Although Murong Fu was a little shocked, nothing could stop him.

He nodded, resolutely took out three keys watered with human blood, and took the three girls into the fairy gate.

Duliu stood there facing Yutian and murmured to himself: Oh, I hope you won't be like me...

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