Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 817 A small battle in the forest

Be careful! Fang Qian heard Murong Fu's words and quickly ordered someone to stop the car.

His eyes were like those of an eagle, scanning the woods.

No more progress.

Murong Fu asked curiously: Can't we go from another place?

No. Fang Qian said, There are eight families in [Fanli City]: Lu, Wei, Chang, Ma, Miao, Feng, Hua, and Fang.

Except my Fang family.

The other seven will block all roads to [Fanli City].

This road is the only way we can enter the city.

Lu Yao rolled her eyes at Murong Fu and said:

If there is a soul overhaul, these people will definitely not dare to make mistakes.

Murong Fu replied politely: Yes.

If the county chief has the ability to invite the Yuanshen old monster, we don't have to worry now.

You... Lu Yao said unconvinced: Humph, if you are not injured, we don't have to worry.

Murong Fu shrugged and said, I'm not injured. Your father will call me Taoist friend.

You, you have to call me Uncle Shi.

Lu Yao was about to retort, but was stopped by Fang Qian.

Princess, now is not the time for bickering.

We should think about how to get through these woods.

What's there to think about? Lu Yao said bluntly: Let's just walk over openly.

Let's see if they dare to stop us.

Idiot! Murong Fu said bluntly: How dare they stop here.

I just intend to test the Nascent Soul monk you brought.

If you just walk over there, you will undoubtedly die.

Ah! Lu Yao said in surprise: How dare the aristocratic family be so rampant?

Aren't you afraid that my father will punish them?

Murong Fu smiled haha and said, If your father could punish their crimes, he would have done so long ago.

Do you think there is any need to go out and hire a Nascent Soul?

So what? Lu Yao said anxiously: Now it's neither possible to go in nor to leave. Is it possible that we have to go back?

Murong Fu rolled his eyes and said happily:

Why don't we go back and wait for me for a few days.

It's not too late to go in again after you regain half of your strength.

Lu Yao was silent for a moment, feeling that Murong Fu's words made sense, and said, It's a good idea.

No! Fang Qian said: Once the time passes, maybe they will take action against the city.

The city lord will be unable to applaud when the time comes. I'm afraid he will be injured, or even die if it's serious!

Murong Fu asked in surprise: The city lord is also an official appointed by the imperial court, so he died like this?

Fang Qian sighed: The strong are respected, it's the same everywhere.

Even if a master appears and kills Emperor Qian, we won't be surprised.

Murong Fu secretly admired him, he was worthy of being in the world of cultivating immortals.

Don't take human life seriously.

Lu Yao heard that his father might die and said anxiously:

Sister Fang, what should we do now?

Fang Qian had no choice but to ask:

Mr. Murong, do you have any other ways to quickly regain your strength?

No. Murong Fu shook his head firmly.

His method is not suitable for use now.

It’s even less suitable to use with the person in front of you.

Fang Qian frowned slightly, as if she could tell that Murong Fu had something to hide, she gritted her teeth and said:

Well, in this case, we can only rush in.

Lu Yao nodded and said: Okay! Let's rush.

Fang Qian raised her jade finger and said, Everyone, obey my order and protect the princess.

Once an enemy appears, shoot to death without mercy.

Okay! Many guards said loudly.

Although Murong Fu's body was injured by the space explosion, his spiritual consciousness was hindered.

Suppressing the enemy in the forest.

In the woods, there was a group of thieves dressed in black, ready to deal with Lu Yao.

The leader was an elder of the Lu family.

Suddenly he felt like a light on his back, and he nervously said:

Elder Wei, have you sensed a powerful spiritual consciousness?...

Elder Wei said: I feel it.

The other party's consciousness has been staring at us.

Elder Lu asked: What should we do? Should we take action?

Elder Wei said: The other party did not take action.

It seems that he wants to act according to the rules of the family.

Elder Lu suddenly said: Yes, why did I forget that there is also a family rule that says this.

The so-called family rules are actually very simple.

There are countless aristocratic families in each city.

Whenever there is a grudge, foreign aid will be invited.

It's just that when foreign aid enters the city, you can choose to take action or not.

The meaning is also very simple.

Before entering the city, everyone had no grudges.

After leaving the city, everyone had no grudges.

As for what he did in the city, it would be gone with the wind and no one would hold him accountable.

Elder Wei ordered: Everyone obey the order.

Only kill the guards, don't touch the carriage.

Yes! followed by a roar.

All the men in black who were ambushing in the forest rushed towards the carriage at the same time.

In an instant, arrows rained down, with a cold light, and they shot towards Fang Qian and other guards.

On the contrary, the carriage where Lu Yao and Murong Fu were sitting was peaceful, and there was not a trace of people in sight.

Lu Yao asked strangely: Why don't they come to kill us?

Murong Fu said contemptuously: A group of minions in the foundation building stage.

Do you think they dare to kill a Nascent Soul cultivator?

But... Lu Yao looked at Murong Fu strangely and said, Aren't you injured?

Haha, that's right. Murong Fu shrugged and said, I was injured.

My consciousness is intact and I have used some small tricks.

Let him not dare to mess around.

Lu Yao looked at Murong Fu with confusion and wanted to say something.

I don’t know where to start.

Soon, he was attracted by the fighting outside.

Looking at the guards of the City Lord's Mansion, one by one died tragically under the enemy's attack.

Not to mention how uncomfortable I felt, I suddenly shouted:

Sister Fang Qian, be careful!

When Murong Fu saw this, he also looked over. The fighting of people in [Da Ru Realm] was different from that in [Original Realm].

Their battles are all based on magic weapons.

What Fang Qian uses is a golden wheel that integrates offense and defense.

No enemy can get close within one foot of him.

However, even though she was powerful, she could not withstand so many enemies, and there were already scars on her body.

The Lu family and the Wei family have such clever methods, Fang Qian learned from them today.

After hearing this, Elder Lu and Elder Wei no longer hid their identities and walked out openly.

First, he bowed to Murong Fu in the carriage and said:

Thank you, senior, for following the family rules and not taking action.

Then, he looked at Fang Qian and said, Little girl, you are the cultivation wizard of the Fang family.

There is no need to die for the Lu family.

For the sake of your old master Fang, you are allowed to go back today.

You are not allowed to go on this road anymore.

Fang Qian's face turned ugly. She knew that with her own strength, she couldn't rush through the woods.

Looking at the guards of the City Lord's Mansion who were already covered in injuries.

Beiqi bit his teeth and said unwillingly: Junior, take your leave.

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