Ding, here comes the problem.

One, help the damsel in distress and reward you with the boxing skills [Thirteen Thunder Fists].

Two, be an upright young man and be rewarded with a bottle of [Huan Yuan Pill].

[Thirteen Fists of Thunder]: A kind of boxing technique that requires spiritual power, which far exceeds the [Original Realm] level and reaches the top level of Xuan level.

[Huan Yuan Dan]: The best elixir for treating injuries. It can make the host recover within thirty days.

Murong Fu was silent for a moment. Whether or not the injury could be cured was actually not important to him.

His time in [Da Ru Realm] is limited and he must establish himself as soon as possible.

Being able to win over the daughter of the lord of a city is the most convenient way for him, so one is the most correct choice, so he asked:

Have you thought about it?

Think about it, as long as you save my Lu family, I won't lose anything even if I follow you. Lu Yao said happily.

Fang Qian echoed: It is Qian'er's blessing to be a Taoist couple with a Nascent Soul cultivator. Even if I become your concubine, I will accept it.

Hearing this, Murong Fu really didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Sure enough, a sturdy life needs no explanation.

Just do it!

He looked at a stone wall in the lake and said, Let's go there. I'll teach you the [Double Cultivation Method] first, and we'll talk about the rest later.

Lu Yao asked: How long will it take for you to recover?

Murong Fu calmly replied: One day.

One day? Lu Yao asked in surprise: Did you recover so quickly?

Uh-huh. Murong Fu said confidently.

Let's go. Fang Qian glanced at Lu Yao, helped Murong Fu and left.

Soon, a strange sound came from behind the stone wall in the lake.

Everyone on the shore was curious and wanted to go and have a look.

However, it was discovered.

The pressure behind the stone wall became stronger and stronger, and they were so frightened that they could only stand where they were.

Silently cleaning up the scars on his body.

One day.

It was really just one day.

Murong Fu sat cross-legged on the stone wall.

I felt that there was a nameless, strange energy in my body.

It was slowly entering his bones, making him seem to become intimate with the void around him.

I heard that the world of cultivating immortals has spiritual roots.

I don't know if it's true or not?

He looked down at the tired two girls and moved his fingers.

He picked up a drop of water, pointed it at Fang Qian's butt, and shot it.

Ouch~ Fang Qian screamed and woke up immediately.

He looked at Murong Fu complainingly and said, Fu Lang is really bad.

As soon as I regained my strength, I started bullying others.

Murong Fu smiled and said, Let me ask you, what kind of spiritual root do you have?

Fang Qian said in confusion: Qian'er has the dual spiritual roots of water and gold.

Murong Fu looked at Lu Yao again and said, What about her?

Fang Qian thought for a while and replied: The princess is the Shuimu Linggen.

Murong Fu asked curiously: How to determine whether the spiritual root is good or bad.

Well! Fang Qian said doubtfully: Master, he didn't even teach you this, right?

Murong Fu said casually: No.

Okay. Fang Qian really couldn't understand why Murong Fu was so powerful.

But he is just like a novice cultivating immortals, he doesn’t understand anything.

Spiritual roots are divided into single spiritual roots, double spiritual roots, multiple spiritual roots and heterogeneous spiritual roots.

The purer the spiritual root, the more intimate it is with its corresponding laws.

The four spiritual roots are the most complicated and the worst.

Murong Fu asked doubtfully: Shouldn't it be the worst among the five spiritual roots?

Fang Qian shook her head and said: No, although the five spiritual roots are mixed, once the power of the five elements is cultivated to perfection.

You can cultivate the power of chaos.

Its power is still higher than the spiritual roots of space and time.

Murong Fu nodded in understanding.

It can be considered that I learned some useful knowledge and joked:

No wonder I just felt a strange power in your body.

It turns out to be the power of law that you have cultivated.

Fang Qian's face turned red with embarrassment. She rolled her eyes at Murong Fu and asked:

What kind of spiritual root is Fu Lang?

Murong Fu was stunned and said with a wry smile:

My master didn't tell me what spiritual root I am.

It doesn't matter, the city lord's mansion has a spiritual stone.

When the time comes, just ask the city lord to lend it to you.

Murong Fu stood up, stretched out his arms, and said, When shall we set off?

Fang Qian glanced at Lu Yao, who was troubled, and said, Why don't we wait a little longer?

Fu Lang really knows how to show compassion and respect for others.

Haha. Murong Fu smiled without explaining too much.

He has now recovered 70% of his strength. He wants to take the opportunity to deal with people of the same strength.

It should be no problem.

Lu Yao was awakened by the conversation between Murong Fu and Fang Qian.

I originally wanted to vent my anger on getting up.

But he saw Murong Fu staring at him with a wicked smile.

Clench your little fists in protest.

Humph, one day!

One damn day!

Little girl, are you dissatisfied? Murong Fu asked jokingly.

No...no. Lu Yao was afraid that Murong Fu would get angry and have her executed on the spot.

Okay, get up quickly, let's go to [Fan Licheng]. Murong Fu said.

Lu Yao said in surprise: Really, your skills have recovered?

Seventy percent. Murong Fu said calmly: Enough to take you into the city.

Ah, only 70%! Lu Yao was a little worried, except for his father in [Fan Licheng].

They were both veteran Nascent Souls, so if she really wanted to take action, she was afraid that Murong Fu would suffer a loss.

Murong Fu said confidently: Why, are you worried that I can't defeat them?

Lu Yao said: If it's one-on-one, I would trust you.

But if they don't follow martial ethics and bully the minority, you may suffer a loss.

Murong Fu shook his head and said, No.

All collaborations are not intimate.

lets go!

Lu Yao gritted her teeth. She knew clearly that her father could not function alone.

It was too late to go back. I was afraid something might happen, so I said:

Well, I hope you're really good at it.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to escape [Fan Licheng].

Murong Fu laughed haha and said, You will only know after you try it.

After speaking, the three of them packed up and headed towards [Fan Licheng].

Only this time, to save time.

The group of people still decided to take a shortcut through the woods and enter Fanli City.

In front of the woods, Fang Qian raised her hand to signal the convoy to stop, why:

They are still there, so it may be difficult for us to get through.

Murong Fu smiled calmly and stepped out of the carriage.

Step by step, he walked towards the sky above the forest and said, Murong Fu, a casual cultivator, has met all of my fellow practitioners.

I hope you guys can give me some face and let me pass.

Although the sound was not loud, it contained spiritual power.

It spread to the ears of Lu and Wei families very easily.

The elders of the Lu family looked at the elders of the Wei family and said worriedly:

It seems that this senior is determined and ready to interfere in [Fan Licheng] affairs.

The elder of the Wei family said in a deep voice: Yes, I can go out and give you some more advice.

If that doesn't work, just ask him to join the battle.

Okay! Let's go! shouted the Lu family, flew into the sky, and saluted Murong Fu:

Senior, do you want to quarrel with our [Fan Licheng] aristocratic families?

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