Lu Rong patted his head and said with a smile:

It's my father Meng Lang, and Yao'er is right.

Murong Fu asked curiously: I don't know.

Since senior is in the Nascent Soul realm, I don't know how he got injured.

Lu Rong smiled bitterly and said, To be honest, it was all caused by greed.

Fellow Taoist should know that [Fan Licheng] belongs to the edge of [Daqian Kingdom].

Next to it is [Huitian Grassland].

Murong Fu nodded awkwardly.

He is an outsider who has just arrived.

How is it possible to know the map of this world?

I heard that there was a deceased senior Dongfu there.

I just thought about going over there and taking a look.

Unexpectedly, there are spiritual insects everywhere in his cave.

I accidentally hit the road and was injured by the spiritual insects in the cave.

Murong Fu didn't know much about the affairs of Da Ru Realm, so he couldn't answer the question easily.

Smiling bitterly to himself.

This may be the most intuitive difference between the two worlds.

Even if [Original Realm] was a real dragon back then.

Nowadays, it is impossible to make up for it, or in other words, it is very difficult to make up for it.

Dad, what are the eight aristocratic families doing now? Lu Yao asked.

Lu Rong said contemptuously: My father still has Daqian's army.

They don't dare to act rashly.

“The only thing we can do is to wait for the [Pinglan Conference] held every five years.”

Each family will send out disciples who are a lifetime younger to compete in martial arts.

At that time, each Nascent Soul family will have a chance to challenge the Lu family.

Lu Yao breathed a sigh of relief and said, Five years?

Very good.

Fulang's injury will be completely recovered by then.

Lu Rong smiled bitterly and said: The day after tomorrow is the [Pinglan Meeting] held every five years.

What? Lu Yao said in surprise: So fast?

Haha, if you have five years, will your father still need you to go out to invite your uncle? Lu Rong patted Lu Yao's head and said dotingly.

Lu Yao looked at Murong Fu and asked with concern: Fu Lang, how long will it take for your injury to heal?

Murong Fu said seriously: One day!

You... When Lu Yao heard this, she couldn't help but run away again.

He rushed towards Murong Fu, took his arm, and opened his little mouth.

Use your cute little tiger teeth to bite hard.

As a result, she did not expect that Murong Fu's muscles were as hard as stone.

One bite not only did not hurt the opponent, but almost broke his own little tiger tooth.

The pain was so painful that she burst into tears and cried loudly:

Oooh, no wonder it's so hard on weekdays.

It turns out that your whole body looks like this!

When Lu Rong saw this, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, but his mind changed but he didn't say anything more.

Murong Fu suppressed his smile and did not reveal the flaw in Lu Yao's words.

He turned around and looked at Lu Rong: Senior Lu, I wonder if there are any books at home that can be borrowed?

Junior wants to take a few copies and take a look.

Lu Rong smiled and said: Calling me senior is a bit foreign.

Just call me uncle.

Although my palace in the city is not big, it has a library.

If you want to see it, just go and see it.

Murong Fu saluted and thanked him.

Lu Rong ordered someone to arrange him into a good guest room.

Lu Yao said dissatisfied: Dad, I am already Murong Fu's Taoist companion.

It would be nice if you let him sleep in the same room as me.

Lu Rong glared at Lu Yao fiercely and said:

You're not married yet, how can I let you sleep together?

It's okay, go and rest.

Tomorrow, take your good husband with you and take a walk around the city.

Lu Yao stuck out her tongue and pulled Fang Qian to chase Murong Fu.

She didn't notice at all the kind eyes of her old father behind her.

Next two days.

Murong Fu did not leave the [City Lord's Mansion].

Instead, I read the book for two days.

He is like a sponge, desperately absorbing the knowledge of [Da Ru Realm].

Even eating and resting.

Even when he was recovering from his injuries, he didn't stop.

One of the miscellaneous notes surprised him the most.

said above.

The world was originally divided into nine states.

Later, due to the war between heaven and man, the Jedi was defeated by heaven.

As a result, Kyushu was divided into small worlds.

When the nine states gather together, the immortal road will surely reappear.

After he closed the book, he thought slowly:

So [Original Realm] should be the core of Kyushu.

No wonder so many people want to occupy [Original Realm].

It seems that the content in this book is not nonsense.

Thinking of this, he felt more and more urgent.

Just in case, there really are nine big worlds.

With the current level of cultivation in [Original Realm].

Even if it develops for several thousand years, it will not be able to reach the heights of other worlds.

Unless possible, there is a top boss sitting in charge.

Fu Lang, you have been reading for two days.

Why don't Sister Fang Qian and I take you to the city and have a good look? Lu Yao suggested.

Fang Qian also echoed: Yes, tomorrow is the [Pinglan Conference].

There will definitely be a fierce battle.

If we lose, we may not be able to return to [Fan Licheng] for a long time.

Murong Fu smiled and said, You two are so naive.

Haven't you noticed that I've been here for two days?

Uncle Lu, have you never looked for me?

Lu Yao and Fang Qian said in confusion: Yes.

Father doesn't seem nervous at all.

Is it possible that he has any other tricks up his sleeve?

Murong Fu thought for a moment and said, I think he looks better than me.

Are you sure he is really injured?

Fang Qian and Lu Yao were startled at the same time and looked at each other in surprise.

An idea was born within them at the same time.

Is father (city lord) pretending to be injured?

Murong Fu shook his head and said, Let's go out for a walk.

Maybe there will be some new news.

The two girls are quite free and easy.

If you can’t figure it out, naturally you won’t think about it.

He pulled Murong Fu out of the city lord's mansion.

[Fan Licheng] or [Daqian Kingdom].

Can be divided into two classes.

One is the outer city where mortals live.

One is an inner city composed of immortal cultivators.

There are strict orders in every city.

Immortal cultivators are not allowed to bully mortals, and those who violate this will be dealt with severely.

Of course, in Murong Fu's eyes, this law was like taking off his pants and farting.

It's of no use.

Unless a cultivator has low magic power, he or she will easily be caught bullying mortals.

Such as the eight major families in the city.

Mortals are like ants in their eyes.

This point also greatly impacted Murong Fu's three views.

In the [original world].

Even if the strength is stronger than Zhang Sanfeng and Xiang Yutian.

They cherish the lives of ordinary people very much.

People in the martial arts world are even more ashamed of bullying the weak.


Murong Fu sighed secretly in his heart.

I really worry that one day I will become so insensitive.

Fulang, what are you thinking about?

Look, this is the [Treasure Pavilion]. There are many, many treasures in it.

Let's go in and take a look together. There may be some new products.

Lu Yao is the eldest lady of [Fan Licheng].

My biggest hobby on weekdays is to buy some weird treasures.

Murong Fu smiled and said: Let's go, sister, I will pay for whatever you buy.

Anyway, I have gained quite a lot recently.

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